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[ Download ] [ Stream ] Sprawl v.01: Panther Moderns by Screwhead a.k.a » Screwhead
Inspired by William Gibson's Neuromancer
>Panther Moderns
Fokus + DBR UK - The Horsementality
Dub Phizix + Skeptical + Strategy - Marka
Icicle + SPMC - Dreadnaught
Nickbee + Malk - Human Race
Future Signal - Trident
State of Mind - Sleepcreep
Dub Phizix + Skeptical - Rags
Anile + Codebreaker - Start Again
Future Signal - Surveilance
Heavy1 - Heavy Tone
Psyborg - The All Knowing Mantis
>The Message

The idea for this mix is to make something that I would imagine the Panther Moderns from Neuromancer listen to. I've always pictured them as a sort of cross between taggers, skaters/traceurs and Anonymous; a blend of urban rebellion, hacking and electronic beats with a bit of a tribal "us against the world" mentality, and I think this mix does a good job representing the sort of vibe I've always gotten when I've read Neuromancer.
Drum & Bass
30:12 @ 256kbps
57,984,357 bytes
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