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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Drug Czar Attacks Cannabis Debate
Title:UK: Drug Czar Attacks Cannabis Debate
Published On:2001-08-02
Source:BBC News (UK Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 12:03:15

Seizures of Class A drugs Have Risen

Drug czar Keith Hellawell has launched a veiled attack on politicians
and public figures saying they have undermined the "clarity" of the
official stance on cannabis.

The government's outgoing anti-drugs co-ordinator published his third
and final annual report on Thursday.

Seizures of hard drugs rose by 4% according to figures for 1999, the
latest data available, and the number of people dealt with in Britain
for supplying Class A drugs jumped more than 17%, according to the

"We still have a lot to do - but the report shows what can be
achieved when we work together to tackle the drugs problem,
especially the problem of Class A drugs, the drugs which do most
harm," said Mr Hellawell.

But he told the BBC that the way the issue of legalisation or
decriminalisation of drugs was discussed set a bad example to

And he criticised those who had tried to elevate cannabis to the top
of the drug control agenda when the more serious effects of Class A
drugs were at the heart of policy.

It was announced in June that 59-year-old Mr Hellawell was being
sidelined with a move to a part-time advisory role, focusing on
international aspects of drug policy.

Drug Trend

His final report will still be scrutinised for any changes in the
government's stand against the decriminalisation of cannabis.

Mr Hellawell told BBC Breakfast: "We've got a trend with children
being attracted to these substances.

"Sometimes some of the debate which suggests we are going to change
policy on some of these substances almost encourages [them].

"Clarity... about the stance on legalisation ought to be endorsed and
ought to be supported by some people who don't.

"I'm not saying it encourages them but it leaves the door open if
people they admire and respect are saying this is an issue you
shouldn't worry about."

But he added: "Overall, drug use in this country seems to have plateau-ed."

Minister's Thanks

Mr Hellawell was appointed as a US-style anti-drugs co-ordinator
after the 1997 general election but has been sidelined since David
Blunkett took over as home secretary.

But Home Office minister Beverley Hughes gave a public vote of
gratitude to Mr Hellawell.

"I'd like to place firmly on the record the thanks of David Blunkett
for the excellent work Keith Hellawell and his deputy Mike Trace have
done over the last three years," she said.

They had "played a vital role in setting the foundations for the
future and driving forward progress to date", she added.

Last month, Mr Blunkett hinted policy could eventually change on the
legalisation of cannabis, calling for an "adult, intelligent" debate
on the issue.

He has already ordered police to concentrate on heroin and crack
cocaine dealers rather than cannabis users.

Licensed Shops

The debate on the UK's drug laws was heightened last week when the
all-party Commons Home Affairs Select Committee announced it would
hold an investigation into decriminalisation of hard and soft drugs
this autumn.

Police in Brixton, south London, have become the first in the UK to
formally "turn a blind eye" to possession of small amounts of
cannabis, and now deal with the crime by an official warning rather
than arrest.

Last month Mo Mowlam, the former head of the government's anti-drugs
policy, called for cannabis to be legalised.

Other high-profile public figures to have called for
decriminalisation include former ambassador to Colombia Keith Morris,
former chief inspector of prisons Sir David Ramsbotham and former
chief constable of Gwent Francis Wilkinson.

Senior Tory Peter Lilley also said cannabis should be sold in
licensed shops, in the same way as tobacco or alcohol.
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