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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NV: Column: Boy, Do They Ever Want Trails End Ranch
Title:US NV: Column: Boy, Do They Ever Want Trails End Ranch
Published On:2001-09-02
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 09:05:39

The Donald Scott case isn't as well known as the government atrocities at
Waco and Ruby Ridge. But it should be.

In October of 1992, millionaire recluse Donald Scott and his bride of two
months, Frances Plante Scott, lived in a storybook wooded valley in the
mountains high above Malibu, Calif. Trails End Ranch is almost completely
surrounded by state and federal park land, and the neighboring government
entities had made numerous attempts to buy out Scott and annex his property.

Frances Scott contends the National Security Agency and NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratories have also had a less-well-known role in the
attempted government land grab -- the ranch sits in the midst of a
government antenna array, perfectly sited to receive data from the Pacific
Missile Test Range, and, "My husband was the only local resident to testify
against the placement of those antennas."

Stymied in their attempt to buy the Scott ranch, government officials hit on
an alternative plan. Contending an officer had seen "marijuana plants
growing under the trees" during a drug-seeking overflight, agents from
various jurisdictions gathered quietly outside the locked gate to the ranch
in the morning mists of Oct. 2, 1992. After greedily studying the maps of
the 200 acres of prime land they were told they'd be able to grab under
federal asset seizure laws should they find as few as 14 marijuana plants,
they cut the chain on the gate with bolt-cutters and raced a mile up the
dirt drive to the ranch, complete with police dogs.

Frances Scott was in the kitchen, brewing her morning coffee, when dozens of
men in plainclothes and brandishing guns -- no badges or warrants in
evidence -- came swarming in. Understandably, she screamed for her husband,
still asleep upstairs.

Donald Scott, 63, came hurrying down the stairs, a handgun held over his
head. The officers shouted for him to lower his weapon. He did. They shot
him dead.

Frances Scott contends the photograph of two plainclothes cops displayed at
her web site, www.savetrailsend.org, was taken mere minutes after her
husband's death. The two officers wear grins of triumph.

Ventura County District Attorney Michael Bradbury, after a six-month
investigation, concluded a voluminous report,
www.savetrailsend.org/report.shtml , by branding the fatal raid "a land grab
by the [L.A.] Sheriffs Office." He confirms the odd fact that "Two
researchers from Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena" were also
present for the so-called drug raid, and asks in his conclusion, "Did the
Los Angeles County Sheriff obtain the warrant in order to obtain Scott's
land? Did the National Park Service orchestrate the investigation or killing
in order to obtain the land?"

Not a single marijuana seed or stem was ever found: "All they had to show
for their trouble was this body on the living room floor," reported the Los
Angeles Times.

The multiple government agencies settled a wrongful death suit for $5

One would think that would leave Trails End Ranch securely in the hands of
the widow Scott, who has made it her life's work to see the government never
gets the property. But if one assumed that, one would not be properly
accounting for the creativity and plain, cussed persistence of today's
government land thieves.

A year after the raid and shooting, the widow Scott had to stand alongside
15 local firefighters and watch as the main house, cabins and other
outbuildings of Trail's End Ranch burned to the ground. She says a county
firefighter told her with tears in his eyes that a National Parks spokesman
denied the firemen permission to dig a firebreak, since, "It violates our
rules to disturb the natural beauty of the land."

Many would have expected Mrs. Scott to depart after being burned out of
house and home. Instead, she's spent the past six years camped out on the
property in a teepee. Mrs. Scott's current problem? The ranch went to Donald
Scott's estate, of which she controls only a minority share, the rest going
to his children by a previous marriage. The IRS appraises the ranch at $2.4
million, and wants inheritance tax on $1 million of that sum, at 55 percent.

The attorneys for the children have advised them the ranch would be hard to
market -- the official appraisal describes it as inaccessible, though Mrs.
Scott says the mile-long access road is still perfectly functional -- and
that they'll be better off selling the property to pay the taxes.

Thus, on Aug. 2, a police SWAT team accompanied by two helicopters arrived
to evict Mrs. Scott.

Out of the $5 million wrongful death settlement, 40 percent went to the
lawyers off the top, while the rest was split six ways. Once Mrs. Scott paid
off her own eight years worth of legal bills, that left her barely enough to
offer a $170,000 down payment to back her $1.95 million bid for the ranch in
the upcoming tax auction, she says.

But now, "The lawyers have kept my $170,000 down payment for potential
damages. ... I won't have a single dollar to take to this auction, so the
National Park Service will be the only party to place a bid," Mrs. Scott
told me last week.

The widow Scott has paid out at least another $55,000 to a series of three
backers who agreed to bid on the ranch in her behalf, but each has been
raided or otherwise intimidated by local police and the FBI, she contends.

No officers were ever charged in Donald Scott's death, of course. Police are
rarely charged with murdering mere civilians, any more, in this Land of the

Mrs. Scott invites those wishing to "help save Trails End Ranch" to
contribute to the Donald Scott Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 6755 Malibu, CA
90264, or c/o Bank of America, Point Dume Branch, 29171 Heather Cliff Road,
Malibu, CA 90264, (tel.) 310-456-6296.
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