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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Bust In Fairview Raises Questions
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Bust In Fairview Raises Questions
Published On:2001-06-12
Source:Nelson Daily News (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 16:59:57

This letter is in response to the recent cannabis bust in Fairview.

When is this city's Police force going to realize that every time they bust
cannabis growers or smokers that their respect within this community drops,
not to mention the division it causes between neighbors?

The sensational estimates of this grow operations yield are laughable. The
plants were in their early stages which means that they hadn't been sexed
yet. Even out of a total of 151 plants only 75 would be female, I'd say
50 if they were lucky. Const. Paul Burkart estimates that he had the
"satisfaction" of stopping 750 ounces from reaching the streets, nearly
fifty pounds! That is close to a pound per plant and reminds me of Jack
and the Beanstalk! This whole story is a big fairy tale. The only reason
these estimates are so high is to bolster the idea that they were doing
something important!

"Responding to information received last month" and after investigating for
a couple of weeks, they busted this family. They waited until the children
were at school, how gracious! Perhaps they could explain to the children
why their parents were arrested for growing flowers. Where is the respect
to be gained from such action? While they were busy busting up this family
there were real crimes being perpetrated, but hey its easy to bust
cannabis growers they don't even resist arrest! Easy pickin's and a great
way to get a promotion!

I believe that we need police officers. When Holy Smoke was vandalized and
had one of our windows smashed in the City Police guarded our store for an
entire evening till we arrived in the morning for work. For their
diligence and duty in this instance they earned my respect. But when the
police decide to concentrate their energies on "harmless" activities like
cannabis growing an ever widening gap will open up between the people and
the police.

The police, because of their enforcement of cannabis laws and the
widespread use of cannabis in the community, can cause a real serious
alienation of a large segment of the population from co-operating with
them. Iam sure this was true in the Ken Hamm murder investigation.

Another detrimental effect of these busts is the "tattle tale" syndrome.
Neighbors seeking revenge or retribution can call anyone in on the
"suspicion" of growing. This breaks down trust in the community.

Lets get our priorities straight and concentrate our valuable Police time
on "harmful" crimes thereby helping to restore the respect Police Officers
need to be of effect.

Dustin Sunflower Cantwell
Holy Smoke Culture Shop
Nelson, B.C.
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