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» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 7:03pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 194760
made: first tan of the season fron sneaking in an hr or two outside yesterday
made: great van sex
made: finished some shit
blah: lotsa shit left to do
blah: head feels several sizes bigger
blah: no sleep for da wikkid
blah: money situation sucks docnkey cock
made: ..which will hopefully all change within a month or two
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 6:59pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

Instincts are useless to those with higher brain functions, and should be ignored.

not true. higher brain functions allow to make more sense of instincs and use them to your advantage instead of letting them lead you astray.

regardless of what anyone says, all final decisions are based on emotion. what leads to the decision may be analytical up the gazoo, but no amount of analysis can make you TOTALLY SURE, so final decision is always in some way kind of like "aw fuck it!"

now alot of people misinterpret emotions/instincts and may not understand what their body/brain hormonal balance is trying to tell them. it may be good to distance oneself in order to get to a point you are no longer DEPENDENT on them. once there, though, and you have the power to steer your own emotions and use them to your advantage, and read insticts correctly... it becomes what it always should have been if majority of people weren't so confused - another way of your subconscious communicating with your conscious.

whether anyone's aware of it or not, thats really what this shit comes down to.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 6:53pm. Posted in 26c Tommorow (Tuesday).
Coolness: 194760
^-- and we want pics
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed May 11, 2005 @ 5:46am. Posted in Fentanyl.
Coolness: 194760
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 8:00pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 194760
Give it time Nie. I used to think the exact same way. As years pass and you get more experience you realize some issues aren;'t black and white, and this is the epithome of such. That's really all I'm going to say because no amount of arguments or proof can substitute for that simple understanding. That aside, I also think your first paragraph is unduly harsh and is not necessarily true, especially in the case I've described.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 10:15am. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 194760
i never knew cara had such photoskillz. and anne looks great...
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 8:23am. Posted in Best way to recover from long night.
Coolness: 194760
i think its called Shok
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue May 10, 2005 @ 4:51am. Posted in meal ideas.
Coolness: 194760
There you have it. All this talk of soup made me want to put up the recipee for a good ol' Ukrainian style BORSCHT!

Kiev-style Borscht
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 1/2 pounds Beef chuck roast boneless
1 pound Beef marrow bones
1 pound Ham bone meaty
1 each Onion large grated
1 each Carrot grated
3 quarts Water
1 each Turnip peeled & grated
1 each Celery rib w/leaves sliced*
3 each Dill sprigs*
3 each Parsley sprigs*
12 each Black peppercorns whole*
4 each Bay leaves*
3 each Beets large peeled grated
4 each Potatos peeled and cubed 1"
16 ounces Plum tomatos skinned & -- coarsely chopped
1 each Onion large chopped
1 each Carrot sliced
1 each Bell pepper chopped
1/4 cup Sunflower oil
1 teaspoon Salt
4 cups Cabbage shredded
3 tablespoons Tomato paste
6 each Prunes pitted & chopped
1 teaspoon Honey
1 teaspoon Black pepper fresh ground
1/2 cup Sour cream or plain yogurt
4 each Garlic cloves minced
2 each Bacon strips fried & -- crumbled
2 tablespoons Parlsey fresh chopped
3 tablespoons Dill fresh chopped

All ingredients marked with the { * } are to be placed in a small cloth bag.
Tie the bag shut and place into the stock pot. Place meat bones, meat, and
water in alarge stock pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Skim the foam
as needed. Add the remaining stock ingredients, cover, reduce heat to low
and simmer for 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Wash, dry, and
peel the beets. Wrap them in aluminum foil and bake in oven for 1 hour 15 minutes.
Remove from oven, allow to cool, and dice 1/4". Remove the ham bone, meat & marrow
bones from the stock. Set the marrow bones aside. Strain the stock through
a fine sieve into a clean pot. Discard the solids.
Bring the stock to a boil add the tomatos, potatos and salt & pepper and cook for 10 minutes
on low heat covered. Cook the onions, carrot, & Bell pepper in a castiron
skillet for approx. 5 minutes.. Stir in the cabbage and continue to cook the vegetables
for 10 more minutes.
Remove the begetables from heat and add to the stock.
Sprinkle the juice of a lemon over the beets and add them to the stock.
Add the tomatos, tomato paste, and honey to the stock and continue to
Remove the meat from the bones, strip the marrow out of the marrow bones
, and cube the beef 1/2" & add all of this to the stock and cook for 15 minutes more.
Remove from heat and serve after adding a generous dollop of sour cream to each bowl.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 6:50pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by ELKA...

id take the first for sure. Id rather deal with hardships with someone i love, than be treated amazingly by someone i have mediocre feelings for.

exactly.. i think people who choose the opposite are often basing it (often subconsciously) on internal self esteem issues, and needing to be reaffirmed by someone... of course there are other reasons but thats probably the biggest and most common one.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 6:43pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...

yeah I understand I am constantly tempting other people

you sure hit the nail on its head dude, stopping myself from giving you hot love was one of the hardest things i had to do
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...

I'd rather the first but without the cheating

right. or the second one without the crappy aspects which ultimately comes up to the same thing.

unfortunately, avoiding the question will not change reality.

i didnt exemplify this particular scenario above with no reason. those of you with experience know, that it is very often exactly what happens. people with more to offer (passion, vibrant personality, looks etc.) have more choice. with choice comes temptation. when you cant do much in that direction anyway (at least not without alot of effort), you don't even need to resist anything because temptation is not there, and when it is, you will think long and hard before you risk what you have. if on the other hand you feel that you keep on giving and are being mistreated, and opportunities are all there, it takes that much more willpower not to slip.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 5:32pm. Posted in Ever been cheated on?.
Coolness: 194760
never cheated on a girl *I* considered a girlfriend. been cheated on. its cool tho, thickens your skin and makes you re-evaluate the black and white view on this most of us seem to have at earlier points of adult life.

heres an interesting question to ponder: whats better - a partner who REALLY loves you, cares for you, is great in all respects (looks, personality etc) and one day when youre having a tough time or something - slips, cheats, comes back and honestly confesses everything, reaffirms his/her love and is sorry as hell; OR, a partner who is all right but has some aspects you dont quite like, says he/she loves you but it often feels like the passion is not quite there, annoys and/or bores you a bit, BUT are loyal as hell and you know for sure wont cheat, telling yourself it is because the person is just stable like that but really wondering if it's because they are afraid of losing you and dont know if they can do any better.

would you keep the first? would you be happy with the second? my answers to those questions would probably be different five years ago... but right now i'll take the first over the second anyday.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:56am. Posted in what have u randomly done partying?.
Coolness: 194760
dude, youre so compassionate youre like the male version of mother theresa... if only others could embrace their inner teddy the way you do, the world would be such a beautiful place *sheds a happy tear*

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:52am. Posted in Electric Church - June 25th - Flyer Info.
Coolness: 194760
i think the new one is great too... maybe you should have a faded church kinda seen in the black background tho, party name is electric church and all and i see no church
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:50am. Posted in whos the gayest dj of them all.
Coolness: 194760
you people are forgetting supergreg... hes #1 t3h ghey, even his demo video says so! lol
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:49am. Posted in what have u randomly done partying?.
Coolness: 194760
dude u live in verdun? we neighbours... hehe..
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:48am. Posted in what have u randomly done partying?.
Coolness: 194760
and superscott is gonna show us all hows its done! right scottie? ;)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:38am. Posted in what have u randomly done partying?.
Coolness: 194760
you mean a trance dj punching streak. hehe
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon May 9, 2005 @ 4:36am. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by OUU! ROMANTIQUE!...

a-hah-how! word, sophia...unless the person is shy..and gets his friends to call you, to tell you to call him (HA HAHAHAHAH)

thats so junior high,.....or emo.


I find NOT calling back after 1 time is just as much "the game" as purposely holding out and "playing hard to get" . Wanna AVOID "the game" ? Just act on your instincts and do what feels right. If you're into the guy/girl enough to call him/her back even after no responce, once or twice... do it.. if not... fuck it. No need to overanalyze shit.

And Yas: are you as crayzee on the phone as in person? Cuz if so... we're starting a pay-per-minute entertainment 900 number baybee... :lol
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun May 8, 2005 @ 11:49pm. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
i find most girls just loooooove being confused ;)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat May 7, 2005 @ 7:35pm. Posted in scotty = white power.
Coolness: 194760
at least its not white powder.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat May 7, 2005 @ 7:26pm. Posted in google was *gasp* down.
Coolness: 194760
search engine was down and is back now, gmail is still down
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat May 7, 2005 @ 7:25pm. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
hottest hardcore pie hole porno phonesex i've ever had... heather you're one kinky mama! im spent...
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat May 7, 2005 @ 7:20pm. Posted in google was *gasp* down.
Coolness: 194760
Anybody notice [ www.google.com ] "Could not be found" starting 2 minutes ago and its back just now.

it starts.....
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat May 7, 2005 @ 7:11pm. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by OUU! ROMANTIQUE!...

gahh.. those guys are annoying. Lol theyre always like "call meee1 callll me1 lets do something!" but will only call you the day youre sposed to meet to confirm the time.. otherwise nothing will happen til you call them. TEH GAY.

then there are the guys that call yknow, 5 times a day... yeeeah, about that. los WHAT THE FUCK.

^-- proof that girls are NEVER happy :b Call em rarely and they want you to harrass them, harass em and theyre freakin out.. hehe

of course what is left unsaid here is it that the frequency of the guy's calls is usually inversely proportional to how hot/socially adapted he is. aint that a bitch

now if y'all excuse me I gotta go and call Heather back.

:lol ;)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 8:39pm. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

if you're always the one calling him, he's prolly not interested.

not true

alot of times a guy will talk to and get together with a girl if she calls him but wont call himself (or call alot) cuz hes just thinking about other stuff

doesnt mean hes not into her, it only means hes not thinking about her when hes doing his shit. in this department, guys are mostly not like girls (who like to think AND talk about guys during their free as well as non-free time, and dont tell me you dont, ladies :b ).
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 5:43pm. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
leave a message twice. once the one you just left and another 2 weeks. no callback = next
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 5:20pm. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by HEATHER PIE HOLE...

If a girl calls a guy ( and they never talked on the phone before) and she leaves him a message on his home phone. If the guys likes her, would he call back? Or do guys like to play games and even if they do like the girl they don't call back.

In my head if he likes the girl he will call back, if he doesn't then hes just not into the girl.. right???

too much thinking.

if you like him, call him. if you dont, dont. it really is that simple and life is alot easier this way
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 4:03pm. Posted in what have u randomly done partying?.
Coolness: 194760
later that night, ben just came up to me and told me he just punched someone in the face for talking shit on the internet. i didnt even know it was ian just yet then. then ben walked off, sat on the bar and started playing with the JiveAssRadio fisher price sound recorder.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 3:43pm. Posted in W.O.W/ women on wax.
Coolness: 194760

i say women on brasilian wax is a beautiful thing.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 3:39pm. Posted in you think youve got it bad....
Coolness: 194760
^-- yep, thats cuz in canada life is so good people simply have no concept of REAL problems, like people you know getting killed or their limbs torn off, or even something as trivial as no sugar or toilet paper in stores for months.

i also think thats the reason people turn to drugs alot. too much free time due to high quality of life.

its a vicious circle, because once life is so good nobody gives a shit, real problems are just waiting to happen.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 8:28am. Posted in Where'd the world go?!.
Coolness: 194760
probably. i thought it was juts co.uk but its actually same on [ maps.google.com ]

did you guys read the thing on microsoft flying car on theregister.co.uk ? hilarious...
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 8:26am. Posted in W.O.W/ women on wax.
Coolness: 194760
you should ask Jocelyn D about her friend Lady Selekta (Natalie). She's a great reggae dj, and has a respectable gig at luba lounge.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 8:22am. Posted in fashion,what do u think this business?.
Coolness: 194760
I would set it up throughe-bay. Just make multiple accounts and sell shit off them. Make special packages of multiple items with volume discounts. Since the transactions are done on a person-to-person level, you can mark your boxes 'gift' and the recipient wont pay customs.

My lasalle college fashion chick frends ordered tons of trendy shit off ebay shipped to them from us, uk or taiwan/china.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 6:08am. Posted in LaRonde May 14.
Coolness: 194760
damn, sarah lost some weight
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 4:40am. Posted in South Park episode Q.
Coolness: 194760
carlos is a jap in denial.. lol
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 3:57am. Posted in Remember Andy Sega? (+dl a kickass song).
Coolness: 194760
Anybody who remotely kept track of the oldskool tracker scene in the 90s probably knows the name Andy Sega or more likely his alias, 'Necros'. The dude released a vast amount of great music, won contests, made soundtracks for cutting edge demos which won contests, produced music for games and videos, and alongside being amazingly talented is also a chill guy who I've had the pleasure to get to know a little on the oldskool scnenenet #trax channel. Even his unreleased shit which he only passed around there was wayy better than 90% music I've heard.

The reason I'm posting this is that I've recently learned about his new experimental electronica indie project, Alpha Conspiracy. Not expecting anything less than great from this new and evolved Andy, I went to [ www.alphaconspiracy.com ] and downloaded the free shit in 'media section'.

It was even better than I expected.

Even if you never heard of trackers and the old demoscnene, go [ www.alphaconspiracy.com ] "Close". You may or may not share my tastes, but I think most will find that track extremely difficult to dislike. Others are great too, but this one takes the cake hands down.

As for the more old-school producers around here who remember Andy, I'm sure you won't be disappointed, just like I wasn't.

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu May 5, 2005 @ 7:27pm. Posted in why is sha sha shooo purty.
Coolness: 194760
oh yeah...

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu May 5, 2005 @ 2:10pm. Posted in 5000 users!.
Coolness: 194760
mine's more oldskool than all of you. hah :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed May 4, 2005 @ 7:41pm. Posted in NeoFORM Explained.
Coolness: 194760
Originally posted by SMURF...

I didnt want to sound condescending tho, i value stupid ppl alot! ;) (its a joke, just so we are square)

hehe great post. I value stupid people too tho, for real. otherwise who the hell would flip burgers and shit? we dont have robots for that yet.. i'll prolly change my opinion above once we do... :lol
Zz.ee.vV's Profile - Community Messages