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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Cannabis Studies by Condition
Title:Web: Cannabis Studies by Condition
Published On:2007-03-02
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 11:39:25

Last week, Administrative Law Judge Marry Ellen Bittner, ruled that
the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) should issue a
license to Massachusetts plant biologist, Dr. Lyle E. Craker, which
would allow him to grow cannabis for research purposes. Judge
Bittner stated in her long-awaited 87-page ruling that issuing such a
license would be "in the public interest."

We would hope so. DEA and those promoting cannabis prohibition have
numerous times declared cannabis to be of limited medicinal value due
to a perceived lack of scientific research. Just in the last five
years alone, we counted more than 12 studies that reported in the
media the possible effectiveness of marijuana in treating such
debilitating conditions as:

1. Alzheimer's Disease

Pot May Be Boost To Older Brains / New York Daily News (NY) / October
19, 2006 / "Anti-inflammatory compounds in pot deflect the memory
loss associated with the illness Alzheimer's] and could ultimately
slow its progression, said psychology Prof. Gary Wenk of Ohio State
University." http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v06/n1421/a04.html

2. Cancer - Brain Tumors

Report Supressed That Marijuana Components Can Inhibit Cancer Growth
/ The Coastal Post (CA) / November 1, 2004 / "Clinical research
touted by the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
that shows marijuana's components can inhibit the growth of cancerous
brain tumors is the latest in a long line of studies demonstrating
the drug's potential as an anti-cancer agent."

3. Epilepsy

Cannabis 'Could Help Epileptics' / BBC News (UK Web) / October 4,
2003 / "Further evidence has emerged that an ingredient of cannabis
could help prevent epileptic seizures."

4. High Blood Pressure

Israeli Researcher Lowers Blood Pressure With Cannabis Component /
Jerusalem Post / June 14, 2006 / "A new method for lowering blood
pressure with a compound that synthesizes a cannabis ( hashish or
marijuana ) plant component has been developed by a Hebrew University
doctoral student in pharmacology."

5. Hepatitis C

Us Ca: Study: Medical Marijuana Can Help People With Hep C / Bay Area
Reporter / September 21, 2006 / "Medical marijuana can help people
with hepatitis C stay on treatment longer, leading to better
outcomes, according to a study published in the October 2006 issue of
the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology."

6. Multiple Sclerosis

Study Suggests Marijuana May Ease Ms Symptoms / Sacramento Bee (CA) /
November 7, 2003 / "A marijuana pill appeared to relieve some of the
symptoms of multiple sclerosis in the first scientifically rigorous
study of the strongly debated drug."

7. Nausea - Chemotherapy

One Drug, Two Takes / Los Angeles Times / May 1, 2006 / "For nausea,
the panel examined about a dozen studies that looked at THC or
marijuana's ability to quell nausea during chemotherapy. For
example, in one study, 56 cancer patients who did not respond to
other anti-nausea and vomiting drugs were given marijuana. More than
one-third rated the plant as moderately or highly effective."

8. Nausea - Morning Sickness

More Pregnancy Highs Than Lows / National Post (Canada) / January 17,
2006 / "Almost all of the B.C. women surveyed at the University of
Victoria and University of British Columbia said smoking marijuana
helped curb the nausea of pregnancy."

9. Pain - Peripheral Neuropathy (in AIDS)

Smoking Pot Reduces Pain, Study Shows / Washington Post / February
13, 2007 / "AIDS patients suffering from debilitating nerve pain got
as much or more relief by smoking marijuana as they would typically
get from prescription drugs -- and with fewer side effects --
according to a study conducted under rigorously controlled conditions
with government-grown pot." http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n177/a01.html

10. Pain - Post surgical

Cannabis 'Reduces Surgery Pain / BBC News / June 2, 2006 / "A
cannabis plant extract provides pain relief for patients after major
surgery, research has shown." http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v06/n722/a07.html

11. Psychosis

Cannabis 'Could Reverse Psychosis' / Daily Telegraph (UK) / December
1, 2005 / "AUSTRALIAN researchers believe cannabis, a drug believed
to increase the risk of psychosis, may also be able to reverse
psychotic behaviour." http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v05/n1879/a03.html

12. Schizophrenia

Marijuana Mood Swing / NOW Magazine (CN ON) / September 21, 2006 /
"The strongest data out there is that CBD [a component of cannabis],
in strong enough doses, controls schizophrenia."

Those who need to persuade policy makers about cannabis' medicinal
value should present this list to them. A formatted PDF of it can be
found here. http://www.drugsense.org/flyers/cannabisstudies.pdf
Please print and distribute it.

While you're at it, please note the source from which this list is
derived. DrugSense (http://www.DrugSense.org) has been archiving
articles like these since 1996. Our DrugNews Archive
(http://www.mapinc.org/) now contains over 175,000 newspaper,
magazine, and Web clippings on all aspects of drug policy, including
studies about medical marijuana.

If you find this list useful, why not help the organization that made
it possible? DrugSense is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is
dedicated to accuracy in the media concerning drug policy
topics. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Donating is quick and easy. Just visit this link:

Checks can also be made payable to DrugSense and mailed to:


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Irvine, CA 92604-0326

Remember, it's not what others do, it's what we all do together
that makes a difference.
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