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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: OPED: Drug Use Not A Victimless Crime
Title:US FL: OPED: Drug Use Not A Victimless Crime
Published On:2001-07-30
Source:South Florida Sun Sentinel (FL)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:31:42

One of the core tenets of the tapestry of falsehoods woven by the
handmaidens of the drug culture is that drug use is a victimless
crime -- that whatever harm results from drug use accrues only to the
user and no punishment should be meted out. This is a myopic view.

As John Stuart Mill, the father of freedom and democracy, wrote: "No
person is an entirely isolated human being; it is impossible for a
person to do anything seriously or permanently to himself without
mischief reaching at least to his near connections, and often far
beyond them . If he deteriorates his bodily or mental faculties, he
not only brings evil upon all who depended on him for any portion of
their happiness, but disqualifies himself for rendering the services
which he owes to his fellow creatures generally, perhaps becomes a
burden on their affection or benevolence."

The victims of drug users are myriad. For the adolescent user, the
harm and expense that results from their "choice" to use drugs fall
heavily on their parents and siblings. Additionally, a number of
studies associate adolescent drug use with unsafe sexual and criminal
behavior, carrying weapons, reduced scholastic achievement, and a
litany of other negative consequences.

Drug traffickers and dealers commit crimes against humanity by
selling toxic substances to fellow citizens, most of whom experience
their first use when they are far too young to understand the
potential consequences.

Drug use is a significant factor in the size of the prison population
in the United States. A 1998 report of a study conducted by the
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that of the
1.7 million U.S. prisoners in 1996, 1.4 million had violated drug or
alcohol laws, had been under their influence when they committed
their crimes, had stolen to support their habit, or had a history of
drug or alcohol use that led them to commit crimes. The vast majority
of those "drug-related crimes" are committed by people under the
influence of drugs, not violations of drug or alcohol laws.

An August 1997 study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association indicated that non-drug-using people who live with
illegal drug users have an 11 times greater chance of being the
victim of a homicide than if they lived in a drug-free home. It was
1.7 times higher if they lived with an alcohol user.

A May 1997 study of domestic violence reported in JAMA found that 92
percent of the assailants in the study reportedly had used alcohol or
other drugs on the day of the assault.

Common sense applies. Are people more likely to assault their loved
ones, get in bar fights, have accidents, commit crimes, etc.,
intoxicated or sober?

Alcohol is legal and dealing with crimes committed by those under its
influence is the most expensive single expenditure of law enforcement
funds and assets. It is estimated that between 7 and 10 times as many
Americans use alcohol as use illegal drugs. If as many people were
using marijuana and other illegal drugs as are using alcohol, the
current rate of crime would pale by comparison to that rate.

There are other studies that correlate drug use with automobile
accidents; children damaged by pre-natal drug use, abandoned,
neglected and abused by drug users; workplace accidents, thefts and
damaged equipment, absenteeism, tardiness, and increased worker's
compensation claims. Drug users are only two-thirds as productive as

A report recently released by the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Substance Abuse: The Nation's Number One
Health Problem reported, "Research has long shown that the abuse of
alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs is the single most serious health
problem in the United States, straining the health care system,
burdening the economy and contributing to the health problems and
deaths of millions of Americans every year. Today, substance abuse
causes more deaths, illnesses and disabilities than any other
preventable health condition."

Victimless crime indeed! It is unlikely that there is a person in the
U.S. that has not been somehow negatively affected by the "choice" of
some of their fellow citizens to use drugs.
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