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News (Media Awareness Project) - DrugSense/MAP Seeks Your Help
Title:DrugSense/MAP Seeks Your Help
Published On:2001-10-20
Fetched On:2008-01-25 06:34:21
Please Forward this Important Note to Your Friends

Dear Fellow Reformer:

As an aftermath to the tragedies of September 11th, issues involving
drug policy and how prohibition helps fund terrorism have become front
and center in the nation's conscious. Close to a quarter of a million
people visited the MAP / Drug Sense news and opinion sections in
October! We are very gratified to be fulfilling our mission to provide
accurate news and facts, especially in this time of crisis.

Unfortunately, our staff of a half dozen part time workers and myself
need to eat and live and we are not making even a modest living from
our efforts. I earn less than ten dollars an hour and the others are
around the minimum wage level. This is not sustainable over the long

Many of you out there could contribute with little if any
inconvenience. Some might only afford ten dollars. Most could come up
with fifty or a hundred. And there are some of you who could become
thousand dollar donors and help underwrite and expand our efforts.
(You wouldn't believe how rare a thousand dollar donor is around here!)

With one exception, foundations won't touch us with a ten foot pole
because we are deemed controversial. So we are totally dependent upon
web visitors support to increase funding. We continuous ask ourselves,
why are we unable to generate more dollars from such a large and
dedicated group?

Together we have built DrugSense and MAP into one of the world's
largest drug policy reform web site.

See http://www.drugsense.org/webpop/

We have generated 7,300 published letters to editors over the course
of the past few years.

See http://www.mapinc.org/lte/

We are proud of our other current services, among them: The Drug News
archive of more than 68,000 news clippings, support for scores of
other reform organizations and a weekly newsletter informing thousands
of readers of current developments in drug policy.

See: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/

We also have plans to expand our services in the near future, provided
we can keep our heads above water.

We cannot sell subscriptions or advertising, so we must rely upon you,
our beneficiaries, to send us what you feel this service is worth to
you and what will fit into your budget.

Contributing is easy. You can charge your contribution


If you prefer to donate via check, please mail your checks payable to
DrugSense or MAP Inc. PO Box 651, Porterville, CA 93258.

Please assist us now and on a regular basis. We have the vehicle to
bring about reform. Your contribution will help provide the fuel.

Thank you for joining us in the battle to bring about sound drug
policies and justice.

Mark Greer
Executive Director
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