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» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 4:03pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 194750
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 11:48am. Posted in RIM menu....
Coolness: 194750
I coulda guessed Noah liked some good ol' rimmin'... :lol

seriously though, it doesn't do anything.. is it supposed to? :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 11:46am. Posted in I need someone to fix....
Coolness: 194750
jackie ill give him a call later today and let you know
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 11:02am. Posted in I need someone to fix....
Coolness: 194750
oh and i have a friend whos a pro networker who could fix it too but he'd charge by the hour and prolly more than me because that is his job (he hooks up large networks for telemarketing companies and the like)

if relevant, msg me and ill share the contax
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 11:00am. Posted in I need someone to fix....
Coolness: 194750
it's probably your network settings, as most problems like this one stem from incorrect configurations.

i'd help but im booked up until thursday at least, so if you dont get it done until then, im down with taking a look and seing what i can do
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 28, 2003 @ 11:40pm. Posted in to the programmers.
Coolness: 194750
i dont really feel like competing or anything, those guys (alex and ian) prolly need the job more than i do, but im a coder so if needed, my rate is 25/hr or per-project after extensive discussion exactly outlining the project scope followed by a written contract.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 5:20pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 194750
nice!! thanks fred :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 5:04pm. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 194750
hehe, i think we all have at least 2 :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 5:03pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 194750
mmm... boob top......
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 4:41pm. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 194750
i am the master of my own heads.

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 4:40pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 194750
now why couldnt have meg tilt the camera juuuuuust a bit more down when she took that pic....? dang :lol
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 4:36pm. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 194750
man it cant be that bad, university comp sci dropout rates are much smaller

or maybe its cuz people in uni are more serious and are actually willing to stick with it, hehe
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 1:23pm. Posted in New Contest.
Coolness: 194750
i dont know if its better, but here

i got no time now to work on discussion ones but ill prolly whip sumthin up later
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 10:07pm. Posted in Latest News.
Coolness: 194750
heh not at all actually, if you look back this suggestion history you will see that i said exactly the same thing before any comments were at all possibly

i cant say i dont care about comments at all, but i definitely dont care enough to give a shit, so to speak
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 8:48pm. Posted in Latest News.
Coolness: 194750
dont forget if people turn comments off they agree not to get good ones as well as bad ones

so i think most people would keep em on anyway. i agree about the making it into something point, but that only applies in a closed community where everyone knows eachother anyway. this is a forum, lotsa new people come in all the time and trolling tagwards may prove a considerable deterrent.

not a huge issue, but i think users should have the choice, or you end up seing a while bunch of users people who we know drop old accounts and assume fake identities just in order not to get commented on... i for one would never do that, for i just do not care enough, but i can see how lots of people would
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 8:42pm. Posted in New Contest.
Coolness: 194750
I figured while Im at it, may as well take a couple shots at the discussion board icon.

Not as spiffy as the eye I know, but its the end of the day and im tired as fuck :)

ps. fred awesome albums man thanks :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:41pm. Posted in New Contest.
Coolness: 194750
:D thanks man, I could prolly make it large but the original eye pic that i fucked with was only 300x400 so if i stretch it that much, ill be mad ugly and pixelated. however, i can make a different wallpaper of this kinda theme using the same effects and transformations i used to make the icon... hmm i just might. its beena while since i made a wallpaper
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:35pm. Posted in Latest News.
Coolness: 194750
users should be able to select whether they want comments on their page or not

cuz if that option isnt there, peoples profile pages become pop-showcases really and not everyone wants that
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:31pm. Posted in New Contest.
Coolness: 194750
I had a spare 15min at work...

Noah, take your pic :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 6:10pm. Posted in Paul's Birthday.
Coolness: 194750
happy birthday dude :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 6:07pm. Posted in Montreal Porn.
Coolness: 194750
I still cant believe that hairless kid is jizzbus
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 2:09pm. Posted in #1 graphic web design art skool in Mtl?.
Coolness: 194750
or if your site is of some gaming/movie/generally entertainment theme

commercially, this site would suck. simple not-so-web-advanced purchasers wouldnt know where to go
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 21, 2003 @ 11:56pm. Posted in Montreal Porn.
Coolness: 194750
hhehehe i was gonna spare him at first, but youre right hes asking for it! :D

you should post yours as well :lol

without further ado... i present you the saga of "Mah couch n' sheetz", featuring "Mr. Kent Vekkapf" :
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 21, 2003 @ 11:32pm. Posted in Montreal Porn.
Coolness: 194750
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol fred hAEHhaHheahAEHahhah hAEHh haHE haheh hAEH hAHEHAEh HAEH HAEhhae AHEhaheh ehaEHHAEHE

*phewf* i think im getting stomache cramps from laughing

you know i actually got pics of him passed out under a bunch of pillows with only foot showing, did i ever show em to you? ;)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 21, 2003 @ 2:53pm. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 194750
this feature should only be added with an option for each user if they wantr to be commented on or not

otherwise i agree with tipsy... its way too personal. and being able to delete is not enough, you should be able to turn them off altogether.. who wants to check back for bad comments all the time?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 9:44pm. Posted in Another Suggestion:.
Coolness: 194750
yeah, what fred said :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 6:59pm. Posted in : :: ::: In Da Jungle 1.07 ::: :: :.
Coolness: 194750
rollin tha beads.....
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 5:45pm. Posted in PHP strangeness.
Coolness: 194750
headers ARE more efficient, if onoly because javascript is client-side, and tends to be quirky.

nontheless works for page redirection on most browsers
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:54pm. Posted in trillian pro 2.
Coolness: 194750
" from what i hear"

oh gee thats solid :)

anyway, thanks for the bumpage ehehehee
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:52pm. Posted in Ravewave Orgy.
Coolness: 194750
simon is right.

lets kickstart this...
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 194750
cuz hes just plain cool
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:51pm. Posted in VeriSign goes evil.
Coolness: 194750
yeah... internet is going to shit
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:51pm. Posted in RCola & Black Marhet in the Dawg house!.
Coolness: 194750
i might show up
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:50pm. Posted in trillian pro 2.
Coolness: 194750
ok, last try before giving up... *bump*
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Another Suggestion:.
Coolness: 194750
that suggestion is alright as long as people can have an option whether to allow others to comment on their user pic or not.

nymphland is pure pics, user profiles are actually *people*. if users can comment on PEOPLE who do not want to be commented on, i foresee a huge drop in ravewave membership.

on the other hand, if it is a toggle-able option, this could be fun.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:47pm. Posted in PHP strangeness.
Coolness: 194750
btw, echo 'Foobar: '.$foobar;

is faster than echo 'Foobar: '.$foobar.'';

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 19, 2003 @ 4:45pm. Posted in PHP strangeness.
Coolness: 194750
why are you enclosing your variable in quotes, ian?

and heres a suggestion: set cookies with the page youre header()'ing to. that should work
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 18, 2003 @ 8:35pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 194750
^-- cuz hes gonna be the chillest jungle daddy very soon now :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 17, 2003 @ 11:39pm. Posted in trillian pro 2.
Coolness: 194750
ahh chelsea, such open hate mongering on someone who you never had a real life convo with, tsk tsk... what will people ever think?

i on my part do not in any way hate chelsea. must be that no real life convo thing, or i dont know. fact is, i was rather indifferent, aside from thinking chelsea was a rather useless kid, until this thread. i was astonished to realize something never before thought possible: even chelsea has her uses. she keeps bumping this thread...

...and thanks to that, now YOU are reading it. Unless of course you are here to hatemonger (hi Chelsea!), you're probably just a chill curious reader. So if YOU have trillian pro 2, hook me up plz :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 17, 2003 @ 6:33pm. Posted in : :: ::: In Da Jungle 1.07 ::: :: :.
Coolness: 194750
hehe thanks seb

peterparker = Benji , right? :)

sure, I'd be happy to help. I cant make something crazilyy extensive or make it too fast since I dont even have time to go to much parties those days due to work, but, it doesnt take long to make something nice looking, functional yet simple. Drop me an email and let me know what you're doing currently (ie what hosting you use, what does it support, if you got a feedback system ec). If the hosting sucks, maybe Noah could host, or we could figure something out. Given mysql and PHP, during spare time over a few weeks I could whip up a site with a nice layout, contact info and functionality and events section which would be easily updateable thru a simple admin panel. Email me any ideas also and I could tell you how feasible they are...
Zz.ee.vV's Profile - Community Messages