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[ Download ] [ Stream ] LikeATruck by DJ DTM a.k.a » DJ_DTM
2CDJ 2Vinyl 1- 4x mixer - share the link not the file, leave a comment unless you don't have fingers
I Found 4 old broken turntables, a 4way mixer, some records and CD's in a box that fell of a truck just rollin on down the street.
I threw them all up in the air and this is all that came down.
True story bro.
72:35 @ 256kbps
139,351,816 bytes
Member Comments
» blindtear said @ Sun May 13, 2012 @ 4:36am
Loved it! It made my Sunday feel like home instead of yet another Sunday spent on the other side of the world. DTM, you're the best. =)