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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: MPs To Consider Relaxing The Law On Cannabis Use
Title:UK: MPs To Consider Relaxing The Law On Cannabis Use
Published On:2001-07-26
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:58:24

The decriminalising of cannabis will be examined by MPs as part of an
unprecedented investigation into Britain's drugs laws.

The Home Affairs Select Committee, in its first major inquiry of the new
parliament, will consider the effectiveness of government policies in
combating drug addiction.

The decision to venture into such politically contentious territory follows
increasing pressure from politicians of all parties who want a fresh look
at the laws on drug use.

David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, marked a shift in government attitude
this month by saying he was prepared to consider the arguments for
decriminalising soft drugs.

The committee will take evidence from Mr Blunkett and Lord Irvine of Lairg,
the Lord Chancellor, as part of its investigation, which is scheduled to
begin in October.

It will consider the effect that relaxing controls on cannabis use would
have on the demand for drugs, drug-related deaths and crime levels. It will
examine the desirability of such a step and look at the practical
alternatives to decriminalisation. It will also examine the laws on class A
drugs such as heroin, cocaine and ecstasy.

Chris Mullin, the committee chairman, said yesterday: "There is a big
debate going on outside parliament among serious people in the criminal
justice system, including senior police officers, probation officers and
members of the judiciary. Until now, politicians have tended to shy away
from it but we think the time has come for a serious assessment of the way
we deal with drugs.

"We have an entirely open mind so we're not headed for any particular
conclusion but we hope to bring all different arguments into the open."

Harry Shapiro, a spokesman for the charity DrugScope, said: "We have seen
evidence in recent weeks that more politicians are ready to take on this
complex issue and explore the possibilities for change.

"An open and mature debate could help re-engage many, particularly the
young, in the political process."

The issue moved to the centre of political debate three weeks ago when
Peter Lilley, a former Tory deputy leader, floated the idea of allowing the
sale of cannabis in licensed stores. Sir David Ramsbotham, the outgoing
chief inspector of prisons, has also said he supported legalisation.

Mo Mowlam, who as Cabinet Office Minister was in charge of drugs policy,
and Keith Hellawell, the Government's anti-drugs co-ordinator, have called
for debate on the subject.

Police in Brixton, south London, have said they will no longer arrest
people found using cannabis, a change of policy that supporters of
legalisation believe will lead to a more relaxed attitude to the drug by
forces around the country.
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