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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: 3 PUB LTE's: Caging Our Neighbor For Using Cannabis Is Wrong
Title:US MI: 3 PUB LTE's: Caging Our Neighbor For Using Cannabis Is Wrong
Published On:2001-09-06
Source:Niles Daily Star (MI)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 08:40:38

To the editor:

Thank you for the story, FBI SHOOTS, KILLS CAMPGROUND OWNER, September 5, 2001.

The one who votes, wishes to cage or kill their neighbor for using cannabis
is a menace in society.

I am shocked at the word I got that Crosslin requested a 3rd party to
negotiate with and was refused. It makes me wonder what else was requested
that was denied, that may have led to a different outcome. Perhaps these 2
men were just not interested in spending the rest of their lives in a
prison, for what started out to be a confrontation over cannabis.

The laws in America concerning cannabis are barbaric, and based on lies and
racism. The booze prohibition lasted about 12 years and the main reason
this war has lasted so long is that the U.S. Government has gone beyond
reason, and has established a platform that is profitable, garnering power,
that is out of control.

It is the most sick of concepts to cage your brother or neighbor for using
cannabis. My 7 year old boy knows God gave us all green plants and they
were blessings from God and were all good according to God. Today, it seems
even the ministers of America are unaware of this fact. It puts into
perspective who would do exactly what the Bible says not to do.

I helped pass amendment 20 on the election ballot in Colorado, on Nov. 7th,
2000, and sincerely hope Michigan wins the cannabis issues placed on their
election ballot by a huge landslide, showing a very strong message to the
oppressive various police organizations, district attorneys, prohibitionist
politicians, etc. I hope it is a strong enough victory that it may feel
like a strong slap up side there barbaric heads.

There is a large portion of humans being caged in America's sick war on
drugs, which is dependent on for the survival of the most ignorant barbaric
of our society.

This is important news, to illustrate how the Government in America has a
full on effort to seize land from citizens for issues concerning a plant as
benign as cannabis. This effort is going on across America in its entirety
and is the root of the problem concerning Grover "Tom" Crosslin, whom was
not interested in the state seizing his 34-acre farm. FBI et al. shot him
and his friend also.

With the knowledge, Marijuana is the most commonly seized drug in the
county, it is noteworthy that 66 percent of SWAT use in America is to
server drug war warrants. When SWAT uses Gestapo tactics they will appear
as the SWASTIKA. Police are to serve and protect, SWAT is primed to kill.

God our Father gave us cannabis for food and medicine. The only Biblical
restriction placed on cannabis, (also known as kaneh bosm before the King
James Version), is that we accept it with thanksgiving. God didn't create
cannabis to be a blessing for those whom wish to use it as a deciding
factor in choosing who to condemn, kill or cage. Christians take heed! We
Christians do not have to smoke cannabis but we would do well to
dis-associate ourselves with those whom would cage a human, including
Christians, for using cannabis.

Thank God for cannabis. Accept cannabis for what it is as described on the
very 1st page of the Bible, (Gen. 1:11-12 & 29-30). If God gave us
cannabis, who gives us cannabis prohibition?

When SWAT uses Gestapo tactics they will appear as the SWASTIKA. Police is
to serve and protect, SWAT is primed to kill.

To perpetuate killing humans in Columbia for growing plants and caging men
for using cannabis, is evil according to scripture the Living Word of God.

Let us all pray for the Truth to come, quickly, for it will not be long and
we'll look back and realize killing or caging a human for using cannabis is
barbaric, which makes the officer that killed Donald Scott, a murderer, in
the eyes of The Holy Spirit of Truth.

America it is in God we trust, not prohibitionist politicians. Help end the
war not escalate it.

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. And may the ministers of
America do the work they are charged with, to teach the word of God, which
will end this war on plants.

Stan White, Dillon, Co


To the editor:

We all can sleep better tonight. The FBI and Michigan state police shot and
killed a couple of dangerous marijuana smokers ( only 25,999,998 more
marijuana smokers to go, give or take several million ). ( FBI Shoots,
Kills Campground Owner 4 Sep 2001)

An FBI agent was quoted as saying " We don't know what provoked the stand
off." How about the usual reason. Civil forfeiture proceedings. You
allegedly grow a pound of marijuana, you lose your land. You can
manufacture 1,200 pounds of alcohol, you can grow tobacco, no Civil
forfeiture for those drugs. They kill 450,000 a year. Death from marijuana
seems to always come from law enforcement.

Did the FBI want a peaceful ending? Rolland Rohm's stepfather, and Rohm's
mother drove all night from Tennessee to try to help police negotiate, but
were never allowed to speak to Rohm. The FBI wouldn't even let Rohm talk to
his mother!

According to neighbors these dangerous men " Were peaceful and generous, at
Christmas they would drive their pickup truck into Vandalia and distribute
gifts throughout the town of about 350 residents. They also would buy food
and clothes for people staying at the campground."

Over the years they had impressive guests! Gatewood Galbraith, Candidate
for Governor in the state of Kentucky, noted author, Stephen Gaskin, Nora
Callahan of The November Coalition Elvy Musikka, Bill Bradley (Chairman,
Van Buren County Libertarian Party), Robert J. Fritakis (Columbus Institute
For Contemporary Journalism, Geoffrey Fieger (Candidate for the Democratic
ticket for Governor in the state of Michigan), to name a few. These are not
people that hang out with criminals!

Let's see if any Michigan politicians have the guts to come forward to stop
the war on marijuana! No more killing people over marijuana...

Larry Seguin, Lisbon, New York


To the editor:

As I fight back tears to write this letter, words cannot explain the sorrow
in my heart, not only for Mr. Crosslin and Mr. Rohm, but for us all as a
nation, so vengeful, so corrupted and cruel, that we would allow government
agents to murder these men, for such a fraudulent, unholy crusade, in which
so few actually believe. What have we become?

History will not look kindly on us for what we've allowed to happen in this
deadly war against our own people, who have beliefs of freedom, so deeply
rooted, that they attempted to face down this insane drug war machine.

We applaud the Chinese for standing before tanks in Tianamen Square, yet we
ignore our own citizens when they exercise their inalienable right to live
as free people.

I have little doubt, if the founders of this once free country walked the
earth today, they too, would soon be casualties of this hysteria that
drives the War On Drugs.

As a veteran, I'm ashamed to have ever served for such a heartless, gutless
and corrupted land. It shocks my senses that we stand idly by, while such,
by all descriptions, kind and gentle Americans are blasted to eternity by
government agents and they shield the killers from our citizenry.

The agents that slaughtered Mr. Crosslin and Mr. Rohm were no heroes and
only the most depraved of minds believes otherwise. If this was such a
heroic deed with a consensus of support, why must our government spirit the
killers away under a cloak of secrecy? Shouldn't they be held up on a
pedestal, so we may all thank them for such noble deeds? I think, by now,
every American with a shred of conscience already knows the answer.

John Ashcroft and John Engler, since these slayings took place on your
watch, with your blessings, you better pray that come judgment day, as you
approach the Pearly Gates, that the God I was raised to believe in doesn't
sit upon the throne, because I have no doubt that He'll condemn you to the
darkest of hells for allowing his children to die at the hands of your
underlings, for merely using a plant that God placed on this earth for
food, fiber, medicine and the mental well- being of all his children.

And the agents that murdered Mr. Crosslin and Mr. Rohm will be seated on
your right hand and the local officials who so craved Mr. Crosslin's
possessions that they would set this disaster in motion, you will be there
too, seated just to their left.

And the elected officials that have created such a false doctrine, which
allows these catastrophes to occur in the first place, I believe he
reserves a special punishment for you that the mortal mind is unable to
comprehend and you deserve it.

What have you wrought?

Mike Plylar, Kremmling, Colo.
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