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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IA: OP ED: Teachers, Students Suffer From Decline Of
Title:US IA: OP ED: Teachers, Students Suffer From Decline Of
Published On:2001-08-27
Source:Quad-City Times (IA)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 09:47:13
Today's Guest Column


Your Aug. 19 story ("Discipline plan ready for school") stated that one of
the changes in our school district policy is "students who are caught with
or using drugs or drug paraphernalia on school grounds for a second time
will receive an out-of-school suspension. They must go before an
administrative council that will determine whether to place the student in
an alternative program or expel them."

Excuse me? Aren't our schools "drug-free zones"?

I have understood a drug-free zone to be an area where there is zero
tolerance for drug possession, drug use or drug sales. What do they mean a
"second time"? If an adult is caught on school grounds or the areas
surrounding a school, are they not arrested and taken off to jail? Do they
get a second chance?

I don't think so! Nor should they.

Why then, should a student get a second chance? If we are going to stop
this type of activity, we must not give license for a second chance to
occur. We must nip the problem in the bud. Suspend or expel immediately.

As with other problems such as bullying, verbal assault and physical
assault, if we are going to take a stand, it has to be with the first
occurrence. History proves that we must be tough from the onset to effect
the desired changes.

We constantly address the problem of not enough teachers. One of the causes
for the exodus of good teachers and the inability to obtain new teachers is
that college students no longer see the profession as an attractive one.
The administration's backup is poor because the rules and policies are not
strict enough, and the teachers spend more time baby-sitting the students
and breaking up fights than they do teaching.

The reputation Iowa has had for many years as being a "State of Minds" and
a "Place to Grow" has been tarnished by the lack of discipline used in our
schools. Let's not sit idly by and watch things deteriorate any further.
Let's stop all the talking and start doing something about these problems.

If the punishment fits the crime the first time around, there would be no
need for addressing a second offense.
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