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Image [58722]
Uploaded by » soyfunk on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 9:29pm
Linked To Galleries:» soyfunk
Image [58722]
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» soyfunk said @ Mon Dec 22, 2003 @ 11:01am
so this is outside Lytton (B.c) as i'm hitching for a ride back home... or at least trying to make it to Calgary for that night. the lady that picked me up in Hope (B.c)that morning gave me a whole history lesson about the natives around that area, Login union workers and then dropped off where you're looking at now (view from the mountain side highway). She didn't let me leave without some advice and a handfull of pro-communist litterature. I got picked up by my first Truck ride right there. Dude was chill enough to let sleep on the top bunk in the back of the truck. Got to Calgary the following night at 10pm.