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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: LTE: Drug Solution
Title:Australia: LTE: Drug Solution
Published On:2001-07-21
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 13:14:54

It is accepted that drugs are a problem which can be solved only by using
draconian measures.

There is only one way to solve the problem. Arrest the first hundred
dealers found selling drugs to schoolchildren and sentence them to at least
50 years of hard labour, to be served in a remote location in spartan
surroundings with no parole or privileges.

Confiscate their worldly goods, which would be sold and the money used for
the rehabilitation of their helpless victims.

If this legislation was enacted, then within a short time the normal jails
would be emptied. This severe penalty would deter the majority of criminals
from dealing in drugs.

Selling drugs to schoolchildren in starter packs will be a thing of the
past and overseas drug dealers will avoid Australia like the plague.

J. Newcombe
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