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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: LTE: Candidate Wrong About War On Drugs
Title:US NC: LTE: Candidate Wrong About War On Drugs
Published On:2001-10-07
Source:Daily Reflector (NC)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 07:13:21

I was absolutely apppalled by the Oct. 3 article that quoted Mike Ruff and
his position on drugs in our society.

The impression I got was that Mr. Ruff feels that drugs are OK as long as
no one is getting hurt. He also left the impression that the police need to
leave the drug users alone as long as the offender was not hurting anyone
else or committing a crime at the time.

Tell me Mr. Ruff, is it therefore OK for drug users to be at school with my
children? Do you honestly feel that the police should wait for them to
commit a crime before they become concerned.

We have invested such valuable and worthwhile time teaching our youth about
the dangers of drugs and then we have an "adult" who wants to lead our city
with an attitude that sends such a negative message. How many parents,
teachers and adminstrators want this type of person with this type of
message making decisions for us as to the future of our city? I certainly

Is Mr. Ruff not familiar with the DARE program and it's success in our
state? Does he not believe that it takes local involvement as well?

I am truly concerned and hope that Mr. Ruff will enlighten us to more of
his views before election time.


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