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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: 1 PUB LTE: 1 LTE: 'Pot' At The Mansion
Title:US CO: 1 PUB LTE: 1 LTE: 'Pot' At The Mansion
Published On:2001-08-24
Source:Denver Post (CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 10:05:17

Not Worth A Full Probe

Re: "Suspicious-plant probe of Owens is up in smoke," Aug. 20.

The story about the marijuana plant at the Governor's Mansion broke, it was
humorous and now it's done.

What exactly is the purpose of this article? Are you trying to show that,
because Bill Owens is governor, he is exempt from prosecution for growing a
marijuana plant? Would others honestly be treated differently?

The facts show that the Governor's Mansion is owned by the taxpayers in
Colorado. The governor actually resides in a house in Aurora. The grounds
are maintained by contracted lands-keepers. The mansion houses numerous
security officers and witnesses even more onlookers and foot- traffic.

Would it be worth launching an investigation into a single, possible
marijuana plant at the taxpayers' expense? I doubt it.



"Drug War' Lesson Lost

Colorado law enforcement officials did Gov. Owens a grave disservice. Had
the governor been allowed just a few "typical" hours on the receiving end
of the drug war, he would have obtained an education beyond price. Now that
teachable moment has been lost, and he can go on believing that only the
guilty have anything to fear from the drug war.


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