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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Europe's Antidrug Bastion Reconsiders
Title:UK: Europe's Antidrug Bastion Reconsiders
Published On:2001-08-30
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 09:24:15

As Britons Debate Easing Drug Policy, Some London Police Try Softer
Enforcement In Minor Marijuana Cases.

LONDON - In years past, people caught smoking marijuana in the south London
neighborhood of Brixton could expect to be arrested. But now, police are
giving them a warning, confiscating the drug, and sending them on their way.

Britain, which has long had the strictest policies in West Europe on
narcotics use, is showing signs of a possible relaxation inofficial
attitudes toward marijuana.

While Britons remain divided on whether cannabis should be legalized, the
six-month experiment with lenient enforcement in Brixton has some wondering
whether Britain may eventually follow other Western European countries in
relaxing attitudes toward so-called 'soft' drugs. The new policy experiment
reflects a trend in British society toward acceptance of marijuana
consumption - and an acknowledgement that the punitive approach taken over
the past few decades may have been misguided.

Politicians are no longer shy about the topic. Home Secretary David
Blunkett gave the clearest signal yet that the government might be prepared
to soften its stance on drugs when he described the Brixton policy as
"interesting," and last month called for an "adult, intelligent debate on
the subject." At the same time, however, Mr. Blunkett stressed that the
government must send a clear antidrugs message, especially to young people.
And he said that there would be no swift decision on decriminalizing or
legalizing marijuana.

Blunkett's comments followed calls by conservative Peter Lilley, former
deputy Tory leader and a loyal Thatcherite minister, for marijuana to be
sold (and taxed) in licensed outlets.

Lower down the political ranks, an overwhelming majority of the Labour MPs
that currently dominate Parliament are prepared to vote to decriminalize
cannabis, according to a BBC survey. David Winnick, a Labour member of the
cross-party Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, which will be studying
the topic, says he believes the drug will be decriminalized by the next
general election.

The change in tenor does not extend to harder drugs, such as heroin and
crack cocaine, widely seen as fueling violence, theft, and social

British Customs officers have been told to switch efforts away from
marijuana interdiction to seizing hard drugs, which flow in increasing
quantities into the UK.

Commander Brian Paddick, in charge of policing in Lambeth, the borough
where Brixton is located, says freeing resources to fight harder drugs like
crack cocaine is part of the rationale for his officers' new tolerant line
on marijuana. He stresses that the move does not legalize marijuana
possession in the borough. The lenient enforcement applies only to small
amounts of the drug for personal use. "The officer will seize the cannabis,
which then must be signed for by the suspect. It will then be sealed and
disposed of."

Some efforts to legalize marijuana are in the works, however. Jon Owen
Jones, a Labour MP for Cardiff, says he will make the first British attempt
to have marijuana fully legalized for recreational use when Parliament
returns from its summer recess in October. However, this appears to be
moving faster than the official consensus, and is likely to fail.

Debate still rages. Conservative newspapers like the largest selling
broadsheet, Daily Telegraph, and the No. 2 tabloid, Daily Mail, are
strongly against marijuana smoking. Britain's 'drug czar,' ex- policeman
Keith Hellawell, also opposes treating marijuana more leniently than other
drugs, maintaining that this would make little difference to criminals'
currently lucrative situation. In a statement earlier this month, he said:
"The only way you would take the whole thing out of the criminal justice
system is to actually say we will legalize everything and make it available
to everybody."

There are also academics to the left, such as Robin Bunton, of the
University of Teesside, who see liberalization as a 'neo-liberal' move that
would give market forces sway in an area where the state previously had
responsibility for citizens' welfare.

More surprising is the extent to which acceptance and use of soft drugs has
apparently spread through various agencies of the government. The chief
inspector of prisons. Sir David Ramsbotham, has added his name to those of
a number of senior policemen calling for consideration of decriminalization
of marijuana.

A recent study shows that within the police force itself, there is growing
drug consumption, especially by younger officers taking cannabis and
ecstasy. The study's author, David Wilson, professor of criminal justice at
the University of Central England, Birmingham, says: "When you consider how
many 20-year-olds take drugs, it is not surprising that some of the people
who join the police are also drug users."

In the Brixton experiment, which extends through early January, Britain is
following a pan-European trend.

The trail toward greater tolerance was blazed by the Dutch, where, since
1976, officially tolerated cafes have served marijuana as well as coffee.
Experience in the Netherlands seems to refute the idea of marijuana working
as an automatic 'gateway' to harder drugs - Dutch rates of heroin addiction
are lower than those in the UK, whose anti- marijuana laws have until now
been the stiffest in Western Europe. Survey figures also indicate that only
14 percent of Dutch 15-16 year- olds smoke marijuana, compared to 16
percent of their British counterparts.

The past two years have seen Belgium, Switzerland and Germany all follow
the Dutch lead by decriminalizing marijuana sale and consumption to varying
extents. French health minister Kouchner added to the movement this month
by himself admitting to smoking the drug and stating that he thinks it
should be legal in France.

In July, Portugal decriminalized use of all drugs as part of a new
public-health strategy. The focus is on treatment and rehabilitation of
users, rather than on criminal punishment. Only Swedish and Greek
authorities remain at least nominally fixed on the goal of a drug-free society.

One reason for Britain's changing official attitude toward cannabis may be
a realization that the drug has become popular across a spectrum of
society. Back in Brixton in the mid-1980s, smoking by the neighborhood's
large Caribbean minority stoked conflict with a largely white police force,
which contributed to urban riots. Last month the 'Big Chill' music
festival, 200 miles west of London in Wiltshire, occurred under a haze of
marijuana smoke. Most of the thousands who paid ?100 ($145) to attend were
white professionals.
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