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News (Media Awareness Project) - Transcript: Chat with Steve and Michele Kubby
Title:Transcript: Chat with Steve and Michele Kubby
Published On:2001-07-22
Source:The DrugSense Chat Room
Fetched On:2008-01-25 13:08:40

Renee Boje

Tues. July 24, 2001 8 PM Eastern NY Times Drug Policy Forum

Sun. July 29, 2001 8 PM Eastern Drugsense Chat Room

Future guests already scheduled in the series include Al Robison, Sanho
Tree, and George McMahon. See http://www.cultural-baggage.com/schedule.htm
for details


Susan: Have you applied for refugee status yet?

Kubby: No. We are "business visitors" under NAFTA.

Susan: Will the DEA have the authority to arrest you on Canadian soil?

Lindy: Is it an extraditable offence?

Kubby: No. The actions of Placer County mean nothing here in Canada and the
Canadians do not have any laws against peyote or small amounts of mushrooms..

Dean_Becker: Glad to hear Michele is to run for Lt. Governor of California,
when will the campaigning begin in earnest?

Kubby: Actually, it is Michele who is calling for action on two fronts:
Financial donations and making a loud noise with media and public officials.

Richard_Lake: Welcome, Steve! I saw your alert! [see below] I will
distribute it with a link to this chat transcript as soon as the transcript
is ready. Can you tell us briefly what you are asking folks to do?

Kubby: Michele already has a staff of several dozen people hard at work on
her campaign. BTW, if she gets elected, she becomes acting Governor
whenever the Governor is away. She can pardon me and all the other drug
war POWs.

stv: Steve, who would she be running against?

Tigger: Steve, I just jumped into this could you please tell Michele's
position on the drug war ?

messenger: Steve, you said that placer county actions mean nothing in
Canada, what about CA state or FED actions?

unknown: just what i was wondering...what exactly would the county have to
go through if it were actually determined to extradite you?

Kubby: Hi, this is Michele. Give me a minute to answer about my position
on the Drug War. Regarding being able to pardon when the Governor is out
of the state. It is our understanding that the Lt. Gov. retains all of the
powers of the Gov when they go out of the state.

Susan: She can pardon people when the Governor is out of state?!

Kubby: As a Libertarin, I support our party's position on the Drug War. We
believe it should be ended.

Richard_Lake: Steve, the Auburn Journal wrote today: "The (Supreme) court
ruled there was no evidence that marijuana was medically beneficial. The
ruling provided a clear indication to Placer County Jail authorities that
Kubby couldn't be given marijuana or its synthetic derivative while serving
his sentence." This is, of course, totally untrue, and appears actionable.
Comments, Steve?

Kubby: Please give Steve a moment, he is picking up on babysitting duty.
Kubby: These things are not crimes in Canada. And on that basis alone, it
would create severe problems for extradition. Besides, Canada doesn't
believe in the death penalty and will not extradite if faced with the death

Kubby: One other thing, in eight days, Canada will become the first country
in the world to officially recognize medical marijuana patients.

allan: and your prison time w/o cannabis would be... a death penalty?

Kubby: According to testimony by my doctors who explained that going more
than 72 hours w/out cannabis would likely result in a heart attack or
stroke. I'd rather not wait and see if that is true.

messenger: Michele, do you have any techniques you can pass along on how to
control anger when faced with the atrocities ya'll have gone though?

Kubby: I am sorry, clips, I am not a lawyer.

Jack: How long do you (Michele & Steve) anticipate being separated during
Michele's campaigning?

Kubby: There are a lot of questions here, but we would like to focus on the
question about anger.

Kubby: Anger is critical to let go of when going through the type of trials
Steve and I have been through.

Kubby: I was very fortunate to have Steve so that I could vent my anger
with him and not at the authorities.

Dean_Becker: Steve & Michele, are y'all doing any more projects we can see
on Pot TV?

Kubby: Regarding Pot TV, we are going to film with the 4:20 news and
hopefully tape a new show.

Tigger: could you comment on the request of state attorney generals asking
the fed to prosecute when a state has legalized the right to use medical

Lindy: Steve: I am a Canadian exemption 56 applicant. Have you read the
new Canadian MMJ regs, and if so, what do you think of the process?

FatFreddy: Are you in a safe place now Steve?

Jack: What do you think of recent encouraging developments in the UK, and
do you think they might have any effect on US policy?

Kubby: I have a question from a Canadian about the new laws. The answer is
that their rules are flawed but open the way for legal medical cannabis.

Richard_Lake: Steve, besides the alert [see below] Michele wrote, is there
any other suggestions for action now? I will be writing by snail mail to
the judge, and emailing the rest of the folks.

Kubby: As for our safety, Canada has been wonderful to us and we feel very
safe. allan: obvious ? here- will Michelle be whopping up on folks over the
WOD during her campaign?

Kubby: Michele's letter [see below] is a clear plan of action and she will
be taking her message on the campaign trail where it will be a compelling
and urgent call for reform.

Chris: Steve or Michelle, Are you going the full Monty, to decriminalize
all drugs or just the fatal compromise of medical MJ?

Kubby: Michele holds two degrees from U.C. Berkeley, is a great debater and
could pose a real threat in the Lt. Governor race.

allan: woohoo!

Jack: How well financed is her campaign?

Kubby: We believe the immediate goal is full legalization of cannabis and
repudiation of the CSA as unconstitutional.

Kubby: Michele's degrees are in International Relations and Political Science

Jack: Is legalization of other drugs also a goal, and when would you regard
this as a viable possibility?

DianeFornbacher: Question for Steve: If a warrant is in fact issued for
your arrest, what will your course of actions be for yourself and your
families' safety?

Kubby: When people ask if I want to legalize all drugs, I remind them that
cannabis is a sacred healing herb, not a drug. As for other drugs, the
sooner we legalize all drugs the sooner we can begin to find an alternative
to trying to arrest our way out of our problems.

Rainbow: Steve have you seen Renee? and if so how is her case going? I sent
a letter to the justice person hearing her case

Kubby: Regarding the question about what I will do if a warrant for my
arrest is actually issued, the answer is simple. Non-compliance with
tyranny is a duty.

Richard_Lake: For those who just joined, we have special guests, Steve and
Michele Kubby. Steve was just informed Friday that the judge in his case
has ordered him to jail, which would most likely kill him within five days.
See: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v01/n1328/a11.html

Chris: What authority does the Lt Gov possess?

Kubby: I consider it my duty as an American to openly defy the
unconstitutional and immoral actions of Placer County.

Kubby: I challenged the Placer court to either arrest me or release
me. They chose to release me and I think they all understood exactly what
I was doing . Certainly they knew I was moving to B.C. and they gave me
plenty of time, three months, to make the move.

Rainbow: Steve they would definitely put you in jail if you come back,
please do not let them do it without spending bucks and time. Keep it in
the news that they are immoral and unconstitutional.

Jack: Very little about your case reaches the east-coast mainstream media.
Do you have plans to increase your visibility?

Kubby: Now that I am no longer on U.S. soil, I am even more painfully aware
of how desperate and immoral government officials have become.

DianeFornbacher: Question for Steve: What is your advice for activists who
are still is the US fighting the WoD?

Kubby: My advice for activist sill on U.S. soil is to plant a lot of
cannabis and overgrow the government!

Chris: Steve, will you put your talents to work in a compassionate manner
in Canada while you await your fate?

DianeFornbacher: Question for Steve: What was your peyote experience like?

Kubby: Question about my continuing my work while in Canada. I am
currently working with the B.C. Marijuana Party and Richard Cowan to host
an international Summit on Medical Cannabis, in Vancouver on August 17.

Kubby: Question about activists always being broke. We get very little
money from other activists and patients, but our Libertarian friends have
contributed over $250,000 to our defense. If you haven't yet joined the
Libertarian Party, do so now, before the police come to your door. I sure
made a big difference for us!

messenger: steve, do you have any hopes of getting the stuff the sheriff's
stole from you back?

Chris: Steve I know you ran for Gov on the Libertarian ticket and I know
you lost, but in relative terms how did you do, percentage of the vote wise?

Rainbow: Steve Have you had conversations with Gov Johnson and Ventura? If
so what do you think is keeping Ventura from being more progressive and
active in the MMJ cause?

Kubby: I've been asked about my 1998 Gubernatorial bid. I pulled 1% or
72,000 votes. Our claim to fame was our "South Park" Political commercial
which received national coverage and a prestigious Polly award.

Kubby: Question about Jesse Ventura. Michele: "Jesse Ventura made a name
for himself by jumping into the ring an pretending to beat up tough
guys. My husband does it for real."

Chris: What kind of results would Michele expect in the Lt. Gov race?

Kubby: What kind of results can I expect in the Lt. Governor race. Well,
it's really seen by most Californians as a throw away vote, so I think I
could do very well.

ben: Is it voted separately from the Gov. there?

Kubby: Lt. Governor is completely separate from Governor. Since the rich
people have their Governor, shouldn't the poor folks have their own Lt.

Kubby: Whether or not Michele wins, the real issue is to use this race to
make a statement for reform. Little is at risk in this race, so why not
vote your conscience?

Chris: Steve would you consider yourself a household name in California?

Kubby: Question if I am a household name. Of course not, but medical
marijuana is certainly a household name and I can still remember when the
media refused to use the term.

DianeFornbacher: QuestionIn order to run for Cali Lt. Govt, mustn't you
still be living in Cali?

Martha: Steve this isn't a question but a comment. God Bless you and your
family for all you have done for medical marijuana and the morale of many

Dean_Becker: Steve, what are your favorite strains of MMJ seed stock?

Kubby: Ah, finally a question about strains. As I like to tell folks, "So
many strains, so little time." My favorite strains are mostly from
Federation Seeds, where they have the purest and most potent strains I've
ever seen. Aside from Thai, which takes forever to mature, I like
Federation's "Hawaiian Sativa."

Jack: Steve: How would you suggest raising awareness of the MJ/MMJ issues
on the east coast, where names like yours, Peter

Dean_Becker: Michele, Steve: Just saw an email, Texas DPS sending 35
troopers, riot gear to Tulia, Tx. for a march involving little kids,
grandmas and preachers. What can we do in Texas to bring about reform,

Kubby: Question about the East Coast becoming more aware of Med MJ. Sorry
but the East Coast is 3-5 years behind on this issue. Even East Coast
Libertarians are reluctant and ill-informed.

Kubby: On the subject of strains, I should add that virtually all the pot
people offer me is NOT medical grade. People don't have a clue what
medical cannabis is about.

Rainbow: Steve where can I find the characteristics of medical MJ?

Kubby: Most growers pick their crops way too early, in order to maximize
profit. Even seed companies are guilty by grossly miss-stating the real
time needed to finish flowering a plant.

Kubby: Medical grade Cannabis burns with a white or light gray
ash. Anything that burns with a dark ash should not be used for medical

messenger: steve/michele - do ya'll use a vaporizer?

kaptinemo: So, Mr. K, you would recommend, say, hash oil vaporized over the
raw leaf?

Kubby: I prefer natural whole cannabis to vaporizes, so long as it is
medical grade. After 25 years of heavy cannabis smoking, I had my lungs
checked by the University of Southern California. They found my lungs to
be in perfect condition. Rainbow: What kinds of paper or are you talking
pipe or bong? for the ash colour

Kubby: Government is in a total failure mode. Our meat, food, air, water
and justice system are badly polluted and we can't even trust our
government to tell us the truth about what is really happening to us.

Kubby: Instead, we have dumbed down America and turned it over to the
dumbest and meanest to threaten and bully the rest of us.

Kubby: People need to understand that those who abuse freedom are a far
greater threat that those how abuse drugs.

Chris: Five years ago I never saw the word prohibition used in conjunction
with drugs. Do you think it is a good idea to make the Alcohol Prohibition

Kubby: Thanks to all of you for your great support and efforts on behalf of
real freedom and true justice!

Kubby: One last comment. We recently received a flood of contributions for
our appeal, including several from police, correction officers and a
Marine. I can only wonder how soon the wall will fall.

[below is the action request discussed above]

Kubby Defense Fund

Mon, 23 Jul 2001

WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP by Michele Kubby michele@kubby.com

When I first heard what Placer officials were intending to do to Steve, I
was heartbroken. How much more are we to endure? How can Placer County
force Steve, while he exercises his right to appeal, to choose between
becoming a fugitive or death? All this, over a mushroom stem and some tiny
cactus buttons!

I also thought to myself, how can they blatantly ignore the expressed will
of the voters in Propositions 215 and 36?! The answer is they can't, not if
Steve continues to assert that the Placer authorities have overstepped
their authority and refuses to cooperate with them. But our family can't
do this without your support.

We have now moved to the stage where the 'state' represented by the Placer
Probation and Sheriff's Department, wants to experiment on Steve for
political purposes. Just as the Nazi prison camps during WW II became the
sites of unspeakably barbaric experiments on prisoners, Placer County wants
to throw Steve in jail and see if he really needs cannabis or is just faking.

In all honesty, I thought the judge would grant our request to have the
probation and fines stayed until after the appeal. After all, they froze
all our property, including mine and my daughter's, during the appeal, so
it only seemed fair to freeze Steve's penalties as well.

When a journalist called with the news of what had gone down in the
courtroom on Friday, I found myself in a state of shock over the idea of
Steve having a bench warrant put out on him. I immediately thought, "Oh
God, Steve will become a wanted criminal! What are people going to think?"

Fortunately, everyone I have chatted with seem to be very happy that Steve
is out of harm's way. No one is interested in Steve becoming another Peter

The most important thing for everyone to realize is that no decision has
actually been made yet. So far, all that has happened is that Judge
Cosgrove has found Steve in technical violation and told the Probation
Department that they must request his arrest. After that, it goes to
Sheriff Ed Bonner who must then officially request a bench warrant from the
court. From there, Judge Cosgrove, must sign and issue the bench warrant.

If the laws applied against Steve were turned around and used fairly
against public officials, then Norma Suzuki (Head of Placer's Probation
Department), Sheriff Ed Bonner, District Attorney Bradford Fennoccio and
Judge Cosgrove would all be charged with conspiracy to commit
murder. Instead, they pretend to follow some vague appearance of due
process, before the dirty deed is done, thereby assuring their immunity
from future prosecution.

You and I need people like Steve Kubby, who aren't afraid to speak out
against tyranny. Frankly, people like Steve and a tattered old Bill of
Rights is about all that stands between all of us and dismal future of
total government control. What is going to happen if Steve is no longer
around to confront such lawless behavior? Who will take his place? Will you?

Unless you are willing to replace Steve, I urge you to stand with him and
give him every bit of support you can muster. That means making noise --
lots of NOISE! It worked really well during our last bout with the Placer
Sheriff's Department. When we reached the Tahoe Jail for our arraignment
three days after our arrest, your e-mails, phone calls and faxes made a
HUGE difference. I can recall vividly how the deputies who spoke to us
seemed genuinely frightened by so many angry responses on the Internet.
(See below for contact info for media and public officials)

Above all else, please give us the dollars to continue saying "NO!" to the
grossly unlawful and criminal decisions the Placer authorities are making.
Your contribution is urgently needed today, not just to keep us fighting,
but as an investment in your freedom and your future.

Please give generously at our online location

Let freedom grow,

Michele Kubby, Candidate for Lt. Governor


Auburn Journal, E-mail Auburn Journal ajournal@foothill.net, 1030 High St.,
Auburn, CA 95603

The Sierra Sun, E-mail sun@tahoe.com, 11429 Donner Pass Road, P.O. Box
2973, Truckee, CA 96160, FAX (530) 587-3763

Tahoe World, E-mail world@tahoe.com, 241 North Lake Blvd., P.O. Box 138
Tahoe City, CA 96145, FAX (530) 583-7109

Orange County Register (CA), letters@link.freedom.com, P.O. Box 11626,
Santa Ana, CA 92711, Fax (714) 565-3657

Los Angeles Times (CA), letters@latimes.com, Times Mirror Square, Los
Angeles, CA 90053, Fax (213) 237-4712

Sacramento Bee (CA). E-mail opinion@sacbee.com, P.O.Box 15779, Sacramento,
CA 95852


Placer Board of Supervisors, Fax (530) 889-4009, E-mail bos@placer.ca.gov

Sheriff Edward N. Bonner, E-mail ebonner@placer.ca.gov Main Office - 11500
"A" Avenue, Auburn, California, Fax (530) 889-7800

Bradford R. Fenocchio, Placer County District Attorney, 11562 B Avenue,
Auburn, CA 95603, Fax (530) 889-7000, E-mail bfenocch@placer.ca.gov

John L. Cosgrove, Superior Court Judge, 11532 B. Avenue, Auburn, CA. 95603,
Fax (530) 889-7458,

Norma Suzuki, Chief Probation Officer, 11564 C Avenue, DeWitt Center,
Auburn, CA 95603, Phone 530-889-7900, Fax (530) 889-7950, E-mail

Placer County Deputy Public Defender, 2422 Linbergh St., Auburn,
California, Fax (530) 885-3299, E-mail tauman@foothill.net
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