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News (Media Awareness Project) - New Zealand: PUB LTE: Dunne's Got It Half Right
Title:New Zealand: PUB LTE: Dunne's Got It Half Right
Published On:2001-06-13
Source:Evening Post (New Zealand)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 16:48:18

OHARIU BELMONT MP Peter Dunne is quite right to say it is time to
replace the emotionalism surrounding the cannabis debate with common
sense (The Post, June 8).

It's just a shame Mr Dunne isn't able to take heed of his own good advice.

Rather than approach this issue with common sense and pragmatism, Mr
Dunne is flying in the face of the facts and common sense in
advocating a continuation of the prohibition on cannabis - something
everybody, including Trevor Grice and the Life Education Trust, agree
has been a total failure in terms of protecting young people or
reducing the harms associated with cannabis.

I only hope the members of the select committee looking into the
cannabis laws take Mr Dunne's advice and move beyond the emotionalism
and rhetoric that the likes of Mr Dunne and the prohibitionist lobby
seem to thrive on.

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