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News (Media Awareness Project) - Transcript: Renee Boje Visits The DrugSense Chat Room
Title:Transcript: Renee Boje Visits The DrugSense Chat Room
Published On:2001-07-29
Source:The DrugSense Chat Room
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:34:30

Al Robison, executive director of the Drug Policy Forum of Texas

Tues. July 31, 2001 8 PM Eastern NY Times Drug Policy Forum

Sun. Aug 5, 2001 8 PM Eastern Drugsense Chat Room


Renee: Hello everyone... thanks for joining me tonight in this discussion
and thank you to DrugSense for having me as a guest...

Renee: For those of you who are not familiar with my case, I will give you
a brief update... just give me a few moments to type this out...

Renee: The universe has granted me an incredible opportunity to set an
international marijuana precedent between Canada and the US! If I win this
will change the relationship between Canada and the US when it comes to
victims of the War on Drugs!

Renee: I am fighting for refugee status in Canada because the US Federal
authorities want to extradite me back to the US so that they can lock me up
for a 10 year mandatory minimum to life sentence for medical marijuana

Richard_Lake: Please read about her at her website: http://www.reneeboje.com/

Richard_Lake: Mike's (Michael Moore) Militia Mission has also taken up
Renee's cause http://www.michaelmoore.com/missions/renee_boje/ - Help Renee
Boje fight extradition from Canada, where she seeks political asylum from
US drug war zealots.

Renee: I got these charges in California where medical marijuana is
supposed to be legal. In the summer of 97 I was working as a free lance
artist for Todd McCormick, a man suffering from cancer and for Peter
McWilliams a man who was suffering from AIDS and cancer...

Renee: Todd and Peter were conducting research on medical marijuana and
recording their findings in a book called, "How to Grow Medical Marijuana."
I was hired to do illustrations for that book...

Renee: In July of 97 the DEA raided Todd's home and arrested Todd, Peter,
myself and several others charging us with conspiracy, cultivation and
intent to distribute marijuana...

Renee: The US Federal authorities wanted me to testify against Todd and
Peter and help them to lock these two beautiful men away for a very long
time. I would not comply, so my lawyer advised me to flee the Country. He
did not feel he could save me from the fate of Federal Prison...

Steven: Renee, it's Steven Bacon in Ontario. Great to see you here. We
packaged a few thousand seeds in the Hotel room for handouts at the
Parliament Hill Rally if you recall. Can you tell us what the latest word,
if any, from the Justice Minister? How long can she stall a decision on
your case?

Renee: I am now here in Canada, fighting extradition from the US and
applying for refugee status here. If I win, it will mean that other
Americans who are facing lengthy prison sentences for medical marijuana
charges can come to Canada and live in peace. Phew! Now I will go back and
try and answer all of the questions that have been asked. Thanks for being

Rob: are you under any restrictions in Canada?

Renee: The Minister of Justice will be deciding my fate this September! I
have a huge letter writing campaign going on if anyone out there would like
to join in and send or email her a letter asking her not to extradite me
back to the US, you can do that by visiting my website and going to the
take action section: www.reneeboje.com

Renee: Yes, Rob, I do have many restrictions placed on me in Canada. I do
not have any rights in this Country while I am fighting for my freedom! I
am unable to work in Canada and rely solely on donations to survive. It has
been a constant struggle, but I am a fighter so I am holding strong!

Susan: Have you seen Steve Kubby in BC?

Renee: Yes, I see Steve Kubby and Michele at the Pot TV studios and around
town. They have become good friends of mine and I love them and their
beautiful daughters very much!

Robert: Who is your lawyer -- American or Canadian -- is he/she aware of
the precedent-setting nature of your case? Any pro-bono at all?

Renee: Robert, my extradition lawyer is John Conroy and he works tirelessly
on my case! His website address is www.johnconroy.com and it is a very
informative website, worth checking out! My refugee lawyer is Alex
Stojicevich and he is also doing a wonderful job!

Rob: Does Renee's situation have any legal similarities to the fellows
avoiding the draft from the 60's and early 70's?

Renee: Rob, yes, my lawyers and I have compared the precedent that my case
could set to the situation during the 60's and 70's when Canada allowed the
conscientious objector's of the Vietnam War to seek safety in Canada. If I
win my case, it will open the floodgates into Canada for those who face
medical marijuana charges in the US. I will do all that I can to help
ensure that this happens.

Renee: I want to let everyone out there know that Todd, who is currently
locked away in Federal Prison, has been denied his phone and visiting
privileges. Todd has had many radiation treatments given to him during his
childhood battle with cancer. He has severe scoliosis, nerve damage to his
upper back and shoulders and neck and painful muscle spasms in his lower

Susan: Do you think the Canadian government will feel threatened by a flood
of med mj patients?

Renee: Susan, yes, I think that the Canadian Government is threatened by a
flood of medical mj patients. I think that is why my case is so
controversial. But, I also have faith in the compassion of the Canadian
Government and the enlightening decisions that they have made in the past.
They did allow the objector's of the War to Come to Canada and they also
allowed the Lakota Sioux Nation to come here when they were being killed
and persecute

Steven: Is Todd receiving proper medical treatment?

Renee: No, Todd has not received any medical treatment since he has been in
prison! In fact some prisoners are granted marinol, a synthetic form of THC
in a pill. But, when Todd requested it, they drug tested him, found traces
of cannabis in his system and locked him away in solitary confinement for a
full month...

Steven: they fear him so much, they will want to murder him like they did

Renee: Yes, I believe they are trying to kill Todd! In fact, my friend
Peter McWilliams, who I mentioned earlier, was killed by the US Government...

Renee: Tons of Americans who are interested in fleeing from persecution and
oppression due to the US Drug War have been contacting me since I have been
fighting this case. I always advise that they lie low and see what happens
with my case. That way, if I lose, they will have an opportunity to give
this a try in another country or just keep on hiding out. Many Americans
are living here by doing just that.

Dean: Renee, do they want to switch to the forced treatment routine in Canada

Renee: Dean, if you are referring to drug treatment, I really hope that
Canada does not go in that direction. I would rather see them teach proper
drug use. I am in full support of the groups that are doing this right now.
The one's I am aware of are The Higher Knowledge Network and Dance Safe.

Richard_Lake: www.DanceSafe.org - But Renee I was unable to find a URL for
The Higher Knowledge Network. Do you have it?

Renee: I would like to see the Canadian Government treat cannabis just like
they treat every other herb. I don't think the Government should be given
complete control over something that is our natural born right and provided
to us by the earth for our own healing and evolution! The Government should
really have no say over what we choose to put into our bodies!

Geo: Renee, will you winning have any direct affect on others in Canada for
same reason?

Renee: Yes, Geo, I mentioned earlier that if I win a precedent will be set
which will mean that other Americans facing marijuana charges can come to
Canada and seek refugee status here as well.

Robert: Has American media given you any coverage?

Renee: Robert, unfortunately, I do not get much coverage in the US! There
was an article in High Times Magazine and in Playboy. You can check out the
background section of my website to see the others. But, really there
hasn't been much in the US. My lawyers believe that making my case public
is what is going to save my life. So, believe me, I am trying!

Renee: Richard, I am not sure if Higher Knowledge Network has a website or
not. I know that if you type their name into search engines you should find
some info on them.

Renee: Geo, yes, I have 2 attorneys... one for the extradition matter and
one for the refugee matter... very costly!

Kaptinemo: Renee, has there been much press coverage from *foreign* news

11, Renee: Kaptinemo, I have had some coverage in London's Red Eye Magazine.

Richard_Lake: Renee has had some good coverage. Glamour Magazine (US),
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA), Province, The (CN BC), Ottawa Sun (CN ON),
Ottawa Citizen (CN ON), Vancouver Sun (CN BC) etc. News items about Renee

Renee: Geo, if I win, I don't think all who want to apply for refugee
status will have to get 2 attorneys. I think they will only need a refugee
lawyer. But, I am sure that every case will be different, so it is really
hard to predict how they will handle each one.

Kaptinemo: I understand that Norway has given a hash smuggler asylum
because of the cruel and inhumane conditions that he could expect as a
'guest' of the US prison system.

Renee: Yes, Kaptinemo, a man named Harry Hendriksen is now in a refugee
camp in Norway. As far as I know he has not been granted asylum. He is very
unhappy there and compares the refugee camp to concentration camps. Norway
and the US have no treatise agreements so I believe Norway does not know
what to do with Harry. I know that Harry feels stuck between a rock and a
hard place and I pray that he will be able to roam free again soon...

Chris_Buors: Renee do you face any Canadian charges?

Renee: No, Chris I do not face any Canadian charges.

FlashGordon: Renee your going to see Ted smith of hempology 101 tomorrow ,
what's that about?

Renee: Hey Flash, I do not normally talk about my whereabouts or my future
plans on public forums for my own safety reasons. But, I am happy to email
you privately after this chat... I am glad you joined in tonight! Thanks
for being part of this!

Chris_Buors: What kind of skills for employment do you have?

Renee: Chris, I am an artist and dabble in many forms. I also volunteer
lots of my time at the Pot TV studios, where I film, direct and edit all of
my own shows! It is lots of fun and I am learning a great deal! If anyone
out there is unfamiliar with Pot TV, it is a progressive internet
television station devoted to cannabis. You can view it by going to
www.pottv.net. My show is called Shakti and it focuses on women in the
cannabis movement.

Kaptinemo: Renee, what effect if any will the Canadian government's recent
move towards allowing their sick to use cannabis have on your case? If
cannabis use is technically no longer a crime up there, will they let you stay?

Renee: Katptinemo, the progressive and compassionate moves that the
Canadian Government has been making when it comes to cannabis is always a
help to my case. Currently Parliament is debating whether to legalize or
decriminalize marijuana. If they go in either direction it will mean good
news for me! If the US is trying to lock me away for decades for something
that is legal or not considered a crime in Canada then I win!

Renee: Flash, I mentioned earlier that I do not like to announce where I
will be headed in the future on public forums. I will send you a private
email later... thanks for being here!

Renee: Ann, is Todd McCormick's mom and she is an angel! I love you dearly
Ann! Thanks for all of your love and support!

Renee: Someone asked what the subject of my latest Shakti show on Pot TV
was. I am currently doing a 4 part series on pregnancy and cannabis...

Renee: Quick overview on cannabis and pregnancy: Ancient mid wives and
doctors have been prescribing it for pregnant women for centuries...

Ann: On Pregnancy -- with Todd I wouldn't take an aspirin without calling
the doctor. When I got to the hospital they handed me 2 seconals and gave
me a shot of Demerol

Paul: if they want to let people be self-sufficient then they would have to
legalize cannabis

Renee: Cannabis also helps women relax their uterus while giving birth...

Renee: It is a wonderful alternative to the pharmaceutical drugs they offer
women today which can cause serious birth defects!

Allan: only problem w/ cannabis and pregnancy is smoke... any smoke
deprives oxygen to blood...

Renee: Allan, yes, everything is best in moderation! You can avoid too much
smoke by using a vaporizer or eating cannabis food.

FlashGordon: Renee you should call momakind she has some disturbing news...

Renee: Yes, Flash, I know She is a good friend of mine.

Rob_Ryan: I would rather my wife smoke pot than tobacco.

Renee: Yes, isn't it funny that dangerous substances such as alcohol,
tobacco and caffeine are legal but things like cannabis which is a safe and
harmless medicine is not?

Steven: yet in BC, and other places, mothers have had there children taken
away for THC in breastmilk.

Renee: Steven, where can I find information on this? I have never heard of

Renee: I just want to share some final thoughts with you before I depart
this evening...

Steven: Cannabis Culture had an article on a Duncan BC woman. Rev. Demuizi
would be able to help you there Renee

Renee: The earth has provided us with all that we need to survive and to
heal ourselves. It is time to connect with mother earth again and to tune
in to her gifts and powers...

Renee: Cannabis is one of many sacred herbs that the earth has so
graciously provided for us...

Renee: All we have to do is open our hearts and minds and use these plants
in a sacred way...

Renee: I believe once we learn to respect nature again, she will respect us

Renee: We humans have cause mass destruction on this planet and if we do
not change our ways, the earth will go spiraling to her death and so will
all of life upon it!

Renee: I think as we set out to evolve to our highest spiritual potential,
we realize that everything is connected and that our evolution is a
collective evolution...

Renee: Together through unity and compassion we can heal the earth,
ourselves and each other...

Renee: freeing the cannabis plant from the shackles of her oppression is a
very important step for towards are collective healing

Renee: I would like to leave you with a quote that I recently came across
in my studies on the goddess and psychedelics...

Renee: "As goddess of the good giving plants, herbs and fruits she
luminously transforms these basic elements into intoxicants and poisons...

Renee: "...It is quite evident that the preparation and storage of food
taught woman the process of fermentation and the manufacture of
intoxicants, and that...

Renee: "...as gatherer and later preparer of herbs, plants and fruits, she
was the inventor and guardian of the first healing potions, medicines and

Renee: "...The goddess is therefore not only the queen of the enabled fruit
of the soil, but also of the spirit of matter of transformation embodied
in... wine (and other intoxicants)..."

Renee: That quote was from "Poppy Goddess" by Erich Neumann

Renee: Thank you so much to Drug Sense for inviting me to this chat forum!
I had lots of fun tonight! And, thanks to everyone who joined in! I hope
you all have a magical evening...
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