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Image [62432]
Uploaded by » BirdyHtiD on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 9:43pm
Linked To Galleries:» BirdyHtiD
Image [62432]
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Member Comments
» AlienZeD said @ Sun Jun 19, 2005 @ 8:37pm
very beautiful
» earthyspirit said @ Mon Feb 28, 2005 @ 1:56am
Powder is the besst thing to board in.. deeep deeep fresh soft fluffy powwwdeeeerr... At the local mountains in north vancouver they many feet of new snow every few days.. it ends up at 23 feet depth and you need to walk down snow stairs to get into the chalet..
» Nie said @ Thu Jan 20, 2005 @ 12:52pm
Well, very different from the brown shit I have to walk through every day when I leave my house. I hate winter, whenever you want to go somewhere you have to put your jacket on and put your scarf. Then you must bend down to tie your boots. By the time you're done with all that you're already red in the face and sweating. You finally put you gloves on to go face that windy mother fucker, but it's not over, you get snow in your boots (that took you 6 to 7 minutes to tie) and your nose is running. First thing you know: you're sick! Say welcome to Tylenols and cough syrup, they'll be your best friends for a few days....until you decide to go out again and catch your cold's brother (or sister) and stay in bed with fever for another 3-4 days. GOD I HATE WINTER! Argh!
» Zz.ee.vV said @ Tue Nov 30, 2004 @ 1:56am
» Psy_co said @ Mon Nov 22, 2004 @ 10:38pm
this makes winter look good
» PaT_ said @ Fri Nov 19, 2004 @ 9:28pm
man i can't wait to go snowboarding this year, this pic looks awesome