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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: LTE: No Handouts
Title:Australia: LTE: No Handouts
Published On:2001-06-25
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 15:48:32

A HEROIN trial would involve providing, on average, three injections a day
for an addict. Trained staff for round-the-clock service could cost as much
as $10,000 a year for each addict.*

One might justify this expense if users were getting off drugs, but in the
Swiss heroin trials, only 7 per cent of participants even attempted
abstinence therapy.*

Australia's Salvation Army rehabilitation programs do better than that -
with 24 per cent abstinence rates.*

Heroin handouts would be a step backwards.

(*From Drug Precipice, edited by Athol Moffitt, UNSW Press, 1998, appendix
C, page 203).


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