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News (Media Awareness Project) - Jamaica: PUB LTE: On Winning The Drug War
Title:Jamaica: PUB LTE: On Winning The Drug War
Published On:2001-09-04
Source:Jamaica Gleaner, The (Jamaica)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 11:21:02


WHERE IS reason? I read the news from Jamaica and it grieves me to see the
continued violence. Much like my hometown of Houston, Texas, your war is my
war is the drug war. Much of the destruction inflicted on both societies is
the result of drug prohibition. Like Jamaica, we have suffered with the
deaths of many policemen, overdose deaths of children and a general disdain
for the rule of law. Again, the reason is prohibition.

We must realise the truth, this war that now approaches 88 years of
existence is unwinnable. The war against alcohol was fought and lost in
just over a decade. The drug war 'powers that be', the politicians, the
task forces and the agencies, the prison builders and the weapons makers;
literally millions of 'drug warriors' work very hard to make sure drug
prohibition lasts forever.

The perpetual drug war will end when Jamaicans, when Texans, when rational
people everywhere say: "No More!"

I am etc.,

DEAN BECKER, Houston,Texas Via Go-Jamaica
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