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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: LTE: The US Defends Its Support For Plan Colombia
Title:UK: LTE: The US Defends Its Support For Plan Colombia
Published On:2001-05-25
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 18:40:12

George Monbiot's bill of particulars on Colombia is off the mark
(Bush's dirty war, May 22). The government of Colombia developed Plan
Colombia to harmonise separate programmes to address the most pressing
challenges confronting Colombia. US support for Plan Colombia is an
integrated response to this.

My government stands against those seeking to undermine Colombia,
designating the FARC, the ELN and the paramilitaries as terrorist
organisations. So far as I know, the EU chose to support Colombia
since it understands that supporting the peace process is critical for
Colombia, its neighbours and for Europe. The US reduced its cocaine
demand by 10% last year. Narcotics traffickers are now aggressively
targeting Europe. Our peoples share an interest in reducing demand
and stopping supply

Aerial eradication is an important component of the Colombian
government's efforts to fight narcotics trafficking. Glyphosate, often
sold commercially under the brand name, Roundup, is one of the most
widely used agricultural chemicals in the world. The aerial
eradication programme uses only 10% of the glyphosate that Colombia
imports; 90% is used for agricultural purposes.

Extensive global testing shows it does not harm humans, livestock, or
the environment. Narco-thugs care neither for people nor ecology.
Illegal drug industry clear-cutting of rainforests to expand
cultivation causes the loss of fragile topsoil and pollutes the Amazon
basin with tons of toxins used in drug processing. Experts estimate
that three to four hectares of forest are destroyed to plant one
hectare of coca leaf.

Glyn T Davies, Charge d'affaires, American Embassy
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