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» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 13, 2005 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Freestyle yo.
Coolness: 194760
what a fuckin dope album :) in spirit of this, a lil lunchtime freestyle:

A chick in a club emerges and looks like she lost
i get irresistible urges to plug her exhaust
what exquisite bun pair, so hot it could defrost
a siberian bear - first-grade derriere
she knows what to wear too, minkskirt so skin tight
that its almost see-through, showing half a tattoo
top so tiny i wonder how tits fit into,
fuck me shoes. isnt easy to calm my bamboo
get her to come sip brew, eat fondu, i tell you
right away i knew she a black belt in bed kungfu
knows the score and its duly on, before i'm through
drinkin, she takes her top off, oh shit what a view
pair of ripe watermelons that defy gravity
makes me go explore Magellan-style her love cavity
the room temperature just jumped ten degrees
as she got on her knees. fuck teasing, just suck on deez

lunch is over, gotz to work. to be continued.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 13, 2005 @ 2:53am. Posted in Freestyle yo.
Coolness: 194760
Not a freestyle this time - but i HAD to post this :) could be most hilarious Necro track yet...


(laid back beat with marvin gaye sayin PISS at the end of every loop)

Golden showers, water sports, you drinking quarts
of piss, you'll end up a stinking corpse fucked with a fist
gay and wack
i get more in debt, this concept
was born from marvin gaye singing PISS on a track
europeans love drinking piss
i'd love to serve some urine to the women in these clubs and make'em think it's kris
you're acting all pissed frontin kid like youre mean
some of you rappers were pissing in bed till fourteen
i take a piss to remove poison from inside of me
you drink piss cuz you are poison to society
you swallow and gargle cupfulls
like german couples
that lick the sperm off knuckles
three million chinese are drinking urine like it's the norm
they think it's pure in form
coming from baby eaters, I'd be warned
japanese women bathing in urine goes on
as well as indians drinking steaming hot PISS since the birth of koran
that shit is gay, it's not like water, piss goes down toilets
some boil it,
then slurp it with a feces side-order
in a fuckin dungeon, somewhere in chelsea
you're as healthy as Willie Nelson's wealthy
i smell pee
wash your fucking pussy, go freshen up
cuz this song was putrid enough
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Mon Sep 12, 2005 @ 4:43am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 194760
great work sharon. i like the last one best.

also - *major whistles* at lil sarah u kinky animal!
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat Sep 10, 2005 @ 6:17pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
The moment a discussion is no longer based in logic, it stops being scientific/realistic and veers off into "who's more tenacious / emotional about their views" land.

Considering I'm neither tenacious nor emotional about my views, and merely consider them an accurate portrayal of the current issue discussed in this thread, I really couldnt care less for chest-thumping.

I'm pretty sure that people who care enough about the issue will read through all views, do their own research, and come to their own conclusion which my posts were aimed to facilitate in the first place.

On the other hand, people who care more about self-validation via a messageboard than the discussion at hand, are far from my target audience. To those, I sincerely wish to one day find the inner peace, attaining which they seem to try so hard.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat Sep 10, 2005 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Happy Bday Bagwhore.
Coolness: 194760
i think he meant guns as opposed to cameras.

anyway, i already done so in the other thread but happy bday again caro! ever been to ZEE DOME since that time i ran into you there. ;) hehe... keep rockin
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat Sep 10, 2005 @ 1:13pm. Posted in The Princess turns another year older!!.
Coolness: 194760
happy birthday caro, you rock :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat Sep 10, 2005 @ 12:35pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
Scotty, thats flawed logic. No amount of sources can make a point valid or invalid, only strengthen the point. :b Time to read that logic 101 booklet again dude..
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 9, 2005 @ 5:35pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
My information is from various sources on and off the web, the link was something I googled to point to from my post. I really couldnt be bothered to backtrace and quote the sources which contributed to my opinion on the issue, after all, this is just ravewave.

I read the article you linked to. Interesting, and I like how they strive to use components that already exist to cut costs, but I still really doubt this approach will be const effective enough (both buildding/miantenance costs as well as EROI taken into account) to replace fossils.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 8:56pm. Posted in What does ".com" mean?.
Coolness: 194760
im sure ill end up reserving one or two catchy ones ;)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 8:47pm. Posted in What does ".com" mean?.
Coolness: 194760
.xxx is in process of being approved
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 8:41pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
I'll look into your link, but "displace" does not mean "replace". In fact, "displace" is not quantifiable at all.

The page I quoted is a quick link from google, as Ive mentioned. There is plentifu info on the web about solar energy, and most (recent) summaries agree that even with current technologies solar power is largely insufficient to sustain even our infrastructure, much less growth.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 6:05pm. Posted in What does ".com" mean?.
Coolness: 194760
if this is a joke, then the answer is [ .COM ] sex


otherwise is [ .com ] of course
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 5:57pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
I dont see your point about the power grid. We *HAVE* an existing power grid that works just fine and is being improved. All we have to do is replace current coal/oil powered generators with fusion power plants to compensate for, and surpass, our current consumption need.

Solar houses may end up having an energy surplus if they got no major heating need and use energy in a smart way, but solar powered systems do not give out enough energy to justify building, maintenance and repair costs or area used. [ ] info here, just a quick ling off the top of google but there is plenty of info on the subject and a general consensus in knowledgeable circles is that solar power is only justifiable locally. Huge solar farm in the desert *might* be capable of powering a small town nearby, but that'll be it. Perhaps it is you who should check your facts.

The sun comment was simply to illustrate that fusion is a sustainable, containable and powerful source of energy.

I assume by "existing tech" you mean WORKING tech, since fusion *is* existing tech. That aside, it is generally agreed that progress along currently available renewables (solar, geo, biofuel, wind etc) will not compensate for global shortages and will require massive concessions in our current way of life.

While consumerism is definitely a negative, there are many positives to how we live today - globalism improved quality of life quite a bit and made state-scale generosity possible. I doubt a concept such as international aid would exist if everyone would be running short. Science advances much faster, waste elimination is and can be made better, more concern for ecosystem can be shown if we are not forced to burn fossils, etc. Fusion IS the answer to achieve all of that, and is not a fantasy. Nothing else that is within reach comes anywhere near.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 4:13pm. Posted in guess who's running for US presidency??.
Coolness: 194760
I say bring on Dolomite. he made some good electoral promises in that snoop skit
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 4:11pm. Posted in US Flags at Half Mast.
Coolness: 194760
man this is all symbolic bollocks

instead, he should probably cancel some parades and fancy ass minister receptions or whatever, and redirected the funds to the people in need

so much taxpayer money is wasted over bullshit.

and I'm not even STARTING on the war cuz that subject has been beaten to death but cmon.. $250 billion ??
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 4:04pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
Small-scale geothermal is useless for global energy, and large scale geothermal is right now more impossible than fusion. Do some googling, read up on it and you'll see what I mean.

Solar panels on earth couldnt even begin to produce enough energy per surface they take up to fuel even the demands of yesterday, forget those of today and tomorrow.

The solar moon project might. But "beaming" this energy to Earth is far less realistic now than making the conventional Deuterium-Tritium fusion possible given current scientific achievements and technology we already have. The ignition power problem is only initial plasma ignition, after that the plant becomes economically viable as it continues to operate for an estimated lifetime of 15 years each. Most importantly, fuel is abundant and is enough for a billion years which should be enough time and energy for humanity to either kill itself or fix the shit we've done to Earth and expand into space.

There is also a more revolutionary movement in fusion research, one I've mentioned earlier - Hydrogen-Boron Fusion. It focuses on minimalist approach and using different fuel which won't even produce radioactive waste. Although there are some roadblocks, it looks very promising.

Oh yeah, like Ian said, sun operates on fusion and its been doing great long before we were here and will probably continue to do so long after we're gone one way or another.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 11:32am. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
That's the only developing tech right now that seems realistically attainable enough...

As in, govts are building a reactor now, theres a slew of independent research & development underway, and science today more or less points to its feasibility.

This is something that can not be said for some other "future energy" prospects, say, moon solar stations channeling energy to earth, volcano power stations or "space elevator" strips of carbon film with fuelcell crawlers running on them back and forth from satellites.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 11:25am. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
I never said it was easy to get ass orgasms, I said the deep spot can be deasily stimulated via anal sex.

Lets not take things out of context, shall we?

The deep spot is along the back, lower ridge of the vaginal cavity. Sort of opposite to, and further then, the G-spot which is on the 'roof' of the vagina. This location of the deep spot makes it very close to the wall between vulva/anus, and the concentration of nerve endings there shares some of the root nerves leading to it with the nerve endings in the rectum.

That said, overdoing what? I'm not even trying to prove a point, just divulging some info most people here probably have no clue about.

Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

bah, okay now ur just over-doing it. Not everyone can orgasm from their ass. Maybe some people can, but it is certainly not a normal thing or an easily attainable thing. Easily stimulated.. pfff.. its stimulating the bowels bahaha... maybe that would explain your contractions. No seriously though I'm not saying it isn't possible *cough*doubtit*cough* but easy/not-totally-freaky mais non non non...
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 2:46am. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
There is more to orgasm than just stimulation of Clit and/or G-spot.

Even just physiologically, there is the 1-o-clock spot, as well as the Deep Spot, which is easily stimulated via anal sex. Some girls can also orgasm with no touch whatsoever, via hypnotic induction or even just guided meditation. I'm sure you've heard of tantric sex.

Back on topic, I do not doubt for a second that at least some of the girls orgasmed via anal. If contractions, tremors and very vocal response is not enough.. well.. some of them were squirters and guess what. They squirted.

Of course I can not account for all causes of stimulation, alot of the times the girl will touch her clit while being butt-fucked and you can say it is the real cause, but fact of the matter is, girls can and do orgasm from anal sex alone - probably not on their first time, but they can eventually.

Always remember.. the main sexual organ is THE BRAIN, not genitalia.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 7, 2005 @ 7:08pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 194760
you can ask for the alternative piss test, which does not involve The Q-Tip

sometimes they charge money for it though.

last I went, I told them right away - NO QTIP fuck :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 7, 2005 @ 7:03pm. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
At this rate, we're gonna have to cut oil use one way or another.

Problem is, electricity depends on burning the abundant and very polluting coal.

As I've said, I got high hopes for fusion. That's the only developing tech right now that seems realistically attainable enough to work, and would provide enough energy to sustain the growth of our civilization without having to stunt it.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 7, 2005 @ 7:00pm. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
Double anal is a bit extreme in my opinion, just like anal fisting.

While a large turd of crap CAN be comparable to an average penis size - i.e. the anus is physically capable of accomodating such girth, this cannot be said for two penises, a first or a wrist.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Wed Sep 7, 2005 @ 3:37am. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
You're all entitled to your opinions :)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 11:40pm. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
Scotty, I'm sure there are, but it's a common theme for women pre-30 to have experimented with it at some point, early or later, many open their mind (and ass) to it eventually. It naturally takes a guy who knows what hes doing to make her experience pleasure there, and from what I hear from women, not many are.. not many at all.

It sucks that some people have the philosophy of "I'm ENOUGH" which really translates to "what I learned based on fucking up and hearsay and accidental lesson by an experienced chick IS ENOUGH". which of course is not to say that its not a good way of learning, experience is paramount and practice makes perfect... but while you may intuitively learn how to ride a bike by someone just showing you, you need official schooling for flying airplanes. :b just like with any skill, youre only one person, and what others may have found out can add to much higher proficiency.

on that note, I recommend ESO - Extended Sexual Orgasm II by Donna and Alan Brauer. Great fuckin book (pun intended) ;)
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 3:33pm. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
Sophia, you know me better than to say I'm easily fooled ;) especially in coital matters.

Those girls were nowhere near pornstars, either.

Even with all that aside, if a girl ASKS you to skip the pussy and give it to her in the back door without any provocation on the first fuck, you really arent gonna argue she enjoys it better will you?

I could go into specifics and write alot but I'll just say this:

Wait until youre in your late 20s.

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 4:12am. Posted in appartement for rent 4 1/2.
Coolness: 194760
i think he got the question by now, guys...
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 2:42am. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
Good work. More people should be made aware of this.

While I dont think things will be as bad as the most pessimistic prognoses draw it and the decline will force some rapid-fire research into solutions, it is entirely possible we wont have enough time to come up with a working one.

If there is anything that can save the situation, it is the [ www.focusfusion.org ] Fusion.

Excrept on Focus Fusion:

...we have "maxed out" on the utility of fossil fuels as the source of our power. Renewables, while wonderful, cannot hope to replace that power anytime soon (and possibly not ever). New energy sources are urgently needed.

...We have the technology to develop stunningly cheap power plants that produce electricity directly, without the use of heat to run a steam engine. We hope to develop highly reliable, compact, modular designed power plants that can be brought on-line quickly, have no emissions or radioactive waste, and can be put anywhere.

Instead of huge power plants costing several hundred million dollars each, serving a large region, you can have many smaller "mom-n-pop" plants for a fraction of the price that serve smaller locations and offer greater local control and security. Rolling blackouts will be a thing of the past. The fuel for these plants is dirt cheap and abundant. It won't run out for billions of years. In sum, Focus Fusion proposes the possibility of cheap, clean, abundant, decentralized energy easily accessible to everyone.

This is a radical departure from the energy supply story we are all used to [- peak oil warnings]. And it fundamentally changes the equation of all the strategies and analysis that are currently in place regarding energy and global welfare.

However, there is currently no working solution in place. I only found [ www.fuelcellscanada.ca ] reference I found to the fuel cell Atrix mentioned and the site of the development company is amateur at best, and lists other units they made under products section. If the alternative fuel cell was working well, I'm sure it would hit the market or at least make it to their developments page.

We're left to hope Focus Fusion will be proven practically feasible and its implementation will begin in time before energy shortage major enough to seriously hinder research. Still, I think humanity will overcome. We've gotten over bigger things than this. As long as Earth doesnt shit us out, we'll be alright.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 2:34am. Posted in How to get anal sex from yor girlfriend!.
Coolness: 194760
I've had a few girls who wanted it ONLY up the pooper, skipping the pussy and orgasmed like crazy like that.

Go figure huh.

Sometimes things are not what they seem... :b
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 4, 2005 @ 11:33am. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 4, 2005 @ 11:27am. Posted in "Away with Humans".
Coolness: 194760
i love how USA is represented by this naive buffalo that looks so much like bush, japan by that crazy exotic bird, etc etc, canada beaver of course and russia by a bear that bears amazing resemblence in face to Putin :)

sphinx's nose thing is pretty funny as well

also how they gang up on the buffalo when its time to sign away the humans
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 4, 2005 @ 7:24am. Posted in "Away with Humans".
Coolness: 194760
In the recent trend of oil/environment posts, I present you this russian-made flash cartoon:

[ www.antimult.ru ]

Kicks ass, this thing. Theres only 2 russian phrases, the middle onw (with them signinc the doc) says "Away with Humans" and the ending caption says "Let's occupy ourselves with nature, before nature occupies itself with us"

» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 4, 2005 @ 12:31am. Posted in 134 !!!.
Coolness: 194760
guess thats an idea. maybe ill stock my trunk with those plastic gas tanks while im at it.

just realized why gasbuddy is faster now. you can no longer click on canada
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sun Sep 4, 2005 @ 12:13am. Posted in Peak Oil.
Coolness: 194760
ive been aware of this stuff for a while. one of my middle-term life goals is to buy as much far countryside land as possible, build a very durable house on it with a massive library and non-perishable food stores as well as preferavly fertile land nearby and some greenhouses and renewable energy generation facilities (windmill generators, solar panels, whatever else tech industry comes up with by then). best case scenario, its gonna be a great retreat. worst case, it may make life ALOT easier for me and mine.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Sat Sep 3, 2005 @ 11:03pm. Posted in 134 !!!.
Coolness: 194760
question is, if i ride down to Chazy will the gas I burn in the process justify the money I save?

[ gasbuddy.com ] was being quite slow for a few days.. seems ok now..
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 4:43pm. Posted in gas is 1.47$/L in Montreal as of now.
Coolness: 194760
get your job to pay your gas if you drive there

im writing eeeeeverything off tax and gonna also start charging my clients gas money if i have to go far for an office call
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 2:58pm. Posted in gas is 1.47$/L in Montreal as of now.
Coolness: 194760
goddamnit. looks like its time to hit the reservations, for real.

i sure hope i can write all this shit off tax next year
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:35pm. Posted in Why You Live.
Coolness: 194760
physically: cuz I was born

metaphysically: cuz for humans to be alive is the ultimate nature of the universe

spiritually: cuz I'm destined for greatness and to make a difference. and I will.

psychologically: cuz I was, am, and will continue having tons of fun during the ride.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 1:16pm. Posted in New Orleans Devastation....
Coolness: 194760
[ www.livejournal.com ]

has links to live feeds from there too
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Fri Sep 2, 2005 @ 12:24am. Posted in girls with guns.
Coolness: 194760
sam is right. THIS is much sexier!!!11:









Hehe. No really:

^- pure hotness.
» Zz.ee.vV replied on Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 5:28pm. Posted in 134 !!!.
Coolness: 194760
Watch alot more people start stealing gas.

I would not want to be a gas station cashier right now... I hear they get whatever is stolen during their shift deducted directly from their salary. If nothing else, that is the reason I would never take off without paying.
Zz.ee.vV's Profile - Community Messages