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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Tory Modernisers Move Towards Legalising Cannabis
Title:UK: Tory Modernisers Move Towards Legalising Cannabis
Published On:2001-07-06
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 14:59:31

The legalisation of cannabis has joined the euro as central issues of
the Tory leadership contest. Michael Portillo hinted last night that
he might drop the Conservatives' opposition to the legalisation of
the drug, while former minister Peter Lilley has said that it should
be sold through government-licensed outlets.

Speaking during a television debate between the five Conservative
leadership candidates, Mr Portillo said the argument was "finely
balanced" and promised "yes, under me, we would consider this
question". He added: "Actually I have not reached a position on this."

Mr Lilley argues in an article for the Daily Telegraph that the
current law on cannabis is unenforcable, because it is indefensible,
and that "the alleged health risks have been exaggerated".

"The key objective of reforming the cannabis laws should surely be to
break that contact between soft drug users and the criminals who push
hard drugs," he said.

The question of whether cannabis should be legalised is likely to
become a central issue in the Tory leadership contest, help define
the candidates as modernisers or traditionalists.

The four other candidates - David Davis, Michael Ancram, Iain Duncan
Smith and Kenneth Clarke - all insisted on Thursday night's
television programme that they would not legalise the drug. The issue
was a rare moment of disagreement between the five men during the
hour-long BBC Question Time Special, recorded in London in front of
an invited audience of Tory supporters and party members, as well as
voters who switched allegiance to Labour and Liberal Democrat.

The candidates also clashed on the euro. Kenneth Clarke, the only
contender to support joining the single currency, accused his
colleagues of destroying the party's prospects over the issue.

He said: "I spent the election like a Trappist monk, the nearest
imitation I have ever given to a Trappist monk, not actually talking
about it, whilst my colleagues were destroying the party by making
'Save the Pound' the key element in an election campaign against a
Government which was unpopular on just about every other issue you
could think of."

Mr Portillo said the Conservatives had become "the pub bore on this
subject", and appealed for the party to start debating a wider range
of issues, notably the state of the public services.

He said: "We have reached the stage in the Conservative Party where,
if we had a week's party conference, and in that week we had 10
minutes of row about the euro, the rest of the week would be wasted.
We would not be reported for anything else that we said.

"We really have to go through a conference soon, this October, in
which we don't talk about this subject, so that people may then hear
us talking about all the other subjects."
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