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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Police Blow Out Cannabis Campaigning
Title:UK: Police Blow Out Cannabis Campaigning
Published On:2001-06-01
Source:Evening News (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 18:03:57

Parents Complain Over Party Leaflets

AN ELECTION candidate who advocates legalising cannabis ran into
trouble as his aides handed out leaflets and stickers to passers-by in
Gentleman's Walk.

A supporter of Alun Buffry, who is standing for the Legalise Cannabis
Alliance in the forthcoming General Election, was spoken to by police
for handing out a leaflet to a child.

It came after parents complained to nearby police officers that their
son, who was under 17 years of age, had been given a leaflet by a
party worker who only gave his name as Trevor.

Speaking to the Evening News after the incident, the party worker said
he had been smoking cannabis regularly since he was 16, and he was not
forcing the election propaganda on anyone.

"The police came up and said I had been giving the leaflets to young
kids, and that I was not allowed to give them out to anyone under the
age of 17.

"I told the officer there was no law against handing out leaflets to
children, and what I was doing was perfectly legal."

The incident followed an anonymous call to the Evening News office
complaining that Mr Buffry was handing out free cannabis.

But Mr Buffry said he was just handing out leaflets and stickers. He
added that he was "completely serious" about the election campaign.

"I have got policies other than the legalisation of cannabis, and if I
was elected MP for Norwich South I would have a proper agenda.

"I am completely serious about this campaign -- I lost four-and-a-half
years of my life after being convicted for conspiracy to supply
cannabis. The law needs changing."
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