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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: 2 PUB LTE: U.S. Drug Policy Failed
Title:US TX: 2 PUB LTE: U.S. Drug Policy Failed
Published On:2001-08-28
Source:The Monitor (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 09:34:24

To the editor:

It is becoming clear to an ever-increasing number of people that our
current drug policies are not working.

They fill our prisons, clog our courts, break up our families, propagate
violence and generally cause far more harm than good. After almost a
century of fighting a war on drugs with prohibitionist policies there are
more drugs available than ever on our streets. ("Unwinnable 'War'," Aug. 23)

We can not get anywhere in the drug war till we separate abuse from use.
The prohibition of alcohol was fueled by propaganda that everyone who used
it had an addiction problem. The truth is, less than 10 percent of those
who use alcohol have an addiction problem or commit a crime under the

It is long pass due for a reality approach to other drugs. Deal with crime
and abuse, not just simple use.

Larry Seguin, Lisbon, N.Y.


To the editor:

Kudos to The Monitor for an excellent Aug. 23 editorial ("Unwinnable 'War'
") on the U.S.-Mexico Border Summit's failure to include drug policy on the

Drug warriors are kidding themselves if they believe that spending tens of
billions in tax dollars can overcome the immutable laws of supply and
demand that drive illegal drug trafficking. Congress should heed the advice
of border Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico and consider harm reduction
alternatives to the corruption-fueling drug war.

Another person with a vested interest in minimizing border violence is
Mexican Secretary of State Jorge Castaneda. Castaneda has long been a
critic of U.S. drug policies modeled after alcohol prohibition.

In a September 1999 Newsweek column he asked, "What is the purpose of
investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the fight against drugs,
plunging countries into civil war, strengthening guerrilla groups and
unleashing enormous violence and corruption upon entire societies, if
American leaders can simply brush off questions about drug use in their youth?"

Unfortunately, Washington continues to use the drug war's collateral damage
to justify its intensification around the world. South America is the
latest drug war battleground.

A Bush administration proposal to add $676 million in South American
counternarcotics aid to the Clinton administration's $1.3 billion Plan
Colombia is a prime example of big government throwing good money after bad.

A crackdown in one region leads to increased cultivation elsewhere.
Creating a global welfare state in which every developing country is paid
not to grow illicit crops is a rather expensive proposition.

Robert Sharpe, Program Officer The Lindesmith Center- Drug Policy
Foundation Washington, D.C.
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