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» v.2-1 replied on Sun May 20, 2012 @ 10:59am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By NATHAN

So when are we going to discuss raves, in this RAVE forum?

'cause, [ theparanoiaisgettingtomeOMGnaziraversquicksomeonecallthepolicethisisunacceptable.ca ] doesn't really interest me ...

» v.2-1 replied on Sun May 20, 2012 @ 10:56am. Posted in The student protests.
Coolness: 159840
Well, it's clearly not about tuition fees anymore, it's about showing their dissatisfaction with our current government. A daily million dollar show of discontent in an attempt to... I'm not even sure what. Dethrone Charest ? Unless it's election time, not likely to happen. Educating the masses ? It's been at least 3 months, EVERYONE's heard about it by now.

As much as the reasons for protesting are real and valid, I'm finding this whole "massive protest" formula starting to feel stale, redundant and more of a massive power trip than anything. There's gotta be more than one way to show your discontent and try to topple a government. What else ? Well, if I had all the answers, maybe the conflict would've ended by now.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 11:38am. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Well it is possible, if we got rid of some of your "friends" (Masa, Sourultrafast and Version)

From what I can see they have been involved in EVERY drama incident on this board so far

Awesome detective work there mr. Holmes. I think now would also be an excellent time to point out that, ironically enough, in all the supposed drama incidents, it just so happens YOU replied in each and everyone of them. Coincidence ? I think not.

I mean, when I look at all the times I replied to Masa, no drama happened. When SourUltraFast replies to me, no drama. When Masa replies to SourUltraFast... well, you get the idea. Then YOU come along and somehow, drama appears and is multiplied exponentially.

Yet, here you are pointing the accusatory finger when yet, it seems impossible for you to practice what you preach. I mean, ending each and every reply with that stupid bet thing certainly isn't opening the door wide open for drama to let itself in and abuse your feeble body. Because PMing those concerned would probably be too passive now wouldn't it ? So what we are confronted to here is pretty much a junkie telling another junkie to stop doing drugs.

And secretly, we are waiting for that day where we learned you ODed and didn't make it.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu May 17, 2012 @ 11:05am. Posted in who is this zombienathan and what is his problem.
Coolness: 159840
Ok wait.

So the internet isn't real, people online ( including here ) are fictional and we shouldn't take anything that happens online personally.

Therefore this whole bet thing is invalid since it occurred in the world of make believe.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed May 16, 2012 @ 9:54am. Posted in who is this zombienathan and what is his problem.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
If you take Masa or Version for example, they clearly started insulting Johnny first for no reason which would make them the trolls in this situation, not Johnny, despite all their crying about being victims.

It's a good thing you're a DJ Hammish because fuck would you ever make a piss poor detective.

Can you find me evidence that I started insulting Clamps before he started insulting anyone else on the board ? It's one thing to come up with such claims, it's another to prove it. Come on, Columbo, I'll be waiting right here.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed May 16, 2012 @ 9:45am. Posted in max and his weapons.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Yeah probably, although I've never really taken anything on here too seriously

Right. Unless it deals with threats, violence, racism, bets and how poor your DJing skills are to which holy crap do you break everyone's balls for days about that. But aside from that, yeah never taken anything ELSE seriously on here.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue May 15, 2012 @ 11:07am. Posted in why Bliss is bad for this board.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
Maybe you should lay it off, it's not worth getting hurt over

Bliss if you receive any threats you should inform the police immediately

It would be rediculous for someone to get hurt over drama on this site

I might be mean sometimes but I'm just kidding around and don't believe in violence

Really unacceptable

I should lay it off ? Why ? Hurt over what ? Wait, IS THAT A THREAT ?

Yes Bliss, if you receive any threats, don't man up, immediately go cry to the police which are probably too busy night sticking people in massive protests to care about some Internet quarrel right now.

It would even more ridiculous to be confronted to threats on this website and continue logging in here. If someone threatens you, maybe you should start avoiding them entirely instead of sticking around and waiting for the inevitable to happen.

Apparently nowadays, being mean can be dismissed as a joke. I'm just waiting for Robert Pickton to go " O HAI ! JUST KILLED 74 PROSTITUTES BUT...WAS JUST KIDDING ! LOL ! "

Really unacceptable... unless you're online using a fake account. Then, anything goes.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue May 15, 2012 @ 10:40am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 159840
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon May 14, 2012 @ 10:38am. Posted in why Bliss is bad for this board.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Is that a threat?

Definition of Threat ; A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not.

I made no mention of any sort of punishment whatsoever so no, you wuss. This does not constitute a thread.
» v.2-1 replied on Sun May 13, 2012 @ 8:32pm. Posted in why Bliss is bad for this board.
Coolness: 159840
- You carry a box of vinyls and headphones around

- Max carries a box of ammo and quite possibly an M4 semi-automatic weapon around

Maybe you should lay off the bet thing a bit.
» v.2-1 replied on Sun May 13, 2012 @ 8:29pm. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 159840
Our scene ? What scene ? The psytrance scene ? When were you a part of that ?

The only scene we're concerned about is the one you're making.
» v.2-1 replied on Sun May 13, 2012 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
breaking the man code

[ mistupid.com ]

Says nothing about bets.
» v.2-1 replied on Sat May 12, 2012 @ 8:02pm. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 159840
For a guy that hates nazis, you really seem to take an inordinate amount of time talking to them. That makes you a nazi by association.
» v.2-1 replied on Sat May 12, 2012 @ 10:02am. Posted in why Bliss is bad for this board.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
damn you guys are stupid

Wish I could prove how stupid you are but I'm not risking threats from nazi ravers

I guarantee bliss is actually laughing his ass off at all this

No actually, WE are laughing our asses off at someone who likes to hang out online with stupid people then come complaining about it, supposedly lives in Germany and is afraid of getting threats from big bad imaginary nazi ravers who we all know are incredibly dangerous because of our unsurpassed glowstick abilities.

Wow. Just... wow. Don't they make pills for that nowadays ?
» v.2-1 replied on Sat May 12, 2012 @ 9:42am. Posted in Beware of Masa and Max -) Mauvais payeurs.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
seriously I sometimes think the people here sleep on piles of hay in stables drunk from cough syrup

You know, for someone who only started posting recently, you make a lot of inaccurate and downright stupid assumptions regarding people on here. Maybe you ought to know us first before shit talking your way on here.

Unless you're not actually new here and the reason you won't give out any info about yourself is... well, that's kinda easy if I apply the same shit logic you've displayed here so far : you ain't in Germany, you're another cloned account and you're just trolling people on here to make up for the lack of friends and attention you're not getting in real life, like most trolls.

Je passe mon temps à parler à des enfants-roi à la journée longue, je commence à connaître votre estie de pattern de je-m'en-foutisme et de faire ce qui vous tentent sans conséquences mais la journée tu te fais ramasser par quelqu'un que t'as fait chier en ligne, tu crie au meurtre comme une vierge offensée pis t'appelle maman pis papa pour te défendre parce qu'en réalité, t'as juste des couilles derrière le couvert de l'anonymat en ligne.

So just keep talking, it let's your true self show through the piles of bullshit.
» v.2-1 replied on Sat May 12, 2012 @ 9:14am. Posted in Apple iPhone 4S - Siri Might Hate The Jews.
Coolness: 159840
Oh there's no denying the Android platform is a lot more flexible and less restrictive than Apple's and yes, I do agree that it's still possible to load custom ROMs that go beyond the last OS update a manufacturer will release for a particular device.

And regarding the inability to customize Apple's iOS, erm, what about jailbreaking ? Heck, with the jailbreak app Dreamboard, you can even run an Android OS emulator which makes your iPhone looks like HTC's Android platform.

My reply was geared towards regular users, whom I speak to on a daily basis, not the power users who know their devices in and out. But I see your point, Fred. Heh.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 11, 2012 @ 7:10pm. Posted in Apple iPhone 4S - Siri Might Hate The Jews.
Coolness: 159840
The iPhone 3G was released in July 2008 and Apple stopped support for it on March 9 2011. That's almost 3 years. Some Android models get about a year of software updates and that's it. Just saying.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 11, 2012 @ 7:02pm. Posted in cheap not dirty hotel.
Coolness: 159840
No, I'm saying that's why you post here.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 11, 2012 @ 6:42pm. Posted in cheap not dirty hotel.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
you guys are pretty funny for a bunch of 30 year old losers

Qui se ressemble s'assemble.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 11, 2012 @ 1:18pm. Posted in why Bliss is bad for this board.
Coolness: 159840
Ben oui, si ton nom c'est Xavier ou Roxanne, t'es un sale nazi apparemmen. Malcolm X aussi, d'ailleurs.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 11, 2012 @ 12:23pm. Posted in So apparently Montreal has Charles Manson Fans.
Coolness: 159840
Going on a discussion board and calling people stupid and nazis CLEARLY denotes a higher form of intelligence. That's like going to a mental institution and arguing with retards on who's the most retarded.

High five, Einstein.

Oh and good job on not posting any info on your profile. Better off fighting your battles like a wimp under the cover of anonymosity than fighting like a real man online.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 11, 2012 @ 11:59am. Posted in Apple iPhone 4S - Siri Might Hate The Jews.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By JOHNNYCLAMPS
android is better, who cares about iphone

android runs on linux, it is the real mans phone

Damn right, a real man's phone. Because real men don't give a shit if their phone manufacturers stop cramming out OS updates after a year and a half because they'd rather concentrate on newer models.

Although it could be a LOT worse, like Blackberry for instance.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed May 9, 2012 @ 11:53am. Posted in Useless Threads.
Coolness: 159840
Do you find them interesting or don't bother because they ordinarily become yet another trollfest anyway ?

» v.2-1 replied on Tue May 8, 2012 @ 11:37am. Posted in woooo psytrance.
Coolness: 159840
Wooooo dubstep
» v.2-1 replied on Tue May 8, 2012 @ 11:35am. Posted in So what are you gonna do with your summer?.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By ZOOTS
st-jean bassiste

I vote to rename it like this from now on.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 4, 2012 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Is Quebec headed towards anarchy?.
Coolness: 159840
Then maybe you should, for the benefit of all.
» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 4, 2012 @ 5:18pm. Posted in Rip McA.
Coolness: 159840
Like I said on Facebook :

Fuck you cancer. The music industry should focus less on piracy and more on keeping great artists alive. Sucker MCs have to drop the mic at one point. You my friend will bring it in your back pocket up to see the Great one.

Peace out, MCA.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed May 2, 2012 @ 10:11am. Posted in Is Quebec headed towards anarchy?.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
it's already some form of dictatorship. voting once every 4 years is not really democracy, is it?

Jesus. It's never going to be enough for some people. Yes, 4 years between elections is a democracy, it's used by many countries around the world. In some countries, most people aren't even allowed to vote at all.

Don't we just love playing the eternal victims in this province ?
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Apr 25, 2012 @ 8:46pm. Posted in Blisss -VS- Masa [round-1].
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Thats because I was referring to what Basdini wrote dumbass, not you

Learn to read the thread before giving advice you might want to follow yourself lol...

There were replies from Databoy, Max, SourUltraFast and me before you posted your answer 3 DAYS LATER. How in the world was I supposed to know it was directed to Basdini ?

Learn to name your interlocutor or at least quote his message if you want people to know you're replying to them.

Also, I'm noting this down for future reference as a conversation between you and me where YOU STARTED CALLING ME NAMES FIRST before you start going delusional and say you've never called me names or I started it.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Apr 24, 2012 @ 8:38pm. Posted in I hate environmentalism....
Coolness: 159840
In a few million years, the sun will go supernova and engulf our planet in its hellish blaze so whatever we do, we're doomed.

Seriously though, as much as I try to reduce my carbon footprint as much as I possibly can, I just don't see the point in not using my car all the time when you take a stroll in any industrialized neighborhood and see lined up factories all spewing god knows what through their chimneys and cutting down on electricity when you see a myriad of office buildings with all floors lit up in the middle of the night ( read : when the building is empty ).

When governments can't seem to be able to regulate big industries ( or simply refuse to ), my actions in a sea of indifference seem pretty damn insignificant. That's not to say I've given up but I'm not seeing or feeling that whole " collective effort " thing.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Apr 24, 2012 @ 11:15am. Posted in Facebook killed rave.ca.
Coolness: 159840
PUNCTUATION. Fucking use it please.

Also Dee, you're clearly not jaded enough for this website. :)

Plus, at your age, you have an unhealthy fascination with unicorns and ponies... but we love it. <3

Moar unicorns vomiting rainbows plz ! And punctuation for the other guy.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Apr 24, 2012 @ 11:05am. Posted in Blisss -VS- Masa [round-1].
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Well I never used my other account to big myself up lol...but you can go like my page on facebook if you like hehe ;)

[ www.facebook.com ]

BTW never said I was the greatest dj that ever lived, but glad you think that :) Cheers!

BTW never said you were the greatest DJ that ever lived and I have absolutely no clue where you saw that I thought that. As for your Facebook page, it seems you have missed the whole point about self-promotion. Then again, it comes at no surprise that you didn't.

You know, if at one point you consider reorienting your career, you should seriously consider journalism. You have extraordinary skills at selective reading and citing people out of context. You'd be a perfect fit for the Journal de Montreal.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Apr 23, 2012 @ 8:15pm. Posted in Is Quebec headed towards anarchy?.
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By BLISSS
I don't think Quebecers will accept a dictorship, but it could happen

They can barely deal with price hikes without taking it to the streets and paralyzing half the city in the process, I can't imagine a dictatorship.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Apr 23, 2012 @ 12:14pm. Posted in Blisss -VS- Masa [round-1].
Coolness: 159840
All I know is that great DJs don't have to rely on self-promotion, usually their sea of fans can testify to and take care of that.

I've yet to see that here. And by that, I don't mean creating a new account on here and pretending to be some random fan of said DJ.
» v.2-1 replied on Thu Apr 19, 2012 @ 9:11pm. Posted in Would you let your cat to go a rave?.
Coolness: 159840
My cat doesn't need raves. It's permanently on GHB. Damn thing sleeps all the goddamn time.
» v.2-1 replied on Wed Apr 4, 2012 @ 5:58pm. Posted in ta fete dit quoi sur toi, :).
Coolness: 159840
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
You typo'd the shit out of that lol

Accuont? LOL

Yeah seriously :

" make it waSY too easy for them to steal your iNdentity. NeveL information that is used in accUOnt secret questions "

Ouiiish. LOL.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Apr 3, 2012 @ 4:48pm. Posted in ta fete dit quoi sur toi, :).
Coolness: 159840
"J'ai masturbé une saucisse et j'ai adoré."

Hmmmm...pas sûr.
» v.2-1 replied on Mon Apr 2, 2012 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Deadmau5 Flips Out on Madonna for Saying "Molly".
Coolness: 159840
At least Madonna didn't bash on them back. And at least she's not some self-appointed-and-oh-so-righteous crusader dead set on ratting people out " for the greater good " of their own inflated egos.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Mar 20, 2012 @ 3:49am. Posted in Version 2-1 - Lockdown [ Drum & Bass ].
Coolness: 159840

[ www.rave.ca ]

Comments appreciated ! Thx.
» v.2-1 replied on Tue Mar 20, 2012 @ 3:12am. Posted in Unable to upload mix.
Coolness: 159840
Any news the ability to upload Fraunhofer-encoded MP3s ?

I tried to use Audacity to re-encode a new mix using the Lame encoder but it doesn't work any more.

Re-encoding in Lame is pretty, well, pretty lame... especially now that I can't. :(
v.2-1's Profile - Community Messages