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Image [181047]
Uploaded by » TeenieWonder on Sun May 27, 2007 @ 4:39am
Description:Mercado Central
Linked To Galleries:» TeenieWonder
Image [181047]
Overall: NeutralOverall: Places, Scenery [1]
Member Comments
» Spex said @ Thu Jul 26, 2007 @ 9:57am
Wow! c'est vraiment une belle place ça!
» TeenieWonder said @ Sun May 27, 2007 @ 4:49am
It's funny how I did not feel lost back then, in Downtown Santiago. There were lots of things to make me think of Montreal. Here we have a kind of Eaton Centre where you can buy all kinds of stuff (ponchos, mementos, jewellery, clothes, statues, etc.) A bit expensive, considering you could get those items on Plaza de Armas in small opened-air kiosks.