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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Wars On Drugs Merely Fuel Crime
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Wars On Drugs Merely Fuel Crime
Published On:2001-06-20
Source:Kitchener-Waterloo Record (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 16:25:13

The June 12 article reported on a study conducted in Kitchener that found
drugs create prostitution. No doubt, many sex workers are addicted to crack
cocaine. However, prior to the global criminalization of narcotics in the
early 1900s, addicts didn't prostitute themselves to pay inflated black
market prices.

Attempts to limit the supply of illegal drugs while demand remains constant
only increases the profitability of drug trafficking. In terms of addictive
drugs like crack, a temporary rise in street prices leads desperate addicts
to increase criminal activity to feed desperate habits. The drug war
doesn't fight crime, it fuels crime.

There are cost-effective alternatives. In Europe, The Netherlands has
successfully reduced overall drug use by replacing marijuana prohibition
with regulation. Separating the hard and soft drug markets and establishing
age controls for marijuana has proven more effective than zero tolerance.

As the most popular illicit drug in Canada, marijuana provides the black
market contacts that introduce youth to drugs like crack. This "gateway" is
the direct result of a fundamentally flawed policy. Marijuana is arguably
safer than alcohol. It makes no sense to waste tax dollars on policies that
finance organized crime and facilitate the use of hard drugs.

Robert Sharpe, Program Officer

The Lindesmith Center -- Drug Policy Foundation

Washington, D.C.
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