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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Needle Users Need Convenient Drop-Off Sites
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Needle Users Need Convenient Drop-Off Sites
Published On:2001-05-31
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 18:12:23

Mark Kal ("Needle exchange does good, not harm," May 26) was right on
target in his defence of the health department's needle-exchange program.
However, your readers should also be made aware that used hypodermic
syringes are no longer allowed in regular municipal garbage collection.
Needle users, including type A diabetics and all others who take
prescription medications intravenously, are required to return their used
syringes to designated drop-off locations.

Typically, pharmacies accept used syringes since they are also a source of
supply. In the Preston Street area, however, pressure from opponents of
needle-exchange programs led to a situation where only one pharmacy has
been accepting the return of used syringes. Thus, intravenous drug users in
the area have been denied convenient depositories for their used syringes,
regardless of whether they were used to inject heroin or insulin.

Needle exchanges not only distribute clean needles to help reduce the
spread of infectious diseases, they also help protect the general public by
providing a place for users to return used syringes.

As your newspaper has argued, the problems associated with illegal drug use
would best be addressed by replacing the losing "war on drugs" with
policies of decriminalization and regulation. Such a step would promote
treatment of addicts while ending the black market in which criminal
organizations enrich themselves by promoting illegal drug use.

Drug addiction is a social problem that is not going to be stopped by
making it difficult for people to obtain or discard syringes. This
simplistic response to a complex social problem will mean that more
syringes are discarded improperly, that addicts will not be encouraged to
seek treatment, and that prescription intravenous drug users will continue
to face unreasonable obstacles to maintaining their health.

People truly concerned about the dangers of discarded needles in public
places should be helping ensure there are lots of convenient drop-off
points for used syringes, rather than attacking a needle-exchange program
that helps stop the spread of dangerous diseases like HIV and hepatitis and
is often the first step in encouraging drug addicts to seek treatment.

Phil Brown,

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