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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Cannabis: Poll Reveals Demand For Legalization
Title:UK: Cannabis: Poll Reveals Demand For Legalization
Published On:2001-07-08
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 14:48:59

Survey Shows Growth In Support For Ending Ban: Majority Of Under-34s
Say 'Make It Legal': Pot Smokers Against Softer Line On Hard Drugs

IOS-NOP poll

Do you favour or oppose the legalisation of cannabis?

Favour: 37%
Oppose: 51%
Don't know: 12%

Have you ever tried cannabis?

Yes - frequently: 3%
Yes - occasionally: 15%
No: 81%

A significant and growing number of British voters want cannabis to
be legalised, according to an opinion poll commissioned by The
Independent on Sunday.

The survey, by NOP Research, shows that almost half the British
people - 49 per cent - are in favour of legalising cannabis or have
no strong views against it. A narrow majority - 51 per cent - still
opposes legalisation, but they are mainly among the over 55s, an
indication that opinion is likely to move further in favour of
lifting the ban in the coming years. A total of 39 per cent want
legalisation now.

The figures are in marked contrast to the last time NOP conducted
such a poll, in 1996, when 66 per cent said "no" and only 26 per cent
supported legalisation.

A majority of young people support making it legal. That sends a
worrying message to the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, and the Prime
Minister, who insist there will be no change in the law.

Peter Lilley, the former Tory deputy leader who challenged candidates
in the Tory leadership contest to back legalisation, last night said
the poll findings showed that opinion was steadily moving in favour
of legalisation. He said it was inevitable that over the next 20
years cannabis would be legalised.

He accused Tony Blair of "racism" for sanctioning the experiment in
Brixton for the police not to prosecute the open use of the drug,
while it was still officially banned elsewhere: "It is a racist
approach. He is saying he wants to protect his own white children,
but not black children in Brixton."

Paul Flynn, the Labour MP and a long-term campaigner for
legalisation, said it was extraordinary that the Tories were now more
liberal on cannabis than Labour.

Our poll shows that support for legalisation is strongest among the
younger generation. Forty-five per cent of 16-to-34-year-olds are in
favour of legalising the drug, compared to 43 per cent in that age
group who oppose it. Even 29 per cent of those who have never used it
say they support legalisation.

The poll challenges the Government's assertions that legalising
cannabis would act as a "gateway" to the use of harder drugs.
Eighty-five per cent of cannabis users said that even if legalising
that drug proved a success, they would still oppose legalisation of
hard drugs.

The Liberal Democrat spokesman, Simon Hughes, said his party is
launching a "no holds barred" inquiry into drugs. It will report next
spring and take evidence on taxation, customs and excise, and the
legal implications of legalising cannabis and hard drugs.

David Davis yesterday became the latest Tory leadership candidate to
call for a review of the law, while remaining opposed to legalising
cannabis: "I do think we need to look at the law because it is not
working. We have more drugs being used and it is probably cheaper
than ever. The policy is clearly failing, but I do not believe the
correct route is to legalise cannabis," he said.

Michael Portillo, favourite to win the first ballot in the Tory
leadership election this week, is in favour of a review and says he
has yet to make up his mind.

Viscountess Runciman, chair of the Police Foundation inquiry into the
drug laws, said it was "depressing" that the Government would not
enter the debate: "There is now a real opportunity for change which
would benefit a lot of people."
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