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Image [66070]
Uploaded by » FreshJive420 on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Linked To Galleries:» FreshJive420
Image [66070]
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Member Comments
» FreshJive420 said @ Wed May 11, 2005 @ 2:00pm
notice paul is out of sync with the walking, he's the only one barefoot, the only one smoking,the only one who you can see both hands, and the only one without a beard...
» nter said @ Wed May 11, 2005 @ 12:02pm
that's not jon that's paul and all that crap is just beatles conspiracy bullshit in sugestion to paul being dead (in a car crash). wich is alegedly confirmed on "i'm so tired" when played backwards on the beatles white album, disc 1.