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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Web: Canada Opens Door To Marijuana
Title:UK: Web: Canada Opens Door To Marijuana
Published On:2001-07-30
Source:BBC News (UK Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:26:57

Cannabis still cannot be sold for non-medical use Canada has become
the first country in the world to legalise the use of marijuana by
people suffering from terminal illnesses and chronic conditions.

Under new rules, people can now legally grow and take the drug for a
range of medical purposes, or appoint someone to grow it for them.

The system is the first in the world where the government will be
directly involved in the production and supply of the drug for
medical purposes.

The government has awarded a $3.5m (UKP 1.6m) contract to a company
to farm marjiuana in a disused copper mine. The first harvest is
expected later this year.

Patients' groups have largely welcomed the legislation, which follows
a year of permits being handed out on a case-by-case basis to
terminally ill people.

Wider range

Under the new terms, those suffering from some chronic conditions -
including epilepsy and degenerative muscle and bone illnesses - will
also be able to use marijuana.

Commercial production and sale of marijuana, and non-medical use,
will remain illegal.

However the Canadian Supreme Court has agreed to consider a case
arguing that the criminalisation of marijuana is unconstitutional
because the drug poses no significant health threat.

In May, the Ottawa Citizen newspaper reported that a national survey
of Canadians found that almost half were in favour of the
legalisation of marijuana.


Would-be medical users must have a prognosis of death within one year
or symptoms associated with specific serious medical conditions.

They will also need their doctor and two experts to sign the
necessary consent forms.

The Canadian Medical Association opposes the new law, saying that
there has not been enough scientific research for doctors properly
prescribe dosage.

They also say the effects of marijuana combined with patients' more
traditional medicines are unknown, and warn that many people may
ignore the rules altogether.

The Marijuana Party of Canada - a political party dedicated to
legalising the drug - says that if the country took the path of the
Netherlands and decriminalised marijuana, then there would be no need
for the complex legislation.

'A reasonable system'

However, across the border in the United States, advocates of the use
of marijuana for medical purposes have welcomed the new system.

"We're kind of envious of Canadians having the luxury of complaining
about the minutiae of the program," said Chuck Thomas from the
Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project.

"It looks like a reasonable system, " he added.

Eight US states have taken steps towards legalising the medical use
of marijuana.

However, the Supreme Court in Washington ruled earlier this year that
federal law would not recognise state medical exemptions, leaving
people open to prosecution.
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