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News (Media Awareness Project) - US GA: Editorial: New Weapon Against Crime
Title:US GA: Editorial: New Weapon Against Crime
Published On:2001-10-04
Source:Savannah Morning News (GA)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 07:22:41

Breaking the connection between drug use in Savannah and crime is critical
to improving public safety. Indeed, about one out of every three felony
cases pending in court is drug related.

Authorities here have tried all sorts of ways to battle drug-related crime,
from reverse sting operations to full-court presses by police officers and
city building inspectors in high-crime neighborhoods.

This week, the community unveiled its newest weapon -- drug court. Call it
the "smart bomb" in the fight to cut crime and stop addictions.

Chatham County Superior Court Judge James Bass Jr. convened the county's
first drug court on Tuesday morning. Only two defendants, or prospective
participants, appeared before the judge. But that's because the court is
just getting started, and the county is doing this on a shoestring. The
federal money that county officials had requested didn't come through.
Hence, the start-up isn't as big as what many had hoped for.

Still, any start is a good start, considering the problems and what's at stake.

For example, continuing to lock up non-violent drug offenders in expensive,
overcrowded jails and prisons means one sure thing -- taxpayers will
continue to invest their limited tax dollars to build more places to lock
people up.

Most certainly, there must be prisons and jails for those who refuse to
obey society's laws, particularly violent criminals who prey on the
innocent. But take the case of a 21-year-old woman who faces 15 years in
prison for violating her probation because of possession of a controlled
substance. Or the 26-year-old father who faces revocation of a five-year
probated term for twice testing positive for drugs.

Neither are likely to wind up on "America's Most Wanted." But on Tuesday,
both stood before Judge Bass. He explained the court will offer them the
opportunity to get help to beat their drug problems and improve their lives.

But along with that carrot, the court has a stick: If the participants
don't do their part, and see their drug counselors each day and agree to
random drug testing, they could wind up back behind bars.

Drug courts, which are used in many other communities across the country,
aren't for every drug offender. They certainly aren't for violent thugs who
also peddle drugs they sometimes consume. And they aren't the magic bullet
to drug-related crime either. In fact, it's difficult to get reliable
statistics on exactly how effective drug courts are in getting users to
turn their lives around.

But there are some reasons for optimism. In the Brunswick area, Glynn
County has had a drug court for almost three years. About 200 offenders
have entered the program during that time. So far, just 15 didn't make it.
That means 185 fewer potential drug users are in the community, which has
to benefit public safety.

Chatham County's drug court is just beginning. To its credit, it has a good
judge. The key will be assembling the staff and necessary support needed to
select participants who deserve help, then following through on their
progress. If the county does that, this court could be one of the most
potent anti-crime weapons the community has unveiled.
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