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» ufot replied on Tue Feb 12, 2008 @ 10:03pm. Posted in table hockey game thingy dingy.
Coolness: 93825
um the goalies arent moving, I dun care how coordinated the shots and passes are, if the goalies dun move, u can score everytime... boo earns on that vid, though nice handling and shot skillz

» ufot replied on Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 6:37pm. Posted in American News : Leprechaun Sighting.
Coolness: 93825

uFot-forget the future
» ufot replied on Wed Feb 6, 2008 @ 11:25pm. Posted in I've never heard, or seen anything better than this!.
Coolness: 93825
dialect, i smells a remix!!!!

» ufot replied on Wed Feb 6, 2008 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Bbc Essential Mix Feat Benga!!!.
Coolness: 93825
fOR Those of u getting into Dubstep or think u might want to, CHECK THIS FUCKIN MIX OUT!!!!

This week the current don of dubstep Benga is in the mix, he's recently stormed the clubs with Coki and their track 'Night.' Expect to hear the best new music, from an artist, hotly tipped for 2008.

[ www.bbc.co.uk ]

UFOT-this mix will be up until sat nite, download & explode folks
» ufot replied on Wed Feb 6, 2008 @ 2:40pm. Posted in Ii1ii3_1iici-I_I/I41l5.
Coolness: 93825
I used to be a pretty hate machine before I was broken, luckily I got fixed so I could turn into a downward spiral... the rest is utter crap...

» ufot replied on Wed Feb 6, 2008 @ 11:15am. Posted in punks at raves, welcome? 4 how long?.
Coolness: 93825
WEll.... I can vouch for the fact that I’ve seen punks in the rave scene for quite some time, more specifically, I think the first time I saw punks at rave was back in 96, and they were the friendly kind of punks... And for those of you who didn’t know, punks and electronic music share cultural roots, in fact punk has influenced a lot of music and actually was friends with rap and hip hop when it was born...

As for violence being related to stereotypical/ a-typical dress codes, that’s ridiculous, completely biased and ignorant, but if postulating nonsensical rhetoric as such makes you feel superior in some stupid way, then congrats on the deluded discourse...

UFot-yawnin @ the kidz
» ufot replied on Wed Feb 6, 2008 @ 10:46am. Posted in Not sure what to call this thread!.
Coolness: 93825

Ur timeline is about 48hrs... if u dun find the gear by then, u probably will never find it. The two most common methods of disposal are either instant or long term, instant would be when crooks pawn shit right away or private sale it, usually this would be on island. Long term, well thats anyones guess, private or not, it doesnt normally occur on island or anytime soon after the original theft.

I would check local pawn shops and describe the stolen material as best as possible (ie it had stickers and paint chips etc). If ur friend had a list of serial numbers, that would be gold for both pawnshops and cops, the only real traceability on purchased goods...

Otherwise, make sure he consults with his neighbours, try and gather if anyone saw or heard anything out of the norm last nite. Anyways... good luck, hope ur friend gets his stuff back...

Ufot-people always steel what they are too lazy 2 afford
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Habs not 2nd place..
Coolness: 93825
the NHL point system is up for review this season, and mark my words, when the first team in second or third with less points than others sneaks into a play off spot, things will change////

» ufot replied on Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 3:21pm. Posted in The corporate catch 22.
Coolness: 93825
I seriously am surprised that this thread has turned into a language debate, seeing as how its origin was meant to spark a discussion about non-functioning and archaic structures in the modern corporate world...

But on the subject of language debate, I agree that the bald man speaking in the video was a bit too extreme in his views of the evolution of language protectionism, I also agree that Quebec Anglo’s are often overlooked by their French counter parts and that by the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, Quebec Anglo’s have the least amount of rights compared to any resident in any other province(this a joke referring to the fact that Quebec is not in the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, for those of you that have never read it).

Often the question then is “why not just move to another province? ". And though in some ways that might solve an individuals woe here and there, there is also something to be said about being born in a province and calling it home. I understand and appreciate the intricate and somewhat divided history of this province (which is part of the reason I love it and love to call it my home) but as it often happens in real life, sometimes when people are pushed to the extreme (or so we have been told) they adopt a counter measure extreme that can be as damaging, only no longer to them directly (though the indirect damage is and can often be felt as well, i.e. brain drain, altered competitive economics etc.)

When a language that is integral part of a majority culture, history and identity is threatened over several generations, one can only assume that the defensive and protective nature eventually asserted in an effort to erode this threat may impose change on other languages and cultures as well. Throw in some bated politics, cultural propaganda and controlling religion and you have a fertile atmosphere for some seriously skewed perspectives as well as reactionary and often overcompensated legislation.

ANyways, though long winded perhaps a bit convoluted, all I wanted to convey was that the language debate in our belle province is far from over and thanks to the media and bitter blood on several sides, it may never come to be settled...

Ufot-live free and die hardest?
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 5:48am. Posted in May Yieour Children Since Be Robotica!!!.
Coolness: 93825
tis true, handicaped dem do look, but at an infantile stage they be...

its not long before they will be furnished with lasers and orders to EXTERMINATE~!!!!

Ufot-daleks are only scary when they become real
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 5:46am. Posted in The corporate catch 22.
Coolness: 93825
it is true that bureaucracy is the mother of all employers, but to what end? What use is great advance incumbered with great regression? How does one step foward stay forward if it is followed by one step back...

There in lies the corporate catch 22

Ufot=is it me or is nightshifting freaky in the freaky way...
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 2:00am. Posted in May Yieour Children Since Be Robotica!!!.
Coolness: 93825
I, for one, have been waiting for this day to come for a while... eat your heart governor governor Arnold S., this be your brother from a current time period mother!!!

Ufot-dem robots will PWN US!!
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 1:34am. Posted in Worst food in the city?.
Coolness: 93825
food stamps get you stale bread... thats pretty bad...

» ufot replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 1:34am. Posted in Short Story Ideas.
Coolness: 93825
i think a great short story would be a badly spelled account of the final moments of a girl who started out to write a paper, only to decide to procrastinate on a local-yokel website filled with etards and bastard children, all sharring in the deprevities and low-brow humour that the interweb spews on per second bassis, only to decide that her life sucked so bad, that she take an entire bottle of (insert drug), then, while diezing infront of the since monitor, she comes to terms with how her death was all due to her complete and utter desire to not do her homework| ergo, bordem + devil + stupid and slutty/dilusional websites + crappy tardcore raav moozik = obvious death by procrastination and generally useless masses of life

Ufot-the end
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 1:19am. Posted in The corporate catch 22.
Coolness: 93825
It occurred to me today whilst engaged in a conversation with several of my coworkers that, though not for the first time surely, I had stumbled upon an all too familiar corporate catch 22. Upon further review of this said loop, I then wondered how many other young, autonomous worker bees out there in their own respective corporate hives also stumble upon these realities, greeting them first completely dumfounded and speechless, then growing to ultimately greet them with utter distain, loathing and bitterness.

The types of catch 22`s I am describing are for example HR policies, being open door, yet not responding to helpful suggestions on the subjects of employee benefit improvements (the proverbial suggestion box which is actually just a slotted cover for a trash bin). Or bosses that advise employees to email questions to them anytime, then having an automated message responding to the email which is obviously out of date, because it was set a year ago (maybe the blackberry was a bit of an unnecessary overhead after all eh? You prehistoric git!!!)…

I cant help but wonder why the modern workplace allows for such inefficient practices to exist, other than the fact that they do because of over-aged, out dated and unready to retire management faculties.

Does anyone else feel this way? I mean, you try and help a company you work for to manage its time or resources better because they ask you to, but then they don’t even listen; then why pretend to be listening? How can you expect this to actually improve the workplace? If not just for your own selfish preferences than at least for you worker comrades, are said improvements so impossible?

But alas, today’s modern business world’s motif of high profit, low spending, cut corner industries are more deaf and blind than ever. Ironic considering the potential for synergy and improvement in the workplace has never been as great, if not just for the amount of communication options available to modern business and or the ultimate ease of information exchange…


Ufot-what was too serious for why when who showed up where?
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 11:07pm. Posted in Heath Ledger RIP!.
Coolness: 93825
i heard on chom the other nite that some radical right-wing christian movement in the church belt states approved of his death and went further to admonish anyone who mourned his loss, stating that now that he was dead he was in hell where he belonged... I guess they never forgave him for exposing the reality that gay cowboys have existed and still do...

personally I`ve never seen broken-baked-fountain... but I`ve heard good stuff, and I look forward to seeing this deadguyee in the new batman...

Ufot-never believe anything unless everything is nothing
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 10:57pm. Posted in Who do I talk to.
Coolness: 93825
I have this deejay guyee fronting like he`s miltronix, his name is baby dork or dino or something, the nerve! Just wait till I tell Milton, he`ll blow a fuse! A fuse I tells ya!

Ufot-deejays and lost cause producers were more expensive?
» ufot replied on Tue Jan 22, 2008 @ 11:39am. Posted in sock head mack daddy!!!.
Coolness: 93825
he doesnt even need to play his guitar to get the ladies!~

ufot-ahem, WAKE UP~
» ufot replied on Sun Jan 20, 2008 @ 12:57pm. Posted in torrent paradox....
Coolness: 93825
can anyone name isp`s with reasonable rates in quebec that have no limits?

Ufot-interweb ninja darts in the neck
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 10:51am. Posted in MACBOOK AIR!!! Worlds thinest notebook!!!.
Coolness: 93825
ya, im not vista ready yet and I dun think its ready fo me... xp is solid and does wut i need it 2, no reason 2 upgrade yet...

ufot-never say never
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 9:57am. Posted in torrent paradox....
Coolness: 93825
this was the page where I found out how to enable the encryption option >> [ torrentfreak.com ]

» ufot replied on Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 8:24am. Posted in MACBOOK AIR!!! Worlds thinest notebook!!!.
Coolness: 93825
not to mention that the ipod radio tunner is non existent and apparently a record jack was not deemed necessary either... I have always and will always regard the ipod as a peice of shit, but thats my opinnion... and I`ve never been a fan of apple products, no just cause they look wankerish, or that the gooey platform interface is annoying as hell, but also because why pay 3k for something that in pc land would only set you back about 7bills.... for the look? I`d rather spend the extra cash on audio gear records, so wut do I know...

Ufot-all the hippies must die
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 8:04am. Posted in torrent paradox....
Coolness: 93825
does any1 think there is a way to bypass the peek hour limit? I was really under the impression that you could bypass the throttling by envcrypting your stream... i duno... I will try azereus 2nite instead of utorrent and see if it makes a difference...

Ufot=bell can suck my balls
» ufot replied on Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 10:11pm. Posted in torrent paradox....
Coolness: 93825
is ur encryption enabled? I know that u can encrypt ur stream with azureus... are you with sympatico? Wuts ur download rate?

ufot-understanding is the key to understanding
» ufot replied on Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 7:20pm. Posted in torrent paradox....
Coolness: 93825

I understand throttling and how encryption supposedly stops that, but then why am I still experiencing 30kbps on torrents>?

Im using utorrent and I enable the encryption, thinking it might help (because Im with sympatico) but it doesnt seem to make a difference from when I was using bit torrent client without encryption...

any takers?

Ufot-damn u ISP bastards~
» ufot replied on Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 4:07pm. Posted in Beatdisease 003 For 2k8 ~ Feat. Romeo Kardec.
Coolness: 93825
Back by popular demand, this weeks guest is none other than local dj hero, ROMEO KARDEC!!!

UFOT-time stands still 4 no 1
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Seriously Infected Mix P2 ~ Lolerbuy.
Coolness: 93825
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 3:44pm. Posted in Seriously Infected Mix P3 ~ Attack Of The Cybermen.
Coolness: 93825
word seb, let me know wut choo tink o diss one, its smokin'

Ufot=cybertronian wavelengthisms

Update » ufot wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 4:09pm
feedback??? anyone???

Ufot-the tings one doesnt do for money...
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 2:25pm. Posted in Seriously Infected Mix P3 ~ Attack Of The Cybermen.
Coolness: 93825
Alright Folks,

This is part3 of the seriously infected mixes, download and collect them all and you win a life long infectious addiction to electronic beats... this mix is a 65min journey of hard pounding electronic beats, enjoy!

download here >> [ www.rave.ca ]

uFot~the future is now, CYBERMEN WILL DESTROY US ALL
» ufot replied on Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Seriously Infected Mix P2 ~ Lolerbuy.
Coolness: 93825
K folks,

here's the second part of the seriously infected mix series, was my last edit for 2k7, hope you enjoy and please comment when possible, you feedback and support is appreciated...

download here >> [ www.rave.ca ]


Update » ufot wrote on Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 2:10pm
» ufot replied on Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 2:51pm. Posted in The New Rave.
Coolness: 93825
alls I know is that a bunch of french hippy douchebag ipod blinging motha fucks are trying to take over bars in this city, and I think gun legislation is in desperate need of being addressed on this issue...

as for lame guy this thread seems to be addressing, personally, I don't think he actually exists.,... course, if he does, I think he's full of shit, cause any self respecting junkie I know :
A-doesn't have the stamina or body for porn or prostitution
b-doesn't own a computer (lets face it, heroin aint free)

ufot-heroin cakes
» ufot replied on Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Parties in Jamaica.
Coolness: 93825



ufot-the gosh and the, gosh won!
» ufot replied on Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 12:48pm. Posted in happy b-dayyum DIALECT.
Coolness: 93825
HAPPY BDAY BUDDY! Hope u got ur crabs in check!

» ufot replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 9:14am. Posted in Information for my article about raves. Help please..
Coolness: 93825

Ufot-theres the title to ur paper right thur
» ufot replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 9:07am. Posted in Bbc Is Still On Top.
Coolness: 93825
For those of you who are fans of the legendary Underworld, they have an awesome mix on Annie Nightingales show from Radio1 last week...

link : [ www.bbc.co.uk ]

ufot-annie is one of the reasons why BBC is still on TOP in 2k8
» ufot replied on Wed Jan 9, 2008 @ 4:59pm. Posted in International DJ's vs. Local Talent.
Coolness: 93825
I think there is a bit of apples and bananas in this thread...

though our locals (apples) are awesome, they also grow in our back yard, banana`s however(even though some are not as good as our apples) do not grow in our back yard and are often more expensive... depends what your ears want to eat....

Not to mention that if on the same nite, I can either see a bunch of local friends play, or pay to go see someone like Derick Carter or Juan Atkins or Steve Lawler ... well, I love locals, fuck im a local myself, but Im pretty sure I know where`d I`d be going...

Ufot-be 2 kool, just be it
» ufot replied on Tue Jan 1, 2008 @ 9:49am. Posted in happy 2008!.
Coolness: 93825

ps- im at work right now!!! :o

Ufot-da bonne annee
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 31, 2007 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Have you ever been high as fuck?.
Coolness: 93825
looks like he`s stollen dialect rappist glasses!!!

Ufot-omg to teh gmo
» ufot replied on Mon Dec 31, 2007 @ 2:18pm. Posted in THREAD FOR TECH GEEKS ~ ram upgrading....
Coolness: 93825
i heart u 2 dave... u bastid!!

hey, when are we making beats...?

Udot-2 the fot 4 mdot
» ufot replied on Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 3:08pm. Posted in THREAD FOR TECH GEEKS ~ ram upgrading....
Coolness: 93825
I did a memtest scan, everything seems fine!!! Im excited, 1 more day of trials and if all goes well, ima head back to bestbuy and buy another stick of 1Go so I can have 2Go's of ram for more power~~~

ufot's Profile - Community Messages