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» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 6:22pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 194760
hahaha funny how you were making fun of that just earlier this page gen :)

sun+cold or rain+warm?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 5:10pm. Posted in the Joe Ogre phenomenon.
Coolness: 194760
..has gotten out of hand and calls for board moderators. What do you think?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Lipsync Fat Kid....
Coolness: 194760
i just see a poker ad and an email link.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:25pm. Posted in Who's your fave ravewaver today?.
Coolness: 194760
Jenni's alive and well, busy with school, bakes pies and generally doing good for herself.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:15pm. Posted in Anyone Any Rolling Papers?.
Coolness: 194760
i used to have a mad lighters collection when i lived in NDG and people chilled at my house all the time. i didnt feel bad, its hosting privileges lol

now i do feel bad if i end up thieving a lighter, never do it intentionally and usually will give the person their lighter right back to avoid forgetting about it
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Placebo Effect Disproven.
Coolness: 194760
i agree. people who totally didnt get it ARE funny though.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:11pm. Posted in Lipsync Fat Kid....
Coolness: 194760
didnt work for me
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Relationships vs fuckfriends.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by ASTRO*NUT...

actually i see it more vice versa, like if you already know ther person, it can be ok, but if you dont then..evenually im like, what the fuck am i doing i dont know this person at all, i cant even talk with them about anything un-sex realted, and then that becomes awckward.

you can get to know them, and BECOME friends with them. sex is not an obstacle to that unless you make it one.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Relationships vs fuckfriends.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by HEATHER PIE HOLE...

whats with one fuckfriend getting attached to the other.. or they both gt attached to eachother. whats up with that, yo.

both get attached and decide they wanna take things to an emotional level - naturally a relationship would ensue
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Relationships vs fuckfriends.
Coolness: 194760
yeah. i think it happens naturally if the two friends are of the oppisite gender (again if theyre hetero) and are attracted to eachother. the only time sex wont eventually happen is if one of them is not attracted to the other.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 2:58pm. Posted in Raver Porn.
Coolness: 194760
the section doesnt show unless youre logged in. thats prolly why you dint see it
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 2:15am. Posted in wake the fuck up son.
Coolness: 194760
humm passed by around 1am, was locked and empty lookin, oh well
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 2:14am. Posted in *Poi Artists* trick help.
Coolness: 194760
i reserve my opinion but that ^^^ was fuckin funny :lol :lol how many clowns man thats the shit
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 2:03am. Posted in Relationships vs fuckfriends.
Coolness: 194760
i find that fuckfriends is misconcepted for most people. IMO, ideally it should be FRIENDS as the word says, as in someone you care about and would go out of your way for, so what if it happens also to be a member of the opposite sex who is attracted to you and who you are attrected to, whats wrong with some good pastime? if it was a member of the same sex (unless youre gay) you could possibly be , say, playing a one-on-one fighting game with and tottally enjoy eachother, so its sorta the same. of course one of the two fuckfriends usually ends up developing emotions for another and then its up to the person either to try and bring the non-attached oone over (which usually fails) or deal with themselves and get over it.. waling away is a shitty option but of course thats there too.

all that shit aside, those days when people say fuckfriends they usually mean hoes (could be of either gender). see hoes, unlike fuckfriends, are only there for booty - you prolly have almost nothing in common, personalities barely mesh and its pure physical. i used to be into that shit but these days (unless the girl is insanely hot) it's just not that interesting.. hehe.. fuckfriends are so much better.

relationships are a whole other subject and my opinion on this is known enough so i'll save it :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 1:55am. Posted in Placebo Effect Disproven.
Coolness: 194760
dummy is, by definition:

n. pl. dum·mies

1. An imitation of a real or original object, intended to be used as a practical substitute.
1. A mannequin used in displaying clothes.
2. A figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist.
3. A stuffed or pasteboard figure used as a target.


in short, a doll - and while a person is hardly a fake of a doll, doll in itself is an object and can be fake (i.e. made of fake materials, holographic projeciton for all you trekkies, etc.)

however, a placebo by definition is:
pla·ce·bo Audio pronunciation of "placebo" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pl-sb)
n. pl. pla·ce·bos or pla·ce·boes

1. A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation to get well.
2. An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.


(2) is of interest to us here. "an INACTIVE substance".

ergo fake placebo would have to be an active substance since it would have to no longer fit the definition :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Mar 23, 2005 @ 7:47pm. Posted in your last words....
Coolness: 194760
"i'll tell your great grandkinds you said hi when they unfreeze me"
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Mar 23, 2005 @ 7:34pm. Posted in wake the fuck up son.
Coolness: 194760
this looks interesting... im dead tired but maybe ill chex it out
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Mar 23, 2005 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Placebo Effect Disproven.
Coolness: 194760
actually by converse logic, a fake placebo should be some sort of active drug :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 5:26pm. Posted in Happy Birthday you Hussy!!.
Coolness: 194760
whats all that white stuff on hayley?

jeff u animal.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 2:24pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 194760
preferably both but if i really had to choose - booty

sex or head?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 1:41pm. Posted in Chewing gum can 'enhance breasts'.
Coolness: 194760
at least we know that women who chew this gum really wanna impress and are prolly up for some boob jobs
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 1:39pm. Posted in LAN Party... Geeks unite!!!.
Coolness: 194760
you guys KNOW you have to pop in quake1 at least for half an hour
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 1:37pm. Posted in Psynight 1.
Coolness: 194760
im really sorry I couldnt come, was totally dead.. glad to hear you guys had fun, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!!!!
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Happy Birthday you Hussy!!.
Coolness: 194760
happy birthday hoohoo queen!!! :D

can it be... Yas is now... legal!! Everyone hold on to your seatbelts!!! :lol
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 3:48am. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 194760
this right here

suck or blow?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Mar 21, 2005 @ 9:35pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 194760
1) teleportation of course, duh

2) better yet,show NO NEED by stuffing face with hot sex on YOUR TERMS or nuthin, which makes life easier and gets their desire. you gotta be ready to walk away, and you will have sex less times with that person but its gonna be amazing sex plus you can compensate for frequency of sex by having numerous partners :b

3some or orgy?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Mar 21, 2005 @ 4:30pm. Posted in ravewave trends.
Coolness: 194760
and style is deceptive.

recent trend (mostly, in get together section, but not only) - HUGE THREADS mostly comprised of one-word posts which are usually meaningless :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Mar 21, 2005 @ 12:13pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 194760
made: amazing sex this weekend
made: making up for really lacking sleep last nite
made: got some shit done too
blah: lotsa shit to do still
problem: gotta pull dough out of ass to pay baby sister's tuition fees this week so she can register next sem
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Mar 21, 2005 @ 12:11pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 194760
treatment of course. who the fuck wants to die?

and about earlier one, broken heart cuz heart never really is broken and even if we were to take this figurative expression in the meaning its intended, facto of the matter is its only us ourselves who "break our heart" by having certain states of mind and with willpower over self can be healed with more or less ease. broken leg on the other stops you from walkin for quite some time and causes REAL pain.

ps. love the avatar heather ;)

rich or famous?
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Mar 20, 2005 @ 1:48am. Posted in Real or Fake?.
Coolness: 194760
my tool is fully operational thank you very much

is yours? :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Mar 20, 2005 @ 1:02am. Posted in Real or Fake?.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...

I really don't see what the big deal is

You dont see what the big deal is?

Dude, if after seing this:

you dont get any tingles in your monkeypogo, i seriously recommend getting checked for impotency.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2005 @ 12:18am. Posted in Who's got the flu?.
Coolness: 194760
whats sunbbing anyways? unless you come up to a person and yell HIII you cant always expect em to notice you
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 11:51pm. Posted in Placebo Effect Disproven.
Coolness: 194760
its not so much the original post thats funny... its the reactions :lol
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 10:40pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 194760
jahlarious indeed
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 10:36pm. Posted in spring for a forty.
Coolness: 194760
Dont deny it :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Real or Fake?.
Coolness: 194760
theyre not

and that ass is fucking amazing
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 11:39am. Posted in Placebo Effect Disproven.
Coolness: 194760
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 17, 2005 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Boyfriend / girlfriend and your parents.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by POISONED CANDY...

Sure, its possible to get disseases from having sex, as it is possible to get diseases from the food you eat, the water you drink, etc etc.

Sex is part of life. Life will kill you. 100% of the people who do life end up dying.

^-- Dan rocks as usual
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Mar 17, 2005 @ 12:26am. Posted in I smoke aluminum.
Coolness: 194760
whoa there phonecall toots

where did all this angstiness come from
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 11:44pm. Posted in How to get a RAVEWAVE chick!!!!????.
Coolness: 194760
dave doesnt need to suck my dick, he just knows lotsa women do :)

on the other hand joe, you should prolly get an enema of water after all that ass-ramming you enjoy so much :b
Zz.ee.vV's Profile - Community Messages