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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: OPED: Head Heart Belly
Title:US IL: OPED: Head Heart Belly
Published On:2001-10-17
Source:Rock River Times (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 06:40:05


For a very long time I have wondered what the Libertarian Party would do or
say in the face of the Fascist menace that caused World War Two. I think I
have my answer.

The party would have counselled that it was America's fault for meddling
and would have asked Germany and Japan what we could do to eliminate the
grievances of these two countries. Does Japan need more oil for its
conquest of China - done - because America has no interest in the welfare
of China and if Japan wishes to rule China that is between China and Japan.
As long as Japan has the money we must sell it the oil. The same goes for
the dispute between England and Germany. Does Germany want America to stop
selling and giving arms to England - done - after all American people are
being taxed to support England. If England can't support herself America
has no interest in foreign entanglements.

Lets look at the world today. A new/old fascist ideology has arisen based
on religion. The fascists have just grievances and Americans have been
taxed to support the only democracy in the lands of the fascists.
Unfortunately this democracy is run mainly by Jews. And we know this
current fascist ideology like the one that preceded it hates Jews.
Especially the Jews in its midst. After all hadn't all the countries of
this fascist league each in its own way expelled all the Jews from its
various regions? Why should American tax dollars support these Jewish
interlopers who had lived in small numbers in the region for over two
thousand years and in large numbers since the end of World War Two? Why not
sell them out and let their neighbors take care of them. Wouldn't it be

There is no doubt American foreign policy is less than perfect. Our drug
prohibition inspired adventure into the Columbian civil war is an
unmitigated disaster and is bringing untold suffering to the people of
Columbia. We are desperately in need of a better policy in the region. For
starters if we ended prohibition we could deal rationally with Columbia's
problems. But I am reminded that despite the suffering we inflicted on
Vietnam, 25 years after the war a great many of the people of Vietnam wish
we had won the war. There would have been no mass slaughters in the
aftermath, no reeducation camps, no boat people and a democratic capitalist
economy would have brought a measure of wealth only now beginning to be
realized as Vietnam slowly changes its economic system. Even when badly
done American influence is still better than the alternative.

At this point I think a movie review is in order. And the movie I want to
review is the "Wizard of Oz". The essence of the movie is the search of
each main character for something missing in their life. And this search is
done in the face of unlimited evil. And what are the missing parts? The
Scarecrow needs a brain, the Tin man needs a heart, and the Lion needs
courage. I think the message here is that no person is fully formed without
a head, a heart, and courage.

What do we know about the Libertarians? They certainly have a head. Their
analysis is exquisite and to the point. Detailed and nuanced based on the
most logical of rules and as internally consistent as a political
philosophy can be. But logic makes up less than 10 percent of human
experience. I say this well aware that as an industrial controls designer I
make my living from logic. So the Libertarians have logic in spades. But it
is a cold heartless logic. A pocket book oriented logic. And if you look
over the mass of the party and especially its local expression they do not
have the courage of their convictions. The party's support for Dr. Dunkel
and the Libertarian tax protesters and E.J.'s run in with the law over
marijuana sales have been less than courageous. In fact they have been for
the most part cowardly. This is especially galling to me in E.J.'s case
since he gave his heart to advancing the cause of the party.

Thus I find that although I am in the main in philosophical agreement with
many of the party's positions I can no longer affiliate myself with such a
group. There are still individuals that I can support and I will. There are
still party positions I can support and I will. But from here on the party
no longer gets my blanket endorsement. As of now consider me an independent
political activist.

Let me close with a quote from John Stewart Mill:

"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and
degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is
worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to
fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a
miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so
by the exertions of better men than himself."

Don't forget to ask a politician:

Do you favor drug prohibition because it finances criminals or do you favor
it because it finances terrorists?

This week's politician is:

Senator Dave Syverson - District 34

200 S. Wyman Suite 302

Rockford, IL 61101

M. Simon is an industrial controls designer and independent political activist.
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