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» ufot replied on Wed Dec 22, 2004 @ 1:42pm. Posted in Back On Top 1997.
Coolness: 93815
I was at that parteh... I don't remember much aside from the fact that I had my usual blast of a time....Enigma threw some dope events, it's a shame that he had to call it quits...I ran into him a couple of years ago whilst venue hunting, at the time he was actually the reception clerk for the DeMaurier Tennis center....he's a nice guy, but sometimes nice guys finish last...it is a shame though, and no thanks to likes of Crazy Eddy an friends...whateves, thats like ancient history at this point....

Ufot-never forgetting ur roots in MSPOT!~
» ufot replied on Wed Dec 22, 2004 @ 11:56am. Posted in All the Best.
Coolness: 93815
Happy Happy Dayz 2 all, hope everyone stays warm, well fed and totally smitten with holiday happiness!!!

» ufot replied on Mon Dec 20, 2004 @ 8:34pm. Posted in worsest way to die?.
Coolness: 93815
how about having all of your nails pulled off, one at a time, then having salt tapped over the wounds, then paper cutting the skin inbetween the toes and fingers and pourring viniger on the slits, then chemicals sprayed in your eyes before being pushed down a garbage shoot that has sharp broken glass glued all over it's walls, being cut to ribbons on the way down falling into a vat of more salt, only to have your ears cut off with a cleaver and your knees are smashed by a sledge, then being sprayed with slow burning chemicals and being set on fire...top that...

Ufot-thinking of bad ways of dying...
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 17, 2004 @ 3:39am. Posted in Beat you with a stick.
Coolness: 93815
it was soooooo sucky and stupid that I actually liked it... way to go "katie" another brilliant share...

Ufot-not falling on your face even though u were totally piis ass drunk...
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 17, 2004 @ 3:34am. Posted in How Many Peopel Has Minnie Mouse Fucked.
Coolness: 93815
real DJ's do it with a 12 inch!!!!!

UFot-Milton MOTHA FUCKIN" clarK!!!!
» ufot replied on Fri Dec 17, 2004 @ 3:24am. Posted in Smoking Ban.
Coolness: 93815
Pirated ACCOUnt~~
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 16, 2004 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Smoking Ban.
Coolness: 93815
I think there should be smoking bars and non-smoking bars, and the reason why is because non-smokers shouldn't suffer smokers deadly effects, but smokers shouldn't be denied their addiction in all bars...

Ufot-the thought of not smoking in a bar...
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 6:32pm. Posted in scott peterson just got death penalty.
Coolness: 93815
I think he should be pushed off of a not so high balcony...high enough to break most of his bones and send him into serious agony, but he survives his injuries only to be a quad, then pour gaz all over him and roast him alive whilst he can't move...but not till hes dead, put him out after a minute or 2 and then pour salt all over him...it's a lot cheaper than paying taxes for jail time and even cheaper than the injection...whatever happenned to peoples creativity for punishement...

Ufot=laughing at life because it was happier than the alternative?
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 6:24pm. Posted in somneold Bulssh!!ttt dec.
Coolness: 93815
Thanks to the ol'bullshit crew for having me for a late nite session...much appreciated; good to see faces I've not seen in a bit, goodtimes I believe were had by all...sharron's a dirty dog!

Ufot-not having to protect yo ass!
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 2, 2004 @ 2:20pm. Posted in Rave Is Over.
Coolness: 93815
no, but scandal is...as over the top with his ass-ump-tions....

Ufot-laughing at shadddddddddddddddows
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 2, 2004 @ 2:06pm. Posted in Mr. Bush comes to Canada.
Coolness: 93815
u know, for the amount of negative energy that has been projected towards mister Bush, I gather that he will most likely suffer a terrible demise; my reasonning comes from the notion of Karmic energy and projected intents, why look what happenned to reagan, poor bastard didn't even remember being president(let alone what his name was) by the time he caught the train to hell...yes, I do like to believe he will suffer...

Ufot-hate for the hanus
» ufot replied on Thu Dec 2, 2004 @ 1:30pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 93815
I remember when AOne showed up last minute steez at Monkey Stylez and begged to play and we let him and he kinda train wrecked the set but had kool tracks and the girlies liked him....mouahaha....good ol' dayz....

Ufot-not forgetting the crack monkey kidz
» ufot replied on Wed Dec 1, 2004 @ 5:11pm. Posted in new year?.
Coolness: 93815
pfff/// wuts a NewYears event without a little flood!!!

Ufot-never forgetting that the city pipes suck worse than the city streets....
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 30, 2004 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Mr. Bush comes to Canada.
Coolness: 93815
...I find the fact that bush had never left the states before he got elected even more frightenning than that of him not coming to canada....wonder if there's any relation between that fact and his general lack of foreign policy intelligence...

Ufot-not wanting to be an assassin???????
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 23, 2004 @ 5:53pm. Posted in What causes a drop in blood pressure?.
Coolness: 93815
nope Neofram, that was a real doctor...I don't ass-ociate wit drug peddlars on a regular enough basis to get any kinda illigetimit perscription...Id actually never been to see this doc before, but the clinic is above Jean Coutu on the corner of ave. Pins and St-Lo...it's like a family type clinic.

Ufot-getting sick because being healthy was more productive.
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 23, 2004 @ 4:29pm. Posted in What causes a drop in blood pressure?.
Coolness: 93815
ya the last "doctor" I went to prescribed me tranquilizers cause I was tired...hehe, silly doc!
Tranq's are for kidd325624 76yghm kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 23, 2004 @ 2:45pm. Posted in Whats Your Favorite Song Today?.
Coolness: 93815
2 live crew - Fuck Martinez

Ufot-never forgetting that things fall apart....
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 23, 2004 @ 2:16pm. Posted in pants, who needs them?.
Coolness: 93815
BABY DINO'S GETTING MARRIED? this is news to me, Ima call Milton and see wut he says...besides, Baby D's been missing for quite some time...he was last seen crate diving @ pauls Boutique last summer...

Ps-Those are definately UFO's, babyblue model that I'd say was circa 97'/98'

Ufot-those damn Zaxsticonians///
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 22, 2004 @ 3:33pm. Posted in Brita Filters.
Coolness: 93815
well, I noticed but I thought I'd share my actual non-made up tests with brita since it was a proper thread...and it's true that the results were freaky...we tried coke and it made it a little lighter, but milk was the clear winner in the freaky category.

Ufot-not eating anything that resembled hair gel...cheese wiz anyone!
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 22, 2004 @ 2:23pm. Posted in Brita Filters.
Coolness: 93815
using an old brita filter one time, me and roomate conducted some interessting experiments with different liquids...the most interesting results were with milk, when filter through the brita device, it was essentially turned into water...it was pretty freaky...

Ufot-not wasting time playing with garbage?
» ufot replied on Tue Nov 16, 2004 @ 5:33pm. Posted in Writing with Lights - Photo Exhibit.
Coolness: 93815
...ahem, the plateau is overated if you don't live there...the plateau is fun yet borring and sometimes very annoying if you do live there, the important thing to remember folks is that the plateau is just a really fun bubble, it isn't real...'course I'm personally much happier living in the bubble then in other parts of montreal that are part of the vortex, thats just me though...

Ufot-not hating the bubble cause it was all about the bubble love
» ufot replied on Mon Nov 8, 2004 @ 6:30pm. Posted in BeAsTiE BoYs NoV 7tH!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 93815
sick show, super impressed, definately worth every penny! Paul Revere was SERVED last nite!~

Ufot-not being root-down until ya' root-down
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 7:25pm. Posted in the OC !!! starts tonite.
Coolness: 93815
oc=obvioulsy crap

Ufot-LOL'ing @ that
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 7:22pm. Posted in BeAsTiE BoYs NoV 7tH!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 93815
well...you're totally right, thats why in my fictional rendition, adam borrowed the 1.25 from me....

anyways, u didn't have to burn my little fairy tale, didja?

Ufot-sillyness or was it slyness?
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 7:12pm. Posted in BeAsTiE BoYs NoV 7tH!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 93815
ahem...well, it was a fictional account of events that have not yet transpired, however if you're so into details, then u should know that there is actually a pop machine(which costs 1.25 per can where they set up the backstage for shows at the bell center, so...ha!

Ufot-not forgetting about details even when fibbing?
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 1:32pm. Posted in BeAsTiE BoYs NoV 7tH!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 93815
I'm so there it already happenned, it was frikin sick and I hung out with the B-Boys after the show, Adam still owes me a buck twenty for that frikin soda pop from da machine backstage, if that cheap bumb doesn't hit me back wit my cash soon, Ima send my big foot friend after him...

Ufot-left the car outside with the engine still revin', takin' care of bidness at 7-11...
» ufot replied on Thu Nov 4, 2004 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Toyota DJ !!!.
Coolness: 93815
imagine trying to insure that fawker at our ages...lol, forget affording the the price of it in the first place...

Ufot-not laughin at pocket lint
» ufot replied on Wed Nov 3, 2004 @ 2:31pm. Posted in today is the day it gets decided..
Coolness: 93815
I gotta say, I've been defending the americans for quite some time, arguing that they are not as stupid as many would chose to believe...but this election has closed that chapter in my argumenting...I now know with 50% accuracy that infact, americans are stupid, ignorant and totally stead fast in spreading beligerent violence...I guess it goes to show that democracy whether dead or alive is of no use to a populous that is so dampenned by idiocy which is matched only by it's corruption...why I think if anything this latest republican victory is only another excuse to drink/smoke more and dream of a mad max tomorrow where water is scarce and oxygen is toxic...hooray!

Ufot-for what u believed in, popular or not!
» ufot replied on Mon Oct 25, 2004 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Some Old BullshiT #% Nov 7.
Coolness: 93815
k...so normally I'd be just down the street working, actually playing at the lodge...anyways, Steve, I wana hear (though I wont be there 2 hear it) "the pusher man" by Meatloaf - it was a dope track feat/ on the easy Rider soundtrack...ya man, do it for ME!

Ufot-not working 7 days a week...wait a second, I u work seven days a week!!!#%##
» ufot replied on Mon Oct 11, 2004 @ 5:42pm. Posted in happy turkey day.
Coolness: 93815
yay for working all day and getting payed time and a half...woot... :(

Ufot-making nothing from something and giving it away now?
» ufot replied on Mon Oct 11, 2004 @ 5:26pm. Posted in Ghettoblast 12 October.
Coolness: 93815
now theres a man thats peddlin' a sound after my own heart...lala I heart you an you' acidy ass vibrationisms...

Ufot-never forgetting to stay up for ever!
» ufot replied on Wed Oct 6, 2004 @ 9:14pm. Posted in Miami=Vicesssss?.
Coolness: 93815
may be early, but I'm still pullin' out the old roll call folks...many of your faces I've not seen in a long while, it'd be dope to see a bunch of u come represent on this friday @ the Miami bar on st-lo...that being said, lets call it a thread!

Ufot-that nik guyee?
» ufot replied on Tue Oct 5, 2004 @ 8:44pm. Posted in MIAMI VICE FRIDAY OCTOBER 8th.
Coolness: 93815
ANyBody who doesn't show up sucks worse than the eighties did...nono, but seriously, this is just gunna be a sick one off that we are all gunna get down at...lala said he was gunna take it all off too!

Ufot-not laughing at ur reflection?
» ufot replied on Fri Oct 1, 2004 @ 3:00pm. Posted in MIlton Clark + Dysklo @ Fluid Thursdays.
Coolness: 93815
it was especially heartbreaking for Milton & Dysklo, we'd planned a special set just for that night, and had been looking forward to shakin' headz all week...only to find out 4 hours before we were to play that the nite was cancelled...oh well, I guess we'll just have save our magic 4 another nite...props to Lala and all crew who participated in this weekly anyways, and big ups for help keeping our electronic soundz alive on the main on a weekly basis...

Ufot-being Milton when being drunk was easier?
» ufot replied on Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 1:24am. Posted in Have drugs made u a better person?.
Coolness: 93815
so wut we're actually saying here is that if you're on drugs, you don't have to kill your parents?

ufot-sillyness at odd hours
» ufot replied on Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 1:07am. Posted in vinyl vs CDJ's.
Coolness: 93815
ya well is your car stolen, did u "buy" it? do u ride in a car because u are afraid of horse, or simply can't ride them proper?

Thought so...
ufot-minds that were molded with clay
» ufot replied on Mon Sep 6, 2004 @ 12:40pm. Posted in make yourself.
Coolness: 93815

Check it Folks!

Ufot-being able 2 laugh at yourself
» ufot replied on Fri Sep 3, 2004 @ 7:57pm. Posted in Experience - CIRCUS - Fri Sept. 3rd.
Coolness: 93815
What about the room where city officials come in and shut down clubs permanently for breaking the law???

Ufot-being funny ina not funny way
» ufot replied on Fri Sep 3, 2004 @ 6:08pm. Posted in Stuff to do in Quebec City?.
Coolness: 93815
a fun bar to check out is called "Le Monkey", tis like a Q-city version of the old Madhatters...nyways...

Ufot-dreaming of beer all whilst sitting in class
» ufot replied on Fri Sep 3, 2004 @ 6:06pm. Posted in Anyone need passes to Dave Clarke???.
Coolness: 93815
looks like the promoters tried to pull a fast one on mr Clarke, cause he's cancelled...BOOOOOOO! Sucks, I was totally looking forward to seeing him,....

ON a side note, doesn't suck when your employer "Accidentally" short changes your pay check before a long weekend, and says there's nothing they can do about it till tues...grrr!

Ufot-looking for things to fight for...
ufot's Profile - Community Messages