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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Racial Bias In CHP Searches
Title:US CA: Racial Bias In CHP Searches
Published On:2001-07-15
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 13:44:22

Latinos, Blacks More Likely To Have Vehicles Examined After Being Pulled Over.

Latinos and blacks pulled over by the California Highway Patrol are far
more likely to be searched than white drivers, a Chronicle analysis of more
than 3.3 million statewide CHP traffic stops shows.

Although members of all races were equally likely to be stopped by the CHP
between July 1999 and July 2000, Latinos were twice as likely as whites to
have their cars or personal possessions searched after being pulled over,
the agency's records show. Blacks were 1.5 times more likely to be searched
than whites, and Asians were significantly less likely to be searched after
being stopped.

The disparities were even more striking in the Bay Area, where Latinos and
African Americans were searched more than 2.5 times as often as whites.

"On its face, the data suggest that officers are targeting Latinos and
African Americans," said Kevin Johnson, a law professor and associate dean
at the University of California at Davis Law School, who specializes in
racial profiling issues. "This isn't proof of racial profiling, but it
suggests that something is going on that requires some sort of an
explanation from the CHP."

CHP Commissioner Dwight "Spike" Helmick would not comment on The
Chronicle's findings, but said the agency is looking into the search rates
and trying to determine whether there is a problem.

"I feel very strongly that the CHP is a professional organization that
treats people fairly," Helmick said. "I want to look at the numbers, and if
it turns out that some class of people is being treated unfairly, I want to
address that."


Two years ago, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a class action
lawsuit charging that the CHP was routinely stopping a disproportionate
number of minority motorists for minor vehicle offenses and then asking
permission to search their vehicles.

As part of a nationwide drug interdiction program called "Operation
Pipeline," the suit contends, the CHP was using a set of vague "indicators"
to identify people who officers believe match the profiles of drug couriers.

According to a 1998 CHP training manual, those indicators range from bumper
stickers that say "God is my co-pilot" to vehicles with high mileage and
"mismatched occupants," a category ACLU attorneys say includes interracial


"The CHP has snagged a lot of law-abiding people in their big net," said
Edward Hollingshed, a 63-year-old African American resident of Merced.
Hollingshed filed a racial profiling complaint with the ACLU after being
stopped by the CHP seven times in 40 days in a new red Cougar he bought in
February 1999.

Hollingshed said five of the stops resulted in his car being searched,
including one case in which he was held at gunpoint by the officers. Three
of the stops resulted in traffic tickets. But Hollingshed said police never
found any reason to arrest him.

"The combination of a black man driving a new red sports car late at night
was more than they could resist," said Hollingshed, who works a graveyard
shift as a postal worker.

In April, after analyzing internal traffic stop data, the agency enacted a
six-month moratorium on consent searches in which an officer asks the
driver's permission to search a vehicle, even though there is no probable
cause to suspect a crime.

CHP Commissioner Helmick said the moratorium was enacted for procedural
reasons so that officers could receive training on how to record such searches.


But San Francisco attorney Jon Streeter, who is working with the ACLU on
the CHP lawsuit, believes The Chronicle's findings strongly suggest that
the Highway Patrol engages in racial profiling.

"We think that these disparities . . . result from officers stereotyping
minorities as potential criminals," said Streeter. "The cost is a loss of
civil liberties for people of color, who are just as innocent as anyone else."

The Chronicle's computer analysis of CHP traffic stops made between July
1999 and July 2000 found that:

- -- Men were six times more likely to be searched than women. Once pulled
over, white men stood a 1-in-61 chance of being searched, black men stood a
1- in-37 chance and Hispanic men stood a 1-in-29 chance.

- -- Forty-year-old white men were the type of driver most often stopped on
California highways, but 25-year-old Latino men were the type searched most
often by the CHP, even though Latinos make up a smaller portion of the

- -- Blacks and Latinos were arrested 57 percent more often than whites. They
were also nearly 1.35 times more likely to be searched and then let go with
no arrest.

- -- Whites accounted for about 55 percent of both enforcement stops and
citations given, while they make up about 51 percent of the state's adult
population. But the ACLU and other experts argue that it is not valid to
compare the races of those stopped to the state's population, because
minorities may be less likely than whites to own and drive cars.

- -- Asians were the least likely of all groups to have any contact with the
CHP, accounting for 5 percent of traffic stops and citations. Asians were
also far less likely to be searched than any other racial group.

Johnson of the UC Davis law school said the fact that Asians are searched
less than other racial groups may show that they are stereotyped by police
as much as any other group.

"I think that it fits the stereotypes that Asians are the model minority
and that they are less likely to commit crimes," he said. "Stereotyping is
what racial profiling is all about."


The disparity in search rates for Hispanics and whites held true in each of
the CHP's eight divisions, from the redwoods of Northern California to San
Diego's border zones.

The disparities in search rates were the highest in the CHP's Bay Area
division and the division that includes Sacramento and the central Sierra.
In those divisions, Highway Patrol officers searched 1 in every 36 Hispanic
drivers and 1 in every 38 blacks stopped. In comparison, only 1 in 98 white
drivers was searched in the Bay Area and 1 in 101 whites in Sacramento.

The differences in search rates were even greater in some of the agency's
smaller units, such as those based in Santa Rosa, Oakland and San Jose,
where officers were three times more likely to search Hispanics than
whites. In Santa Rosa, blacks were also searched three times more often.

"Who gets searched is a strong indicator of who police believe is
suspicious," said David Harris, a professor of law at the University of
Toledo and a national expert in racial profiling. "Any racial pattern in
searching should raise eyebrows."

Yet some criminal justice experts have argued that police are justified in
searching minorities more often than whites, because minorities are more
often arrested.

"CHP searches do not occur in a vacuum or randomly, but rather occur in the
context of suspected criminal activity," wrote Michael Ward, an economist
hired by the CHP to analyze the agency's computer data for the lawsuit, in
a brief filed in court. "Criminal activity, as measured by arrests by all
law enforcement agencies in the state of California, is disproportionately


Lawyers for the ACLU argue that this logic creates a "self-fulfilling

"As long as you are only stopping and searching African Americans and
Latinos, the only people you are going to be arresting and incarcerating
are African Americans and Latinos," said Michelle Alexander, the ACLU's
lead attorney in the case.

According to the suit, under the Operation Pipeline program, Highway Patrol
officers are stopping motorists for minor offenses such as not having
lights to illuminate their license plates or seat-belt violations, then
investigating selected drivers as potential drug suspects.

To decide which cars to stop and which drivers to question and search,
officers use a set of "indicators of drug trafficking" described in a 1998
CHP training manual filed as evidence in the court case. The listed
indicators include: cars with bumper stickers saying things like "Say No to
Drugs," fast-food wrappers or tools within the vehicle and nervous drivers.

"These so-called indicators could apply to anybody," said Streeter. "As a
result, officers have unbounded discretion in choosing whom to stop and search.

"When you put officers in a situation where they are free to act on
stereotypes, some really ugly things can happen. Whites are affected, too,
but minorities bear the brunt of it."


In a 1999 case cited in the suit, a Hispanic man and his white girlfriend,
who were driving to pick up their infant son from his grandparents' house
in Fremont, were stopped on Interstate 5 for having a decorative crystal
hanging from their rear view mirror.

Two CHP officers separated them and questioned them extensively about why
they were together, finally asking their permission to search their car.
The officer testified that one reason he believed that the two might be
drug suspects was because they had baby clothing in the vehicle but no baby
- -- a circumstance that CHP training courses teach is an indicator of
possible drug activity.

In another case, Troy Taylor, a 22-year-old Sacramento resident, was held
for two hours in a search three years ago prompted by another indicator in
CHP training manuals: air freshener.

Taylor, an African American, said he was driving his mother's SUV on
Interstate 80, when CHP officers stopped him and wanted to know whether he
had stolen the vehicle. They then searched the car and, after finding the
air freshener, made him wait for two hours while they brought in a
drug-sniffing dog, he said. Ultimately, he was released without being
cited, but the stop damaged his trust in the law -- not to mention his
mother's truck.

"They ripped my truck apart," said his mother, Sharon Taylor. "They pulled
out the speakers and tore it up, all for nothing. My son and I have no
reason to trust the CHP. In fact, we feel they are out to get us, not to
protect us."

The ACLU attorneys say that the Highway Patrol's management has been
willing to open discussions about its search practices as a result of the
lawsuit, which does not seek money from the agency, only reform.

"We're having conversations with the CHP, and they're listening," said
Streeter. "Our objective is to change the way the CHP goes about doing its
drug investigations."

-------------------------------- WHAT RAISES CHP SUSPICIONS?

- --Here are some CHP "indicators" of possible drug trafficking:

- --Bumper stickers like "God is my co-pilot," "Say No to Drugs"

- --Nervous body language

- --Owner of vehicle not present

- --"Mismatched occupants"

- --Fast-food wrappers in vehicle

- --Hand tools within vehicle

- --Conflicting statements from vehicle occupants

- -- Drivers who respond with qualifiers ("Not that I know of. . . . ")

- --"Felony Forest:" fabric softeners, soap, duct tape

- --Windows don't open fully

- --Cell phones and pagers

- --Receipts

- --Maps

- --Large amounts of cash

- --Large amounts of coins

Source: 1998 California Highway Patrol Training Manual

-------------------------------- ANALYZING THE RECORDS

The Chronicle analyzed California Highway Patrol records of 3.3 million
roadside contacts between drivers and CHP officers, one of the largest
databases ever studied, to determine whether law enforcement authorities
engage in racial profiling.

The Chronicle sought the records under a California Public Records Act
request in January. After the CHP declined to provide the records, the
newspaper obtained the data from the American Civil Liberties Union, which
sought and received the data as part of its class action lawsuit.

The Chronicle's analysis of the 3.3 million roadside contacts initially
eliminated traffic stops related to collisions and roadside assistance. It
also eliminated many incomplete records in which the outcome of the stop
was not indicated by the officer.

The paper then analyzed the remaining 1.7 million enforcement stops,
including more than 33,000 searches by CHP officers.

It is difficult to compare the racial makeup of drivers stopped by the CHP
with the state's racial composition because no one knows how many members
of each racial group actually drive on the state's highway system.

So The Chronicle analysis focused on those drivers who were searched after
being pulled over. Using that methodology, the paper was able to examine
search rates for specific CHP units and for specific combinations of age,
race and sex of the drivers searched.
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