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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: Editorial: Spend Colombia Money At Home
Title:US IL: Editorial: Spend Colombia Money At Home
Published On:2001-07-21
Source:Chicago Tribune (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:59:03

In government, failed policies seldom are re-thought let alone
abandoned--they tend to expand. Rather than blame flawed thinking or bad
information, failure is interpreted as a sign of insufficient time or funding.

During the past 18 months, the $1.3 billion anti-narcotics Plan Colombia
has not markedly reduced violence or drug production there--or made it more
difficult or expensive to buy cocaine in the U.S. Undeterred by such
failure, however, the Bush administration now is pushing a nearly $1
billion sequel, the Andean Counterdrug Initiative, that largely reinforces
and expands past mistakes.

Debate began this week on funding the new initiative. Congress ought to
consider alternatives, such as rechanneling the money into expanded drug
rehabilitation at home.

A key component of Plan Colombia has been fumigation of coca crops. After
fumigating approximately 128,000 acres of coca--along with people, farm
animals and food crops--the effort has only succeeded in relocating the
coca fields.

Most of the coca that used to grow in the Putumayo province has moved to
nearby Narino. "And if they fumigate Narino, the problem will go to another
place," warned its governor, while the governor of Putumayo estimated that
half the fields sprayed in his area were food crops.

The military component of Plan Colombia hasn't fared much better. Colombian
guerrillas now are seeking shelter in neighboring Ecuador, spreading the
violence. And by failing to deal with the murderous paramilitary units, the
plan has increased bloodshed. On April 12 paramilitaries massacred 40
peasants and cut up their bodies with chainsaws, and the war-related body
count nationwide is up to about 20 a day.

The Andean Initiative's solution to the spreading mayhem is to continue
military aid to Colombia (about $363 million) and increase military aid to
its six neighbors to defend themselves from the aftershocks. Ecuador and
Brazil, for instance, would get about $32 million and $16.3 million
respectively to reinforce their borders with Colombia.

Bush's initiative also provides social and economic aid to these
countries--a welcome change--but still nearly 55 percent of the entire
package would go to military aid.

Previous U.S. interventions succeeded only in moving coca production and
drug violence from neighboring countries to Colombia. Now the process seems
to be working in reverse.

American addicts' insatiable craving for narcotics--and the obscene profits
to be made by suppliers--doom most supply-side police or military tactics,
particularly remote-control operations masterminded from Washington.

Early in his administration, President Bush said he appreciated this
reality and wanted to increase funding for drug rehabilitation programs.
Rethinking Plan Colombia and channeling some or all of that money into
treatment and education programs would be a place to start. Such a U-turn
would not be a typical government move, but it is the most sensible thing to do.
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