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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Part 11 of Illegal Drugs: Sources And Acknowledgements
Title:UK: Part 11 of Illegal Drugs: Sources And Acknowledgements
Published On:2001-07-26
Source:Economist, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:48:30
Illegal Drugs


Where possible the sources listed below are hyperlinked to a free online
copy, or to buy online from Amazon, or to the relevant publisher.

Sources For "Stumbling In The Dark"

"Drug War Heresies: Learning from Other Vices, Times and Places" by Robert
MacCoun and Peter Reuter, Cambridge University Press 2001.

"Illegal Drugs, Economy and Society in the Andes." By Francisco E. Thoumi,
to be published by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
Washington DC, 2002.

"Variations in Youthful Progression from Alcohol and Tobacco to Marijuana
and to Hard Drugs Across Generations" by Andrew Golub and Bruce Johnson,
American Journal of Public Health, Vol 91 No 2, February 2001.

Sources For "Big Business"

"Informing America's Policy on Illegal Drugs - What We Don't Know Keeps
Hurting Us" C. Manski, J. Pepper, C. Petrie, National Academy Press,
National Research Council, 2001.

"National Drug Control Strategy" Annual Report, 2001.

"An Economic Analysis of a Drug-Selling Gang's Finances" by Steven Levitt
and Suhir Alladi Venkatech, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol CXV Issue
3, August 2000.

"Global Illicit Drugs Trends" United Nations Office for Drug Control and
Crime Prevention, 2001.

"Money from Crime: A Study of the Economics of Drug Dealing in Washington
DC" by Peter Reuter, Robert MacCoun and P. Murphy. Rand, Santa Monica, 1990.

"A Life of a Cell: Managerial Practice and Strategy in Colombian Cocaine
Distribution in the United States" by Joseph Fuentes, Doctoral Dissertation
Project, City University of New York, 1998.

Sources For "Choose Your Poison"

"General Report of Activities 2000" European Monitoring Centre for Drugs
and Drug Addiction, 2000.

"Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice" edited by Craig
Reinarman, University of California Press, 1997.

"Drugs and the Law: Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Misuse of
Drugs Act 1971" The Police Foundation, 2000.

"Nicotine Dependence in a population-based sample" in "Problems of Drug
Dependence" by K.L.Hale, J.R. Hughes, A.H. Oliveto, J.E Helzar,
S.T.Higgins, W.K. Bickel, L.B.Cottler, NIDA Research Monograph 132, 1993
(Quoted in Federal Register/Vol61, No 168/ Wed Aug 28 1996/ Rules and

"The Mismeasurement of Illegal Drug Markets: The Implications of its
Irrelevance" by Peter Reuter, 1996.

"Latent Class Marginal Regression Models for Modeling Youthful Drug
Involvement and its Suspected Influences" by B.A. Reboussin and J.C.
Anthony, Statistics in Medicine, 20(4), pp. 623-639, 2001.

"Drug Use Among Welfare Recipients in the U.S" by J. Delva, Y.D. Neumark,
C.D.M. Furr, and J.C. Anthony, American Journal of Drug Alcohol Abuse.

Sources For "The Harm Done"

"Drugs and Crime: The Results of Research on Drug Testing and Interviewing
Arrestees" by Trevor Bennett, Home Office Research Study 183, 1998.

"Drug Treatment and Testing Orders: Final Evaluation Resport" by Pat
Turnbull, Tim McSweeney, Russell Webster, Mark Edmunds and Mike Hough, Home
Office Research Study 212, 2000.

Sources For "Stopping It"

"Supply-side Drug Control" by Peter Reuter, The Milken Institute Review,
First Quarter 2001.

"Annual Report 2000 of the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor for
the City of New York" by Steven M. Goldstein, Arlett Hernes, Lisa
DePasquale, Ellen Corella, 2000.

Sources For "Collateral Damage"

"After Prohibition: An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in the 21st Century"
by Timothy Lynch, Cato Institute, Washington DC, 2000.

"Warrior Cops: The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American Police
Depts" by Diana Cecilia Weber, Cato Institute Briefing Papers, August 1999.

Sources For "Better Ways"

"Thinking about Drug Law Reform: Some Political Dynamics of Medicalisation"
by Frederick Polak, Fordham Urban Law Journal, October 2000.

"Substance Use and Misuse: Monitoring Synthetic Drug Markets, Trends and
Public Health" by Inge P. Spruit, Trimbos Institute of Mental Health,
Netherlands, 2001.

"Cocaine Use in Amsterdam in Non-deviant Subcultures" by Peter Cohen and
Arjan Sas, Addiction Research, Vol 2 No 1, 1994.

"Swiss Drug Policy" Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, September 2000.

Sources For "Set It Free"

"Proposed Therapeutic Uses of MDMA: Risks and Benefits in Decisions About
Research Approval and Approval as Medicine", by Mark Kleiman, MDMA Research
and Therapy, 2000.


William Saulsbury of the Police Foundation, Robert Keizer of the Dutch
Ministry of Health, Eric Sterling of the Criminal Justice Policy
Foundation, Mark Kleiman of UCLA, the staff of the Lindesmith Centre Drug
Policy Foundation, John Carnevale, Simon Jenkins and Martin Wolf all gave
more help than may be apparent from the text.
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