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News (Media Awareness Project) - US PA: PA Imprisons Blacks At Highest Rate
Title:US PA: PA Imprisons Blacks At Highest Rate
Published On:2001-07-29
Source:Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:30:44

Study By Reform Group Finds It's 14 Times That Of Whites

HARRISBURG -- Pennsylvania incarcerates a larger percentage of its minority
population than any other state, according to a new study.

For more than a decade, the state has had one of the highest disparities in
the rate at which it incarcerates minority inmates compared with the
state's minority population, but now it is the worst, according to a study
done by the prison reform group the Justice Policy Institute in Washington,
D.C. The results of the study were published recently by the liberal
magazine Mother Jones.

"This is not shocking news," said Ernie Preate Jr., a former state attorney
general who served time in prison on corruption charges and who is now a
crusader for prison reform.

"This has been evident the last several years. This certainly should raise
some red flags in the governor's office."

The study compared the number of minorities in state prisons with the
number of minorities in the state and measured the results against other
states, based on 2000 figures.

Overall, blacks make up 55 percent of the state prison population, but 10
percent of the state's population.

The study concluded that 1,678 of every 100,000 blacks in the state are in
prison, compared with 117 of every 100,000 whites. That would mean that
blacks are imprisoned at a rate 14 times that of whites.

Add in the number of Hispanic and Asian prisoners, who make up less than 1
percent of the state's population and are incarcerated at a lower rate than
blacks, and the state incarcerates minorities overall at 11 times the rate
of whites.

That disparity is larger than in any other state, according to the study.

Other states that incarcerate minorities more than 10 times the rate of
white defendants are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Connecticut and New Jersey.

Southern states do not incarcerate as great a percentage of their minority
populations as do many Northeastern states. Texas had the lowest
incarceration disparity, imprisoning minorities at 2.5 times the rate of
whites, the study showed.

" 'Why?' is something we really don't know," said Jason Ziedenberg, senior
policy analyst at the Justice Policy Institute.

"That's an intriguing question," said Alfred Blumstein, a professor of
urban systems and operations research at Carnegie Mellon University who has
published two well-regarded studies on racial disparity in incarceration rates.

If you assume that states lock up their most violent offenders at the same
rate, it may be that the more conservative "law and order" Southern states
lock up more people for nonviolent crimes, Blumstein said.

Because whites commit those crimes at the same rates as blacks, that would
mean whites would be incarcerated at the same rate, he said.

Less conservative states tend to allow more discretion in the sentencing of
nonviolent crimes, and subtle forms of racism could appear in the rates in
which minorities are sentenced to prison, Blumstein said.

He said he was "somewhat surprised" that Pennsylvania would have such a
disparate rate of incarceration of its black population, and he couldn't
say why. Pennsylvania is not considered one of the "liberal" states such as
Minnesota and Connecticut, which have less-stringent sentencing provisions,
or, to a lesser degree, New Jersey, Blumstein said.

Judges render sentences on a case-by-case basis. An Associated Press
investigation revealed last year that blacks in Pennsylvania tended to more
often receive prison sentences, or longer ones, than white defendants
accused of the same crimes.

Statistics, however, are not kept on the sentences issued by individual judges.

As of June 30, 34 percent of the state's 37,081 inmates were white, 55
percent were black and 10 percent were Hispanic, according to the state
Department of Corrections.

"We don't have anything to do with who's sentenced or how long they're
sentenced," said Lisa Aaron, spokeswoman for the department.

A study done last year by Human Rights Watch placed Pennsylvania sixth in
the country in its rate of racial disparity in incarceration, based on 1998
figures. That study identified Minnesota, New Jersey and Connecticut and
other Northeastern states as having the largest racial disparities in
incarceration rates, as was found by the Justice Policy Institute.

That blacks over the past 20 years have been sentenced to prisons at high
rates is not news. The latest study merely compared the number of blacks in
each state's prisons with the number of blacks in each state, highlighting
the disparity in sentencing rates as a percentage of each state's minority

The drug war of the past 20 years contributed greatly to that disparity,
Preate said.

Drug sweeps are more often conducted in cities, where the population of
African-Americans and other minority group members tends to be higher, and
that means more blacks are arrested on drug charges, even though a variety
of studies show that blacks and whites use illegal drugs at the same rates,
Preate said.
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