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Image [72966]
Uploaded by » Phoenix on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 10:32pm
Linked To Galleries:» Phoenix
Image [72966]
Overall: NeutralOverall: No Type [0]
Member Comments
» Phoenix said @ Thu Aug 3, 2006 @ 3:17pm
When I first started playing I used to practice against a German program called Augos but follows certain semi-predictable patterns so now I'm forced to give the computer a 4 or 5 stone hanicap if I actually want a challenge. The problem is that winning a game is based on multiple objectives which cannot always be determined by the highest immidiate potential komi play... Computers simply lack the 'creativity' required to truly master such an abstract strategic game unlike chess which uses much simpler algorithms
» ApR1zM said @ Tue Jul 18, 2006 @ 9:32am
best strategic game ever :) ive tried to start working on an AI opponent of go but then i realised how much work it would involved hehe and ive seen a lot of people giving a shot on it and its really tuff to make it believable
» Pan-do said @ Tue Jul 18, 2006 @ 7:30am
go is a cool game