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» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 11:52am. Posted in The reason Sharon and I are friends.....
Coolness: 174780
Also surprisingly people somewhat acknowledge your presence.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 11:51am. Posted in Breakfast ideas.
Coolness: 174780
down with yogurt. Try and catch me bitch!
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 11:27am. Posted in Breakfast ideas.
Coolness: 174780
Crepes with fresh mango, strawberry's and banana with nutella..i haven't made those in a while...so good.

also pancakes with 0% fat sour cream and sprinkled with sugah...tastyyyyy
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 11:23am. Posted in MJ Arrested again?!.
Coolness: 174780
I am fucking sick of shows like ET and access hollywood...I don't care who got what plastic surgery, I don't care who is dating who, I don't care who's bithday it is, I don't care who dumpd who, I don't care who shop lifted.

I hope Pat O'brien dies and Nancy Odelles face falls off.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 11:21am. Posted in Breakfast ideas.
Coolness: 174780
That source yogurt isn't any good. You actually need a bit of fat in the yogurt to absorb the nutrients...

While low-carbing it, never, never, never go for 'low-fat' versions of anything. There are two reasons for this: 1) Low-fat usually means more carbs per serving, and 2) Your body needs fat for energy. The idea that fat is bad is a myth, and it is especially a bad thing to avoid on low-carb diets. If you don't eat fat or carbs, your body will resort to burning proteins (like your muscles) for energy, and that's a bad thing.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:05am. Posted in What do you want today?.
Coolness: 174780
^ then stop listening to all that emo darling.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:05am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 174780
Made: this cheesy song...stupid mc mario. it grows on you i say.
made: foufs tonight
made: mini road trip last night
made: tdot coming soon
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:02am. Posted in I always wished I could....
Coolness: 174780
To be able to control fire...like pyro...that'd be awesome.

reading minds...thatd be depressing...cos you'd realize all the malicious thoughts everyone thinks. How everyone only thinks of themselves.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 10:00am. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 174780
Amanda broke my heart and fell for another emo boy...the pain...*points to his femur*
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 9:56am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 174780
The photocopiers reverberating like a rabid hummingbird.

» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 9:49am. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 174780
more than i'd like too.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 9:46am. Posted in hi.
Coolness: 174780
can't complain, but once upon a time i was better.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 9:38am. Posted in Breakfast ideas.
Coolness: 174780
nadine I'll make breakfast for you, but it means i gotta sleep over ;) hehe

I make tasty scrambled eggs...

2 free range eggs
1/4 of a spanish onion (minced)
1/2 a green pepper (diced)
2 green onions (diced)
1 tbls of butter
salt and pepper to taste


2 free range eggs
4 medium mushrooms (sliced)
1/2 a red pepper (diced)
1/4 red onion (minced)
1 tlbs of butter
salt and pepper to taste

*dis one is a bit sweeter because of the red onion and red pepper* :)

accompagnied by either bacon or breakfast sauces and toast / bagel

mmmmmmmm im hungry now.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:13am. Posted in What do you want today?.
Coolness: 174780
a new computer desk
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:12am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 174780
*cough* powder diet *cough*

15lbs. and still counting. awesome
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:11am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 174780
hhc...omg i want to kill someone.

vehenemous desires of death being inflicted upon disillusioned candy kids!!!

bluchem - bicycle race...die!! noww!!!
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:09am. Posted in What did you learn today?.
Coolness: 174780
there is money in being a transporter.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:08am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 174780
haha cos you just called her a funny retard..as if a compliment hahaha

why cant we drink forever....
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:07am. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 174780
save the worms! poor lil blind creatures drowning...
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:06am. Posted in Famous Last words....
Coolness: 174780
...Landmines can't kill you.
» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Nov 20, 2003 @ 12:03am. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 174780
...i used to read the psalms and the holy koran, now i only read the birds and the trees. then im gone like breeze on a summer day, never run away from the judgement day when armeggedon comes say.
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 11:59pm. Posted in Famous Last words....
Coolness: 174780
I regret nothing, but not shooting you first.
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 11:56pm. Posted in MJ Arrested again?!.
Coolness: 174780
what's going to happen to bubbles!?!?!?
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 6:54pm. Posted in Famous Last words....
Coolness: 174780
what would yours be?
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 4:41pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 174780

» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Lockdown Flyers Are Out!.
Coolness: 174780
i love that zip up sooo much katie! i want one badly!
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 2:58pm. Posted in The reason Sharon and I are friends.....
Coolness: 174780
hahahahaha awesomeeeee

Sharon and I causing a ruckus once again
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 2:42pm. Posted in Fight fire with fire Phase 3.0.
Coolness: 174780
I guess you had to be there to enjoy pahse 3...cos i jammed the beer box on her head and she took like a good 3 mins to get it off her head.
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 2:40pm. Posted in The reason Sharon and I are friends.....
Coolness: 174780
I thought it common knowledge that sharon and I would never touch each other...like come one she fucked Ben!! i have standards you know!!!
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 2:39pm. Posted in The reason Sharon and I are friends.....
Coolness: 174780
!*cherryonionkiss says:
*cherryonionkiss says:
ok do you really want to know?
+>the bliss of innocence says:
sure, why not
!*cherryonionkiss says:
i bammed the emo fag
!*cherryonionkiss says:
but shhhhh
+>the bliss of innocence says:
lol no you didnt.
!*cherryonionkiss says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
i was just told!
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
she told you
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
she wasnt supposed to fucking say a fucking thing.
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
im going to fucking kill her
+>the bliss of innocence says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
no you dont?
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers s
!*cherryonionkiss says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
!*cherryonionkiss says:
yeah but keep that quiet okay? i don't want jess and trish to know
!*cherryonionkiss says:
oh my god
!*cherryonionkiss says:
this is so great
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
haha so gullible
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
it is!
!*cherryonionkiss says:
this is like the coolest thing ever
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
she thinks im flaming mad at you
!*cherryonionkiss says:
yeah i know
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
but i thought you liked megan?
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
i do
+>the bliss of innocence says:
way to go!
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
i didnt do anything wrong
!*cherryonionkiss says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
no of course i wont tell them.
+>the bliss of innocence says:
you got my slopped seconds
!*cherryonionkiss says:
... yeah thanks! hah
+>the bliss of innocence says:
!*cherryonionkiss says:
don't tell him i told you!
!*cherryonionkiss says:
did you?
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
sharon got my sloppy seconds!
!*cherryonionkiss says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
yo copy this next part of our convo to jackie
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
You fucking bitch!
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
i fucking told you not to say shit
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
what the fuck is your problem
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
if this shit fucks up anything between me and megan, you re fucking dead
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
ahahaha send that too her
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
tell her you are scared
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
tell her i just called you and told you off
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
bahaha this is great
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
she is so gullible
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
i cant believe she thinks we fucked, so gay
!*cherryonionkiss says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
+>the bliss of innocence says:
!*cherryonionkiss says:
yeah but keep that quiet okay? i don't want jess and trish to know
+>the bliss of innocence says:
no of course i wont tell them.
+>the bliss of innocence says:
you got my slopped seconds
!*cherryonionkiss says:
... yeah thanks! hah
+>the bliss of innocence says:

!*cherryonionkiss says:
!*cherryonionkiss says:
yeah make sure NO one finds out
!*cherryonionkiss says:
i think shit would hit the fan
+>the bliss of innocence says:
why would i? its none of my business
+>the bliss of innocence says:
ya i think it would badly, too.
!*cherryonionkiss says:
seriously he doesn't want megan to find out
+>the bliss of innocence says:
esp if megan found out...
!*cherryonionkiss says:
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
omg!!! awesome
[Ideals of the Phoenix] - Hurt so good through ivory rain and cut throat soap box derby racers says:
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 2:26pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 174780
i love that pic of me and pookie...im getting it printed this week :)
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Fight fire with fire Phase 3.0.
Coolness: 174780
Now i dunno if people will find this as amusing as i do...but if you were there, you'll be ready to pee your pants.

Music composed by The Horrorist
Filming & cinematography by Katie Kaboom
Hosting by UU7

around proud to present you...

[ users.orbit-x.org ]
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 1:18pm. Posted in the elimidate anonymous thread..
Coolness: 174780
my god, sharon looks so pretty
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 1:06pm. Posted in Jeffs Package.
Coolness: 174780
haha i think everyone knows.
» Violence_Inc replied on Wed Nov 19, 2003 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Christmas whishlist.
Coolness: 174780
im not putting anything in this list, cos i like to make it very difficult for everyone to buy me stuff. Ask jackie...i do most of my personal shopping around december. mouahahaha
» Violence_Inc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 11:36pm. Posted in If I had to shoot up ONE thing....
Coolness: 174780
hope, and maybe some more faith
» Violence_Inc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 11:32pm. Posted in how do i put pictures.
Coolness: 174780
first there is two trance djs at thierry's...now two jeff's what the fuck?!? where is my manager...
» Violence_Inc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 11:32pm. Posted in Need suggestions for music to download...
Coolness: 174780
finch - what is to burn (the whole album rocks!) (punkish / metal)

Jedi MInd tricks - Vision of ghandi (hip hop)

Archive - Londinium (trip hop)
» Violence_Inc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 5:36pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 174780
missy - hot boys
» Violence_Inc replied on Tue Nov 18, 2003 @ 5:31pm. Posted in Fight fire with fire Phase 2.0.
Coolness: 174780
haha you've almost completed the circle.
Violence_Inc's Profile - Community Messages