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» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:22pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
I DID.... but black and brown? they are left for dead with grey and the not so popular "off white"

YOUFOUGHT-wait, wasnt it ufot?
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:21pm. Posted in gosh!.
Coolness: 93825

UFOT-douchebagersm, cause lets just face the facts, they werz full o' GOSH!

Update » ufot wrote on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:23pm



UFOT-the days almost done, so i'll be gone...
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:20pm. Posted in Rare psytrance Vinyls for sell.
Coolness: 93825
is there some GOSH~~~ on the b-side ?

» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:17pm. Posted in gosh!.
Coolness: 93825

yup, its gosh time....\

Ufot-just hold ur horses, mkay?
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:16pm. Posted in How To Use A Vagina By Neuromyth ( 17 Years Old ).
Coolness: 93825




Ufot-wut the hell was that again, o right, nuthin...
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 7:13pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
I like the color red taste, orange can be bad, blue is usually good, green is "aiiight", yellow make the sour face... fun dip anyone?

Ufot-taste the frikin rainbow
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 6:57pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
wut flava?

Ufot-remember banana floiride at the dentist????YUUUUCCCCKKK
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 6:41pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825

Ufot-man thats $@#^ed up
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 3:07pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
luv isnt free for everybody, some people actually pay for it...

Ufot-roll ur eyes kid, roll em'hard
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 2:48pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
aLIEnZed - I dot infact always write a "ufot" message the end of everypost, its my "tag" if you will, it allows me a momentary burst of creativity with words, sometimes meanings & even messages... I don't think I've ever actually taged the same way twice, though Im sure one of the resident puter geeks could prove that statement wrong, its just how I decided this persona would work.... HAVE A GREAT DAY :D

Ufot-stuffy cubicle fuzz-dust in the nose sucks
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 1:15pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
Lyn, did u quit smoking or something? :P

Ufot-wutme bugs?
» ufot replied on Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 6:29pm. Posted in Religion information.
Coolness: 93825
ya Im with the pastafarians, the all great spagetti monsta made the universe, now lets shmoke up some pancakes and forget about the rest of the losers claims to "I did this in Seven days" or "read this book and find eternal wisdom", just face the facts, their aint nuthing that freakin spagetti monster can't do~!

» ufot replied on Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 5:39pm. Posted in Beatdisease.
Coolness: 93825
sEB!!! trops long man, how u doin bro? I think u might have to come show off ur own infection at some point this summa bro, I know u now rock the 4x4 aswell!!!!

Ufot-cheers to summer, its in the mail

Update » ufot wrote on Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 7:28pm
» ufot replied on Sun Apr 22, 2007 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Beatdisease.
Coolness: 93825
beat.dis·ease Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled

Pronunciation[b-eat-di-zeez] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

noun, verb, -eased, -eas·ing.

1. disordered or incorrectly functioning church organs, parts, structures, or system of strange in the body of music resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, musical poisons, soul nutritional deficiency or imbalance, beat toxicity, or unfavorable environmental sound factors; dancefloor illness; dance move sickness; general audio ailment.

2. any abnormal condition in a sound-plant that interferes with its vital physiological sound wave processes, caused by pathogenic audio microorganisms, beat parasites, unfavorable environmental sounds,
generic vocals, or un-nutritional sound factors, etc.

3. any harmfulsoundwaves, depraved soundbytes, or morbid musical condition, as of the not so sound mind or musical society: His fascination with sick dj vinyl executions is a beatdisease.

4. decomposition of a once sound material under special circumstances: sounding kinda tin disease.
–verb (used with object)

5. to infect with beatdisease; make the crowd get ill.

sTArTing SaTurDay April 28th, from 5-7pm, Live from Studio13
Ufot-2 new beginnings
» ufot replied on Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 7:06pm. Posted in Pimples.
Coolness: 93825
hey george~! where did u hide?

Ufot-miss this,miss that...
» ufot replied on Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 5:41pm. Posted in Pimples.
Coolness: 93825
its funny, in all my years, the only thing I've ever discovered that 100% gives me zits is soft drinks, I can eat any other kinda junk food or wutever, but if I drink a can of coke, whamo a zit appears in a couple of days...

Noah, try toothpaste next time, it dry and dissinfects the zits over nite, works like a charm, learned that trick from degrassi i think...

Ufot-zits are for kids...
» ufot replied on Fri Apr 13, 2007 @ 6:38pm. Posted in Server Up Again.
Coolness: 93825
i would just like to state for the record that you guys wink at each other alarmingly often...

Ufot-as if
» ufot replied on Fri Apr 13, 2007 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Rave project in cegep.
Coolness: 93825
rave projects are fun, just don't forget to take a couple of e's before you write it...

Ufot=jokes people, calmer vous dabbords
» ufot replied on Fri Apr 13, 2007 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 93825
DUDE! It straight up sucked ass... I was in Tdot, at this bar, surrounded by douchebag leaf fans, and they all just couldn't stop rubbin it in... let me tell you, when I found out that the isles won on sunday, I almost walked into a sports store to pickup and islanders shirt just so I could walk arround and be like " see ya next season you toronto douches!!!" gawd... it was awefull...

Ufot=hockey cheers for no losers
» ufot replied on Fri Apr 13, 2007 @ 5:25pm. Posted in qui a 29 ans et toutes ses dents aujourd'hui?.
Coolness: 93825
hAPPy bDaY DJ pAPPY!!!! Hope u have some great CHUuLO!!! and btw, nice teeth?

Ufot-we all get older before we die...
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 7:28pm. Posted in fight between toronto and montreal.
Coolness: 93825

its so damn true, teh leafs are da gayest homo team evah? want proof, they've never won a cup in any of your lives, ANY OF YOU!!!! want more proof? Name one of their best players ever (aside from sundine)?? Ya, he was only one of the first NHL players ever to admit he was gay!!! ahhahahahahha, sucka bitch foolz, t-crock got nutin on habsville!!!

Ufot-never say leafs if you can say habs
» ufot replied on Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 7:23pm. Posted in Criss de cops!.
Coolness: 93825
ya but none of this really matter at all.... cause I just saved a whole bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to gico!!!!!

Ufot-hehe, silly ravers, cops bust kids
» ufot replied on Mon Apr 2, 2007 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Cops and discussion forums.
Coolness: 93825
let it be know the montreal police used to monitor this site, and I wouldnt be surprised if they still did...

how do I know this you might ask? We had to work with the city oF montreal and the montreal police force when we threw parties, and they have a special task force that assesses "rave" type events... a small group of police officers monitors all sites relating to our events and culture...

oddly enough when I met them, I noticed they had [ rave.ca ] loaded on a screen in the background at one of the officers desks...

so yes, they do monitor this site...

» ufot replied on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 5:47pm. Posted in yo i miss hitchin' a ride @ the Milton/Clark corner.
Coolness: 93825
hahahaha... awe, shawon.... I gets it, I've been to ibiza before in my mind, I think it was 96, at the metropolis when rabbit in the moon was on stage.... the good old, gawdamn good days!!!!

Ufot-lets get old farted in here
» ufot replied on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 5:41pm. Posted in I Feel so Hold...WinK! LoL.
Coolness: 93825
u r definetly not alone... we are some old ones...

Ufot-ouch, the sting of a youth gone by...
» ufot replied on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 5:33pm. Posted in yo i miss hitchin' a ride @ the Milton/Clark corner.
Coolness: 93825

uFOT-never forgetting my past
» ufot replied on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 5:17pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 93825
OMG!!! so happy, that game was awesome!!! Miller, i owe u and ur bro big time, sooooo happy I went, such an electrifyin atmosphere at the bell center las nite, it was dope! Sick second period, sweet goals by kovi & ryder & STEVE BEGIN!!!


ufot-the awesomness of it all
» ufot replied on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Plateau Saturdays presents : Dj Milton Clark!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
shnap, every1 is outta town this weekenD???


Update » ufot wrote on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 8:42pm
[ ]
» ufot replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 6:34pm. Posted in Plateau Saturdays presents : Dj Milton Clark!!!!.
Coolness: 93825
This saturday the 31rst of March, Plateau Saturdays presents Dj Milton Clark, doors open @ 10pm and Milton's schedueled to start the drop as of midnite! Hope to see some of you fine folks there!!!

(visual representation coming)

Ufot-lets get bent 2gether
» ufot replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 12:16am. Posted in So Who's Ready For War With Iran?.
Coolness: 93825
they don't have enough money and besides, unlike Iraq, Iran has one of the best militaries and certainly navy's in the region and isnt afraid to retaliate, they are just trying to flex their boundry muscle, they've done this before, its not the first time, happenned back in 92...

Ufot-attack attack
» ufot replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 5:30pm. Posted in Dee's Menstrual Cycle.
Coolness: 93825
i should rly blame myself for reading the title and reading on, but GAWDAMN!!! I haven't dry heeved that many times since I saw naked old people on beaches in europe... I mean really, c'est choquant osti!

uFot-die young, cause u look prettier in a coffin
» ufot replied on Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 5:26pm. Posted in CBC IQ Test.
Coolness: 93825
don't sweat it George, I got 96, but I was pretty frikin hungover and I got 117 on the last IQ test I did, so I think it depends on a lot of things... though personally I've never put much faith in IQ tests...

Ufot-turnips are just for brainiacs
» ufot replied on Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 10:24am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 93825
Cage'o'sports plays the blade theme when teh habbies score!!! bouhahahahha... goodtimes, we won, an teh nachos were great, begin sooo wanted to score, so did tenderdress and frikin kovalev is back, I think the vertigo reminded him that he's russian and must take no prisoners!!!


Ufot-the craziest of birds
» ufot replied on Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 5:44pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 93825
Im sorry, baracus, you might consider yourself to be a montreal fan, but any true habs fan knows the reason why we nicknamed ribeiro the "portuguese princess"... he's a diver, a garbage picker and cokehead with ego issues, as far as Im concerned, I not only welcomed the loss of him, I was happy to see that douche leave town. I don't care if he's from here or not, he sucks, point finale. Who cares about ninima, he's not going to be arround much longer anyways, he's a filler, just some joe-shmoe the habs picked up, I doubt he'll leave any imprint on this team, other than becoming another statistic.

And Rivet, well, i liked him I thought he was a good player, he trained a lot of our young guys, and it was kinda sad to see him go, but lets face the facts, he wasnt getting any younger and we needed the salary room...

As far as not being impressed with Gainey this year, well no one was, but then again, no one expected any big trades anyways, fans that followed the deadline all pretty much knew that the players he'd shown interest in weren't available anymore and he wasn't willing to shuffle the deck and pick any old card, so I think it was obvious. Gainey took a chance on Samsonov and lost, so what, like any other GM wouldn't have given him a chance. The chemistry didnt set in and as it turns out, samsonov is just a little bitch tryin to cash in on some things he's done in the past, without tryin to maintain his value, I'll be glad to see him out too.

Lets not foget that bobby G's had a pretty rough year, I doubt a lot of people could come back from a loss like their own daughter and still maintain as the head of one of the most important franchises in the NHL.

Anyways, lets see how we do against boston tonite, this could be the official beginning of our squeek crawl into the playoffs or the nite the habs decide to dust off their golf bags...

Ufot- GO HABS GO!!!
» ufot replied on Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 6:27pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 93825
russian players on give a shit about 2 things in the NHL, forecheck and paycheck... sometimes the later more than the forehand, and thats how it looks for sammy and kovy, wuts new...

» ufot replied on Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 1:50pm. Posted in never ever.
Coolness: 93825
with my many experiences in many of montreals hospitals, the only hospital I swear by is the Jewish. They did the best they could for my dad, the nurses were all very nice and it was cleaner and more organized then many of the other hospitals I've been too. Overall I would say they are the best and the only hospital I would go to in emergencies or even just for routine stuff.

The two worst hospitals in my opinion are the lakeshore and the general... the lakeshore gave my dad meds that he was allergic to, because the nurse didnt read his chart and he had a nasty little time getting through that episode and when my mom was in the general, a nurse hooked her up to a glucose I.V. withouth checking her chart which would have shown her that my mom is DIABECTIC... needless to say, we were seriously unhappy about that little mix up, if my mom wasn't paying attention, we might have lost her on that one...

I unno, these days I think the best plan is simple to not get sick at all, like ever, that way you don't have to worry about all the messed up things that could happen to you in a hospital..

Ufot-the hospital
» ufot replied on Mon Mar 12, 2007 @ 7:23pm. Posted in 26 Mars - Mon choix!.
Coolness: 93825
100% Tofu??? WTF, that site is obviously broken... stoopad interweb political sites.... geez

Ufot-don't believe the skype
» ufot replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 11:38am. Posted in :: Snowboard ::.
Coolness: 93825
Just another reminder, all girls boarders are welcome to participate in tomorrows competition, the meet starts at 9am and goes all day, so that doesnt mean that you have to be present for the start, you can still sign up for the comp or come for the clinics at any other point throughout the day... obviously, for more info check out the rugged riders webpage...

» ufot replied on Wed Mar 7, 2007 @ 1:50pm. Posted in daft punk in mtl ?? maybe !!.
Coolness: 93825
i met those guys back in 99, they were pretty snobby, but then again, if i was them, i guess i would be 2...

Ufot-I know what they look like in real life!
» ufot replied on Mon Mar 5, 2007 @ 3:16am. Posted in :: Snowboard ::.
Coolness: 93825
didnt make teh flyah, edited it, but ya, should be dope, I've never played on a hill b4, so its another first...

btw, how've ya been simon??? long time

Ufot-fruit is good
ufot's Profile - Community Messages