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News (Media Awareness Project) - Jamaica: PUB LTE: Knowing the Facts About Ganja
Title:Jamaica: PUB LTE: Knowing the Facts About Ganja
Published On:2001-08-22
Source:Jamaica Gleaner, The (Jamaica)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 10:16:56


IT IS stunningly ironic that Pentecostal minister A. Glen Brady
"urged his flock, in their wisdom, to not support the recommendations
or any moves to decriminalise marijuana usage". Pray tell, dear
minister of God, what wisdom is there in prohibition, criminal
interdiction and the folly of America's narco-imperialism, a.k.a. the
war on drugs? Please, with all due respect, educate yourself what has
been going on.

There is an abundance of sources of information and wisdom concerning
Drug Reform Policy issues available today, thanks to the hard work
and dedication of countless volunteers and reformers worldwide. I
offer a starting place, the Media Awareness Project, MAP, as an
invaluable tool, a sheer reservoir and abundance of knowledge, wisdom
and understanding in these pertinent matters. World Wide Web access:
www.mapinc.org, P.O. Box 651, Porterville, CA 93258, (800) 266-5759.

The National Ganja Commission's recommendations for the Government to
decriminalise ganja is precisely wise, if not expedient and just.
Jamaica has a real opportunity to forge its own path, independent of
the shameful abuses of economic and political power the United States
imposes through its narco-imperialistic designs. I urge Jamaicans to
follow the lead of Canada and Europe and other nations, to reform
their repressive, cruel and unjust anti-ganja laws. It is not ganja
that harms society. It is the bad laws of prohibition that are so
corrupting and destructive.

Didn't Christ have something to say about that sort of thing? When
the punishment is worse than the so-called crime, something is
terribly wrong, if not plainly wicked! We must act in peace, to
restore peace. Ganja is a gift from the Creator. And we owe it our
uttermost respect to treat it as such. As dear Brother James wrote
many centuries ago, in the Holy Scripture, James 1:17 Every good gift
and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father
of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

This certainly includes the sacred plant of ganja and its many healing gifts.

I am, etc.,


Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,


Via Go-Jamaica
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