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News (Media Awareness Project) - Italy: Air Force Officials Taking Action As Use Of Illegal
Title:Italy: Air Force Officials Taking Action As Use Of Illegal
Published On:2001-08-28
Source:Stars and Stripes - European Edition (Europe)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 09:25:06

AVIANO AB, Italy — The war on drug use has hit home for Air Force officials
as they continue their battle against airmen using illegal drugs. Concerns
have grown as officials watch more and more airmen find trouble with
designer drugs such as Ecstasy.

A recent set of recommendations by the Air Force Drug Abuse Reduction team
concluded that there "was an increase in drug use in the Air Force,"
according to Maj. Janice Pegram, the team's chief.

That's based at least partially on an increase of airmen caught using drugs.

It's also supported by the numbers:

Last year, the Air Force handled more than 580 drug-related cases -- 176 of
them for Ecstasy, according to a special agent for the Air Force Office of
Special Investigation in Washington, D.C. In 1999, Ecstasy was involved in
just 66 of the more than 700 drug cases.

While investigations have increased, busting people using the drug has not.

In fiscal 2000, of the 21,174 USAFE airmen tested under the mandatory
random testing system, only three tested positive for Ecstasy. The drug of
choice, according to the random testing, remains marijuana.

So is it a greater number of airmen using, or just a greater number getting

"I think it's a combination of the two," Pegram said from her office in the

Jim Landreth, the man in charge of testing for illegal substances at
Aviano, said the drug testing works more as a deterrent.

"Although," he said, "they'll catch people in the process."

Aviano, however, seems to have a very strong record against people using drugs.

The base has not tossed anyone out of the military for illegal drug use
since February 2000. And that's not for a lack of testing. Aviano, like
other bases, will test an airman if a superior provides good reason to do
so. Others in the community are also tested regularly.

Additionally, Landreth has conducted three random weekend tests --
partially because of Ecstasy -- since the end of May. The drug can flush
out of a person's system quickly.

The result? One positive -- for a prescription drug.

It's not that illegal drugs aren't available around Aviano.

Landreth said airmen could buy Ecstasy at Italian clubs even though Italian
police have targeted distributors and producers in regular sweeps.

Young airmen, aged 18 to 25, seem to be the Air Force's chief concern.
"That's when you want to try everything," Landreth said. "You're
invincible. You're bulletproof."

That invulnerability probably doesn't carry over when it comes to giving up
your urine, though.

"I know one way of beating the test," Landreth said, his voice lowering to
a conspiratorial whisper. Then he winks: "Don't use."

SIDEBAR: Proposed initiatives

Initiatives proposed by the Air Force Drug Abuse Reduction Team:

- - Test recruits at entrance processing stations for the same drugs the Air
Force tests for.

- - Use random weekend and holiday urinalysis testing.

- - Expand instruction to commanders, emphasizing options available to them
and the impact of drug abuse on the missions they command.

- - Field standardized substance abuse awareness programs at all bases.

- - Use commander's call visits to relate the effects illegal drugs have on
health and careers.

- - Highlight zero tolerance in internal media.

- - Continue to emphasize the importance of the issue in chief-of-staff messages.

- - Create awareness videos for use by commanders and for airmen.

- - Establish the judge advocate general as the focal point to integrate data
and determine trends.
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